knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.widh = 12, fig.height = 8, fig.path='Figs/', echo = FALSE,
                      warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)


The flm package provides an efficient tool to deal with Function-on-Scalar regression problems, mainly when the number of predictors I is much larger than the number of statistical unit N. The main function of flm is FLAME that detects the set of significant predictrs and estimates their coefficients with the FLAME method. FLAME, functional linear adaptive mixed estimation is a methodology that simultaneously exploits the smoothness of the functional parameters as well as the sparsity of the predictors.

The Function-on-Scalar regression problem that FLAME aims to solve is \begin{equation} Y_n = \sum_{i=1}^I X_{n,i} \beta_i^{\star} + \varepsilon_n, \end{equation} where $Y_1, \ldots, Y_N$ are independent random elements of a general Hilbert space $\mathbb{H}$, ${\mathbf X} = {X_{n,i}} \in \mathbb{R} ^{N \times I}$ is a deterministic design matrix with standardized columns and $\varepsilon_n$ are i.i.d. Gaussian random elements of $\mathbb{H}$ such that $\varepsilon_n$ have 0 mean and covariance operator $C$.

Then, given the response functions and the predictors, the function FLAME can automatically identify the significant predictors and define the coefficients in a proper RKHS.

In Section \ref{sect:kernel} and \ref{sect:flame} the detailed procedure of the estimation, from the definition of the kernel of the generation_kenrel and generation_kernel_periodic functions, to the solution of the Function-on-Scalar regression problem of the estimation_beta function, with some details on the algorithm implementation. In Section \ref{sect:FLAME_global}, instead, an exemple of an automatical usage of the package through the introduction of the FLAME function.

Defintion of the kernel \label{sect:kernel}

The main advantage of FLAME is the possibility of controlling the smoothness of the parameter estimates with the definition of a proper reproducing kernel Hilbert space.

flm has two functions to define different RKHSs: given a specific kernel $K$, generation_kernel and generation_kernel_periodic define its eigenvalues $\theta_j$, eigenfunctions $v_j$ and their derivatives. Then $K$ becomes, for the spectral theorem [@dunford:1963] [ K = \sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \theta_j v_j \otimes v_j ]

The kernel we examine in this package are the Sobolev, the Exponential, the Gaussian (Section \ref{sect:generation_kernel}) and the Periodic kernel (Section \ref{sect:generation_kernel_periodic}).


Exponential, Sobolev and Gaussian kernel \label{sect:generation_kernel}

The generation_kernel function allows the user to define the Exponential, the Sobolev and the Gaussian kernel.

Here an explicit definition of the three kernels:

The generation_kernel function, then, allows the user to define the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of these three different kernels, once the time domain is defined in the domain argument. The type_kernel parameter defines the type of kernel: 'exponential', 'sobolev' and 'gaussian' are the three possible choices; the param_kernel argument, instead, is the $\sigma$ parameter tuning the regularity level. The number of eigenfunctions $v_j$ (which define the basis functions of the RKHS) is chosen as $$ \sum_{j=1}^J \theta_j \geq \textrm{thres} \sum_{j=1}^\infty \theta_j. $$ where the thres parameter is an input of the generation_kernel function and $\theta_j$ are the eigenvalues of the kernel.

In the following chunk an example of definition of Sobolev kernel with $\sigma = 8$ and in \autoref{eigenvalues_sobolev} the first four eigenfunctions and their derivatives, with the correspondent ratio of explained variability $\theta_j / \sum_j \theta_j$.

```r Plot of the first 4 eigenfunctions (left panel) and derivatives (right panel) of the Sobolev kernel with parameter $\sigma = 8$. The correspondent explained variance is on the top of the plot.'} type_kernel <- 'sobolev' param_kernel <- 8 M <- 50 T_domain <- seq(0, 1, length = M) # time point grid. thres <- 0.99 # thresold for the eigenvalues. kernel_here <- generation_kernel(type = type_kernel, parameter = param_kernel, domain = T_domain, thres = 0.99, return.derivatives = TRUE) eigenval <- kernel_here$eigenval eigenvect <- kernel_here$eigenvect derivatives <- kernel_here$derivatives

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,1,3), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), heights= c(0.6,3.5),respect = TRUE, widths = c(4,4))


par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar =c(0,0,2,0)) plot(c(1,2,3),c(0,1,1),col=0, xlab ='', ylab='', axes = FALSE) legend('center', legend = round(eigenval[1:4]/sum(eigenval), 2), xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, inset = c(0, 0.98), bty = "n", pch = '-', pt.cex = 2, col = rainbow(4), cex = 1) title( main = expression(paste('Sobolev kernel, ', sigma, ' = 8')), cex.main = 1.2, font.main = 2)

plot of the eigenfunctions

par(mar=c(4,4, 1, 2) + 0.1) matplot(T_domain, eigenvect[,1:4], type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='eigenfunctions', lty = 1, cex = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, col =rainbow(4), ylim = c(-2,2))

plot of the derivatives

par(mar=c(4,4,1, 2) + 0.1) matplot(T_domain[-50], derivatives[,1:4], type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='derivatives', lty = 1, cex = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, col =rainbow(4))

This example of Sobolev kenrel is stored in the `SobolevKernel` dataset of the `flm`

## Periodic kernel \label{sect:generation_kernel_periodic}

A very useful feature of working with an RKHS is that one can also include 
periodicity and boundary conditions into the parameter estimates,
using the `generation_kernel_periodic` 
function, for example,  you can define a kernel with a fixed periodicity $p$ and a smoothing 
parameter $\sigma$.
If you have yearly measurements with seasonal or semestral periodicity, for example, 
you may use the periodic  kernel with period $p = 1/4$ or $p = 1/2$. 

The kernel for period $p$  on a one dimensional dimanin is defined as
K(s, s') = \sigma^2 \exp \left\{  -2/\sigma \sin^2\left(\frac{\pi | s - s'|}{p} \right)\right\}.
 In the following chunk an example of definition of periodic kernel with `period = 1/2` and in  \autoref{eigenvalues_periodic} the first four eigenfunctions and their derivatives, with the correspondent ratio of explained variability.

```r Plot of the first 4 eigenfunctions (left panel) and derivatives (right panel) of the periodic kernel with period $p = 1/2$. The correspondent explained variance is on the top of the plot.'}

kernel_here <- generation_kernel_periodic(period = 1/2,
                                          parameter = param_kernel,
                                          domain = T_domain,
                                          thres = 1-10^{-16},
                                          return.derivatives = TRUE)
eigenval <- kernel_here$eigenval
eigenvect <- -kernel_here$eigenvect
derivatives <- kernel_here$derivatives

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,1,3),  nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
       heights= c(0.6,3.5),respect = TRUE, widths = c(4,4))
# legend
par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar =c(0,0,2,0))
plot(c(1,2,3),c(0,1,1),col=0, xlab ='', ylab='', axes = FALSE)
legend('center',  legend = round(eigenval[1:4]/sum(eigenval), 3), 
       xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE,
       inset = c(0,  0.98), bty = "n", pch = '-', pt.cex = 2,
       col = rainbow(4), cex = 1)
title( main = expression(paste('Periodic kernel, period = 1/2')),
       cex.main = 1.2, font.main = 2)

# plot of the eigenfunctions
par(mar=c(4,4, 1, 2) + 0.1)
matplot(T_domain, eigenvect[,1:4], type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', 
        ylab ='eigenfunctions', 
        lty = 1, cex = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, 
        cex.axis = 1, col =rainbow(4), ylim = c(-2,2))

# plot of the derivatives
par(mar=c(4,4,1, 2) + 0.1)
matplot(T_domain[-50], derivatives[,1:4], type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', 
        ylab ='derivatives', 
        lty = 1, cex = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, 
        cex.axis = 1, col =rainbow(4))

FLAME estimation \label{sect:flame}

In this section we define an example of generation of data for a Function-on-Scalar linear model (Section \ref{sect:generation_data}), we present the definition of the kernel for the estimation (Section \ref{sect:kernel_sob}) and an outline of the FLAME method (Section \ref{sect:FLAME}) with an analysis of the results (Section \ref{sect:results}).

Generation of data \label{sect:generation_data}

We define an high-dimensional setting simulation with N = 500 and I = 1000 to highlight both the efficiency of FLAME in the estimation and in variable selection. Only I0 = 10 predictors, in fact, are meaningful for the response, the others have null effect on the $Y$'s.

The predictor matrix ${\mathbf X}$ is the standardized version of a matrix randomly sampled from a $N$ dimension Gaussian distribution with 0 average and covariance $C$. The true coefficients $\beta^{\star}(t)$ are sampled from a Matern process with 0 average and parameters $(\nu = 2.5, \textrm{range} = 1/4, \sigma^2=1)$.

Observations $y(t)$ are, then, obtained as the sum of the contribution of all the predictors and a random noise, a 0-mean Matern process with parameters $(\nu = 1.5, \textrm{range} = 1/4, \sigma^2=1)$. Functions are sampled on a $m = 50$ points grid.

The Matern covariance operator is defined in the covMaterniso function.

In \autoref{lin_mod} the plot of the coefficients $\beta^{*}(t)$, 20 random errors $\varepsilon(t)$ and the correspondent response functions $Y(t)$.


```r Random generation of data. From the left, 10 coefficients $\beta^{*}(t)$, 20 random errors $\varepsilon(t)$ and the correspondent 20 response functions $Y_n(t)$.'} N <- 500 I <- 1000 I0 <- 10

defintion of the time domain

m <- 50 # total number of points T_domain <- seq(0, 1, length = m) # time points, length = m M_integ <- length(T_domain)/diff(range(T_domain)) # coefficient for the

computation of the integrals

defintion of the design matrix X, in this specific case the

covariance matrix C is the identity matrix

mu_x <- rep(0, I) C <- diag(I) X <- mvrnorm(n=N, mu=mu_x, Sigma=C) X <- scale(X) # normalization

defintion of the coefficients

nu_beta <- 2.5 range <-1/4 variance <- 1 hyp <- c(log(range), log(variance)/2) # set of parameters for the

Matern Covariance operator of beta

mu_beta <- rep(0,m) # mean of the beta Sig_beta <- covMaterniso(nu_beta, rho = range, sigma = sqrt(variance) , T_domain) beta <- mvrnorm(mu=mu_beta, Sigma=Sig_beta, n=I0) # generation of the

I0 significant coefficients

defintion of the random errors

nu_eps <- 1.5 mu_eps <- rep(0, m) Sig_eps <- covMaterniso(nu_eps, rho = range, sigma = sqrt(variance), T_domain) eps <- mvrnorm(mu=mu_eps, Sigma=Sig_eps, n=N) # generation of the N

random errors

I_X <- sort(sample(1:I, I0)) # index of the I0 significant predictors

Y_true <- X[,I_X]%%beta Y_full <- X[,I_X]%%beta + eps # Y_n observations

par(mfrow = c(1,3), mar=c(4,4,3,2) + 0.1)

plot of the true beta coefficients

matplot(T_domain, t(beta), type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='beta', lty = 1, cex = 2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, col =rainbow(10)) title(main = expression(paste(beta, '*',(t),' coefficients', sep ='')), cex.main = 1.5, font.main = 2)

plot of the errors

matplot(T_domain, t(eps[1:20,]), type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='beta', lty = 1, cex = 2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, col =rainbow(20)) title(main = expression(paste(epsilon(t),' coefficients', sep ='')), cex.main = 1.5, font.main = 2)

plot of the response functions

matplot(T_domain, t(Y_full[1:20,]), type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='beta', lty = 1, cex = 2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, col =rainbow(20)) title(main = expression(paste(Y(t),' functions', sep ='')), cex.main = 1.5, font.main = 2)

This data are stored in the `simulation` dataset of `flm`.

## Defintion of the kernel and projection \label{sect:kernel_sob}

For the simulation we are running we choose as kernel the Sobolev kernel
with $\sigma = 8$ and a threshold for the eigenvalues $0.99$. 
The eigenfunctions of the kernel are an orthogonal basis both for the 
space $\mathbb{H}$ and for $\mathbb{K}$; then for the following estimation 
we can project the $Y_n(t)$ functions on that basis with the
`projection_basis` function.


# defintion of the kernel
type_kernel <-  'sobolev'
param_kernel <-  8
m <- 50
T_domain <-  seq(0, 1, length = m) # time point grid.
thres <- 0.99 # thresold for the eigenvalues. 
kernel_here <- generation_kernel(type = type_kernel,
                                 parameter = param_kernel,
                                 domain = T_domain,
                                 thres = 0.99,
                                 return.derivatives = TRUE)
eigenval <- kernel_here$eigenval
eigenvect <- kernel_here$eigenvect
derivatives <- kernel_here$derivatives

# preojection on the kernel basis of y and beta
Y_matrix <- projection_basis(Y_full, eigenvect, M_integ)
B_true <- projection_basis(beta, eigenvect, M_integ)

matrix_beta_true_full <- matrix(0, dim(B_true)[1], I)
matrix_beta_true_full[,I_X] <- B_true

Given the definition of the derivatives of the eigenfunctions of the kernel (returned by the generation_kernel function), we can also define the derivatives of the true coefficients $\beta^{*}$ and of the responses

B_true_der <- t(kernel_here$derivatives %*% B_true)

Y_true_der <- X[,I_X]%*%B_true_der

FLAME estimation \label{sect:FLAME}

The function estimation_beta is the main function of the flm package and performs the FLAME estimation. The back-end of this function is written in c++ (in the
FLAME_functions_cpp.cpp function), so that the computation is efficient also in the high dimensional setting.

The function mainly consist of a coordinate-descent algorithm to define the FLAME estimation minimizing the target function [ L(\beta) = \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{n=1}^N ||Y_n - X_n^\top \beta||\mathbb{H}^2 + \lambda \sum{i = 1}^I \tilde{\omega}i || \beta_i ||{\mathbb{K}} = \frac{1}{2N} ||Y - {\bf X} \beta||{\mathbb{H}}^2 + \lambda \sum{i = 1}^I \tilde{\omega}i || \beta_i ||{\mathbb{K}} ] with $Y \in \mathbb{H}^N$, ${\bf X} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times I}$ and $X_n = {\bf X}{(n, \cdot)} \in \mathbb{R}^I$, $\beta \in \mathbb{K}^{I}$. Throughout, we use notation such as $\mathbb{H}^N$ to denote product spaces. For the sake of simplicity, we abuse notation by letting $\| \cdot \|{\mathbb{H}}$ also denote the induced Hilbert space norm on product spaces such as $\mathbb{H}^N$.

The $\tilde{\omega}i$ parameters are used to balance the contribution of the different coefficients and to make the LASSO estimator unbiased. The function estimation_beta has the estimation of $\tilde{\omega}_i$ as first objective. The coordinate-descent algorithm, in fact is run twice. The first one, the non adaptive step, is run defining as 1 all the weights $\tilde{\omega}_i$ and the second one, the adaptive step, is run, to obtain an unbiased estimator, with [ \tilde{\omega}_i = \frac{1}{\| \hat{\beta}^1_i \|{\mathbb{K}}}, ] where $\hat{\beta}^1_i$ the estimated coefficient of the non-adaptive step.

A key parameter for the estimation is $\lambda$, used to balance the prediction error $||Y - {\bf X} \beta||{\mathbb{H}}^2$ and the smoothness level of the estimations $\sum{i = 1}^I \tilde{\omega}i || \beta_i ||{\mathbb{K}}$. The two steps of the algorithm are both run on a grid of $\lambda$ and the best value is chosen with a cross-validation criteria, selecting a training set, made up by the proportion_training_set percent of the data, and the remaining test set. The estimation_beta function automatically defines the grid for the $\lambda$ parameter in the two runs as a logarithmic equispaced gird from a maximum value, $\lambda_{\max}$ [ \lambda_{\max} = \max_{i=1,\dots,I} \omega_i^{-1} \| N^{-1} \sum X_{ni } K(Y_n) \|{\mathbb{K}} ] to the minimum value ratio_lambda $\cdot \lambda{\max}$. The user, beside the ratio_lambda parameter can define also the length of the grid, in the number_lambda parameter.

Focusing on the coordinate-descent method. It is based on the subgradient equation \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial }{\partial \beta_i} L(\beta) &=& - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^{N} X_{n,i}K(Y_n - X_n^\top \beta ) + \lambda \tilde{\omega}i \begin{cases} ||\beta_i||\mathbb{K}^{-1} \beta_i, & \beta_i \neq 0 \ { h \in \mathbb{K} : ||h||\mathbb{K} \leq 1 },& \beta_i=0 \end{cases}.\ &=& -K(\tilde{\beta}) + K(\beta_i) + \lambda \omega_i \begin{cases} ||\beta_i||\mathbb{K}^{-1} \beta_i, & \beta_i \neq 0 \ { h \in \mathbb{K} : ||h||_\mathbb{K} \leq 1 },& \beta_i=0 \end{cases}. \end{eqnarray} with $\tilde{\beta}$ the least squares estimator $\tilde{\beta}i = \frac{1}{N} \sum{n=1}^N X_{n,i} E_n$ where $E_n$ is the residual $E_n = Y_n - \sum_{j \neq i} X_{n,j} \hat \beta_{j}$ and it is updated at each iteration. From the subgradient equation we can also detect the meaning of the maximum value for $\lambda$: $\lambda_{\max}$, in fact, is the minimum value of $\lambda$ for which all the predictors are guarantee to have 0 coefficient. For all $i$ [ || K(\tilde{\beta}i) ||\mathbb{K} \leq \lambda \omega_i ]

time <- proc.time()
FLAME <- estimation_beta(X = X, # design matrix
                         Y = Y_matrix, # response functions projected on the kernel basis
                         eigenval = eigenval, # basis
                         NoI = 10, # max. num. iterations coordinate descent
                         thres = 0.1, # stopping threshold for the coordinate descent
                         number_non_zeros = I0*2, # kill switch parameter
                         ratio_lambda = 0.01, # ratio for the min. lambda
                         number_lambda = 100, # num. elements of the grid for lambda
                         proportion_training_set = 0.75, # training set
                         verbose = FALSE) # no show of all the iterations
duration <- proc.time()-time

Moreover we present two features we have included in the algorithm to increase the computational efficiency. The first is a warm start which means that when moving to the next $\lambda$ in the grid, we use the previous $\hat{beta}$ as initial estimation and, due to the small changes in $\lambda$, this means that the new $\hat{\beta}$ can be computed very quickly. The second feature is the kill switch parameter. This allows the user to set the maximum number of significant predictors to be selected by the model: when the algorithm moves past this threshold, the algorithm is stopped.

The estimation_beta function automatically performs all this steps and returns both the final result after the adaptive step and the intermediate result, just after the non adaptive step:


To directly access to the coordinate descent method and perform manually the estimation, for example fixing a specific value for $\lambda$, a specific set of weights or a specific starting point for the estimated $\beta$, the user can run the definition_beta function, the one that is implicitly called in estimation_beta.

We can notice that the estimation_beta function returns as the estimation of the coefficients $\hat{\beta}$ the matrix of their projection on the kernel basis. The function projection_domain allows to compute the estimation on the time domain and then to represent the results, as in \autoref{fig:estimation_FLAME}. Here we show a comparison with the true simulated $\beta^{*}$ functions.

```r In the left panel the plot of the simulated $\beta^{}$ coefficients, while in the right panel the FLAME coefficients $\hat{\beta}$ are shown.'} beta_on_time_grid <- projection_domain(FLAME$beta, eigenvect) y_on_grid_estimated <- X %% beta_on_time_grid

par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar=c(4,4,3,2) + 0.1)

plot of the true beta coefficients

matplot(T_domain, t(beta), type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='beta', lty = 1, cex = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, col =rainbow(10), ylim = c(-3, 2)) title(main = expression(paste(beta, '*', ' coefficients', sep ='')), cex.main = 1.2, font.main = 2)

plot of the estimated beta

matplot(T_domain, t(beta_on_time_grid[FLAME$predictors,]), type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'time', ylab ='beta', lty = 1, cex = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, col =rainbow(10), ylim = c(-3, 2)) title(main = expression(paste('estimated ',beta,' coefficients', sep ='')), cex.main = 1.2, font.main = 2)

## Analysis of the results \label{sect:results}

To analyse the result of this simulation, first of all we detect the relevant 
predictors isolated by FLAME and we compare them with the true ones and we notice
that FLAME correctly isolates the `I0 = 10` relevant predictors, without any false
positive predictor added.



true_positives <- length(which(I_X %in% FLAME$predictors))
true_positives # number of significant predictors correctly identified
false_positives <- length(which(!(FLAME$predictors %in% I_X)))
false_positives # number of non significant predictors wrongly picked by the algorithm

Then we introduce a short analysis of the result computing:

beta_der_on_grid_estimated<- kernel_here$derivatives %*% FLAME$beta

prediction_error <- sum(apply(Y_true - y_on_grid_estimated,

estimated_y_der_grid <- X %*% t(beta_der_on_grid_estimated)
prediction_error_der <- sum(apply(Y_true_der - estimated_y_der_grid,

norm_K_beta <- sum(norm_matrix_K(matrix_beta_true_full - FLAME$beta, eigenval)^2)

The automatical usage of the FLAME method to solve Function-on-Scalar regression problems \label{sect:FLAME_global}

In this final Section we present the FLAME function that allows the user a direct solution of the regression problem. From an fd object, or a point-wise evaluation of the response functions and the set of predictors, the function automatically detects the significant predictors and computes the estimation. It is possible to provide the kernel, choosing among the exponential, the gaussian, the sobolev and the periodic kernel and fixing the smoothness parameter. Here an example of estimation with the predictors provided as an fd object. The $y(t)$ of Section \ref{sect:generation_data} are represented as their projection on a 20 elements cubic Bspline basis and then also the estimated coefficients are returned as an fd object.

estimation_auto <-  FLAME(Y_fd, # fd object for the response
                          X, # predictors matrix
                          number_non_zeros = 20)
# default choice for the kernel is Sobolev with sigma = 8,


ardeeshany/FLAME documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:41 a.m.