Man pages for arc85/celltalker
Analysis of cell-cell communication from single-cell RNAseq data

boxplot_group_interactionCreate a boxplot of the joint mean score for a specific...
celltalkAssess ligand and receptor interactions across groups of...
circos_plotCreates a circos plot from the list of ligands and receptors
compare_group_interactionsStatistically compare interactions between groups of samples
filtered_lig_recExpressed ligands and receptors.
hca_bm_umap_cell_typesUMAP embedding and cell types from HCA BM 40k dataset
overall_metadataMetadata from 5 health blood donors and 5 healthy tonsil...
overall_umapUMAP of cells from 5 health blood donors and 5 healthy tonsil...
ramilowski_pairsList of known ligands, receptors and their iteractions.
arc85/celltalker documentation built on July 2, 2023, 2:07 p.m.