This work is funded by the National Science Foundation grant NSF-IOS 1546858.


rmonad offers

Monadic pipelines

I will introduce rmonad with a simple sequence of squares

# %>>% corresponds to Haskell's >>=
1:5      %>>%
    sqrt %>>%
    sqrt %>>%

So what exactly did rmonad do with your data? It is still there, sitting happily inside the monad.

In magrittr you could do something similar:

1:5      %>%
    sqrt %>%
    sqrt %>%

%>% takes the value on the left and applies it to the function on the right. %>>%, takes a monad on the left and a function on the right, then builds a new monad from them. This new monad holds the computed value, if the computation succeeded. It collates all errors, warnings, and messages. These are stored in step-by-step a history of the pipeline.

%>% is an application operator, %>>% is a monadic bind operator. magrittr and rmonad complement each other. %>% can be used inside a monadic sequence to perform operations on monads, whereas %>>% performs operations in them. If this is all too mystical, just hold on, you don't need to understand monads to understand the examples.

Below, we store an intermediate value in the monad:

1:5      %>>%
    sqrt %v>% # store this result
    sqrt %>>%

The %v>% variant of the monadic bind operator stores the results as they are passed.

Following the example of magrittr, arbitrary anonymous functions of '.' are supported

1:5 %>>% { o <- . * 2 ; { o + . } %>% { . + o } }

Warnings are caught and stored

-1:3     %>>%
    sqrt %v>%
    sqrt %>>%

Similarly for errors

"wrench" %>>%
    sqrt %v>%
    sqrt %>>%

The first sqrt failed, and this step was coupled to the resultant error. Contrast this with magrittr, where the location of the error is lost:

"wrench" %>%
    sqrt %>%
    sqrt %>%

Also note that a value was still produced. This value will never be used in the downstream monadic sequence (except when explicitly doing error handling). However it, and all other information in the monad, can be easily accessed.

Extracting data from an rmonad

If you want to extract the terminal result from the monad, you can use the esc function:

1:5 %>>% sqrt %>% esc

esc is our first example of a class of functions that work on monads, rather than the values they wrap. We use magrittr's application operator %>% here, rather than the monadic bind operator %>>%, because we are passing a literal monad to esc.

If the monad is in a failed state, esc will raise an error.

"wrench" %>>% sqrt %>>% sqrt %>% esc

If you prefer a tabular summary of your results, you can pipe the monad into the mtabulate function.

1:5      %>>%
    sqrt %v>%
    sqrt %>>%
    sqrt %>% mtabulate

An internal states can be accessed by converting the monad to a list of past states and simple indexing out the ones you want.

All errors, warnings and notes can be extracted with the missues command

-2:2 %>>% sqrt %>>% colSums %>% missues

The id column refers to row numbers in the mtabulate output. Internal values can be extracted:

result <- 1:5 %v>% sqrt %v>% sqrt %v>% sqrt

Handling effects

The %>_% operator is useful when you want to include a function inside a pipeline that should be bypassed, but you want the errors, warnings, and messages to pass along with the main.

You can cache an intermediate result

cars %>_% write.csv(file="") %>>% summary

Or plot a value along with a summary

cars %>_% plot(xlab="index", ylab="value") %>>% summary

I pipe the final monad into forget, which is (like esc) a function for operating on monads. forget removes history from a monad. I do this just to de-clutter the output.

You can call multiple effects

cars                                 %>_%
    plot(xlab="index", ylab="value") %>_%
    write.csv(file="")       %>>%

Since state is passed, you can make assertions about the data inside a pipeline.

iris                                    %>_%
    { stopifnot(     } %>_%
    { stopifnot(sapply(.,is.numeric)) } %>>%
    colSums %|>% head

The above code will enter a failed state if the input is either not a data frame or the columns are not all numeric. The braced expressions are anonymous functions of '.' (as in magrittr). The final expression %|>% catches an error and performs head on the last valid input (iris).

Error handling

Errors needn't be viewed as abnormal. For example, we might want to try several alternatives functions, and use the first that works.

1:10 %>>% colSums %|>% sum

Here we will do either colSums or sum. The pipeline fails only if both fail.

Sometimes you want to ignore the previous failure completely, and make a new call -- for example in reading files:

# try to load a cached file, on failure rerun the analysis
read.table("") %||% run_analysis(x)

This can also be used to replace if-else if-else strings

x <- list()
# compare
if(length(x) > 0) { x[[1]] } else { NULL }
# to 
x[[1]] %||% NULL %>% esc

Or maybe you want to support multiple extensions for an input file

read.table("") %||% read.table("a.tsv") %>>% dostuff

Used together with %|>% we can build full error handling pipelines

letters[1:10] %v>% colSums %|>% sum %||% message("Can't process this")

Overall, in rmonad, errors are well-behaved. It is reasonable to write functions that return an error rather than one of the myriad default values (NULL, NA, logical(0), list(), FALSE). This approach is unambiguous. rmonad can catch the error and allow allow the programmer to deal with it accordingly.

Branching pipelines

If you want to perform an operation on a value inside the chain, but don't want to pass it, you can use the branch operator %>^%.

rnorm(30) %>^% qplot(xlab="index", ylab="value") %>>% mean

This stores the result of qplot in a branch off the main pipeline. This means that plot could fail, but the rest of the pipeline could continue. You can store multiple branches.

rnorm(30) %>^% qplot(xlab="index", ylab="value") %>^% summary %>>% mean

Branches can be used as input, as well.

x <- 1:10 %>^% dgamma(10, 1) %>^% dgamma(10, 5) %^>% cor

Note the branches could be long monadic chains themselves, which might have their own branches.

Tags, caches, and views

Use of the %>^% and %^>% operators is a little awkward. A more general option is to use tags and views. tag this allows the head of a pipeline to be reset.

# build memory cacher
f <- make_recacher(memory_cache)

# make core dataset
m <- evalwrap(iris) %>>%
        sepal_length = Sepal.Length,
        sepal_width = Sepal.Width,
        species = Species
    ) %>%
    # cache value with tag 'iris'
    f('iris') %>>%
    # some downstream stuff
# Now can pick from the tagged node
m <- view(m, 'iris') %>>% {
  )} %>% f('plot')
# and repeat however many times we like 
m <- view(m, 'iris') %>>% summary %>% f('sum')


Chains of chains

If you want to connect many chains, all with independent inputs, you can do so with the %__% operator.

runif(10) %>>% sum %__%
rnorm(10) %>>% sum %__%
rexp(10)  %>>% sum

The %__% operator records the output of the lhs and evaluates the rhs into an rmonad. This operator is a little like a semicolon, in that it demarcates independent statements. Each statement, though, is wrapped into a graph of operations. This graph is itself data, and can be computed on. You could take any analysis and recompose it as %__% delimited blocks. The result of running the analysis would be a data structure containing all results and errors.

program <-
    x = 2
    y = 5
    x * y
} %__% {
    letters %>% sqrt
} %__% {
    10 * x

You can link chunks of code, with their results, and performance information.

Multiple inputs

So far our pipelines have been limited to either linear paths or the somewhat awkward branch merging. An easier approach is to read inputs from a list. But we want to be able to catch errors resulting from evaluation of each member of the list. We can do this with list_meval.

    stop("stop, drop, and die"),
    k = 2

This returns a monad which fails if any of the components evaluate to an error. But it does not toss the rest of the inputs, instead returning a clean list with a NULL filling in missing pieces. Contrast this with normal list evaluation:

list( "yolo", stop("stop, drop, and die"), runif("simon"), 2)

funnel records each failure in each element of the list independently.

This approach can also be used with the infix operator %*>%.

funnel(read.csv("a.csv"), read.csv("b.csv")) %*>% merge

Now, of course, we can add monads to the mix

    a = read.csv("a.csv") %>>% do_analysis_a,
    b = read.csv("b.csv") %>>% do_analysis_b,
    k = 5
) %*>% joint_analysis

Monadic list evaluation is the natural way to build large programs from smaller pieces.

Annotating steps

As our pipelines become more complex, it becomes essential to document them. We can do that as follows:


    "This is docstring. The following list is metadata associated with this
    node. Both the docstring and the metadata list will be processed out of
    this function before it is executed. They also will not appear in the code
    stored in the Rmonad object."

    list(sys = sessionInfo(), foo = "This can be anything")

    # This NULL is necessary, otherwise the metadata list above would be
    # treated as the node output

} %__% # The %__% operator connects independent pieces of a pipeline.

"a" %>>% {

    "The docstrings are stored in the Rmonad objects. They may be extracted in
    the generation of reports. For example, they could go into a text block
    below the code in a knitr document. The advantage of having documentation
    here, is that it is coupled unambiguously to the generating function. These
    annotations, together with the ability to chain chains of monads, allows
    whole complex workflows to be built, with the results collated into a
    single object. All errors propagate exactly as errors should, only
    affecting downstream computations. The final object can be converted into a
    markdown document and automatically generated function graphs."

    paste(., "b")


Nesting pipelines

rmonad pipelines may be nested to arbitrary depth.

foo <- function(x, y) {
    "This is a function containing a pipeline. It always fails"    

    "a" %>>% paste(x) %>>% paste(y) %>>% log

bar <- function(x) {
    "this is another function, it doesn't fail"

    funnel("b", "c") %*>% foo %>>% paste(x)

"d" %>>% bar

This function descends through three levels of nesting. There is a failure at the deepest level. This failing node, where a string is passed to a log function, stores the error message and the input. Each node ascending from the point of failure stores their respective input. This allows debugging to resume from any desired level.


A feature new to rmonad v0.4 are a set of post-processors. These act on an Rmonad object after the code the object wraps has been evaluated.

Here are the currently supported post-processors:

  1. format_warnings - A function of the final value and the list of warnings, that formats the node's warning message.

  2. format_error - Like format_warnings but for errors

  3. format_notes - Like format_warnings but for messages/notes

  4. summarize - A function of the final value that stores a summary of the data

  5. cache - A function of the final value that caches the value

  6. format_log - A function of the final state that prints an progress message

These are all quite experimental at this point.

The post-processors are included in the node metadata, for example

"hello world" %>>% {
    format_error=function(x, err){
      paste0("Failure on input '", x, "': ", err)  

summarize is useful since it is often useful to store information about an intermediate step but storing the full data is too memory intensive. Rather than stopping the flow of an analysis with a bunch of intermediate analytic code, a summary function can be nested in a node that holds an arbitrary description of the data, coupled immediately to the function that produced it.

d <- mtcars %>>% {
  subset(., mpg > 20)
} %>>% nrow


The summary information will tucked away invisibly in the Rmonad object until a debugger or report generator extracts it. Of course, this could also be used to just store a full copy of the output in memory, by setting the summarize function to identity.

Summaries like this will be more useful in the rmonad world when a Shiny app (or something comparable) makes the workflow graph interactive. Then the summary for a node can automatically be displayed when the node is accessed.

The cache and log post-processors are not yet well developed. But they are intended to do what their names suggest. cache is not yet useful since I don't have the infrastructure to test whether the cache is valid. log will eventually allow progress messages to be passed to STDOUT as rmonad is running (by default messages are captured and stored).

arendsee/monadR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2020, 4:26 a.m.