Man pages for armstrtw/rrcov
Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point

AppalachiaAnnual maximum streamflow in central Appalachia
biplotBiplot for Principal Components (objects of class 'Pca')
busAutomatic vehicle recognition data
bushmissCampbell Bushfire Data with added missing data items
CascadesAnnual precipitation totals for the North Cascades region
Cov-classClass "Cov" - a base class for estimates of multivariate...
CovClassicClassical Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovClassic-classClass "CovClassic" - classical estimates of multivariate...
CovControl-classClass "CovControl" is a VIRTUAL base control class
CovControlMcdConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlMcd"
CovControlMcd-classClass 'CovControlMcd' - contains control parameters for...
CovControlMestConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlMest"
CovControlMest-classClass 'CovControlMest' - contains control parameters for...
CovControlMMestConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlMMest"
CovControlMMest-classClass 'CovControlMMest' - contains control parameters for...
CovControlMveConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlMve"
CovControlMve-classClass 'CovControlMve' - contains control parameters for...
CovControlOgkConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlOgk"
CovControlOgk-classClass 'CovControlOgk' - contains control parameters for...
CovControlSdeConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlSde"
CovControlSde-classClass 'CovControlSde' - contains control parameters for...
CovControlSestConstructor function for objects of class "CovControlSest"
CovControlSest-classClass 'CovControlSest' - contains control parameters for...
CovMcdRobust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD
CovMcd-classMCD Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovMestConstrained M-Estimates of Location and Scatter
covMest3Constrained M-Estimates of Location and Scatter
CovMest-classConstrained M-estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovMMestMM Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovMMest-classMM Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovMveRobust Location and Scatter Estimation via MVE
CovMve-classMVE Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovOgkRobust Location and Scatter Estimation - Ortogonalized...
CovOgk-classOGK Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovRobustRobust Location and Scatter Estimation
CovRobust-classClass "CovRobust" - virtual base class for robust estimates...
CovSdeStahel-Donoho Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovSde-classStahel-Donoho Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovSestS Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
CovSest-classS Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter
estimate-methodsMethods for Function estimate in Package 'rrcov'
fishFish Catch Data Set
getCenter-methodsAccessor methods to the essential slots of Cov and its...
getLoadings-methodsAccessor methods to the essential slots of Pca and its...
hemophiliaHemophilia Data
Lda-classClass "Lda" - virtual base class for all classic and robust...
LdaClassicLinear Discriminant Analysis
LdaClassic-classClass "LdaClassic" - Linear Discriminant Analysis
LdaPPRobust Linear Discriminant Analysis by Projection Pursuit
LdaPP-classClass "LdaPP" - Robust method for Linear Discriminant...
LdaRobust-classClass "LdaRobust" is a virtual base class for all robust LDA...
LindaRobust Linear Discriminant Analysis
Linda-classClass "Linda" - Robust method for LINear Discriminant...
lmom32Hosking and Wallis Data Set, Table 3.2
lmom33Hosking and Wallis Data Set, Table 3.3
maryoMarona and Yohai Artificial Data
OsloTransectOslo Transect Data
Pca-classClass "Pca" - virtual base class for all classic and robust...
PcaClassicPrincipal Components Analysis
PcaClassic-classClass "PcaClassic" - Principal Components Analysis
PcaCovRobust PCA based on a robust covariance matrix
PcaCov-classClass "PcaCov" - Robust PCA based on a robust covariance...
PcaGridRobust Principal Components based on Projection Pursuit (PP):...
PcaGrid-classClass "PcaGrid" - Robust PCA using PP - GRID search Algorithm
PcaHubertROBPCA - ROBust method for Principal Components Analysis
PcaHubert-classClass "PcaHubert" - ROBust method for Principal Components...
PcaLocantoreSpherical Principal Components
PcaLocantore-classClass "PcaLocantore" Spherical Principal Components
PcaProjRobust Principal Components based on Projection Pursuit (PP):...
PcaProj-classClass "PcaProj" - Robust PCA using PP - Croux and Ruiz-Gazen...
PcaRobust-classClass "PcaRobust" is a virtual base class for all robust PCA...
pca.scoreplotScore plot for Principal Components (objects of class 'Pca')
plot-methodsMethods for Function 'plot' in Package 'rrcov'
potteryArchaic Greek Pottery data
PredictLda-classClass "PredictLda" - prediction of "Lda" objects
PredictQda-classClass "PredictQda" - prediction of "Qda" objects
Qda-classClass "Qda" - virtual base class for all classic and robust...
QdaClassicQuadratic Discriminant Analysis
QdaClassic-classClass "QdaClassic" - Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
QdaCovRobust Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
QdaCov-classClass "QdaCov" - Robust methods for Quadratic Discriminant...
QdaRobust-classClass "QdaRobust" is a virtual base class for all robust QDA...
riceRice taste data
rrcov.controlControl object for the estimation parameters
salmonSalmon data
scoreplotScore plot for Principal Components (objects of class 'Pca')
SummaryCov-classClass "SummaryCov" - summary of "Cov" objects
SummaryCovRobust-classClass "SummaryCovRobust" - summary of "CovRobust" objects
SummaryLda-classClass "SummaryLda" - summary of "Lda" objects
SummaryPca-classClass "SummaryPca" - summary of "Pca" objects
SummaryQda-classClass "SummaryQda" - summary of "Qda" objects
T2.testRobust Hotelling T2 test
un86United Nations Data - 1986
wagesWages and Hours
Wilks.testClassical and Robust One-way MANOVA: Wilks Lambda
armstrtw/rrcov documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:43 p.m.