abc2num | Transforms a vector of strings to a list of numeric vectors... |
addScoreVideo_WCh15 | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
animate.event_3d | -pos- is a string representing the name of a directory... |
area_oblate_spheroid | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
arrowsl | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
beamPattern | Returns a function for the beam pattern of an acoustic... |
beforeafter | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
bingo | Draws 'n' integers between 'a' and 'b'. |
convertTeams2dat | Reads all teams in the given directory and writes to a table... |
cropImage | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
cvar | Coefficient of variation. |
czip | Zips the columns of matrices into each other so that for two... |
dbetaCor3d | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
drayl | Returns probability density values of the Rayleigh... |
echoIBM.loadbalance_compact_school | Returns a vector of time steps that balance load on each core... | | Reads an LSSS work file. |
echoIBM_rename | Renames all files in the directory 'case' which contain the... |
echoIBM_SX90_BlindZone | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
echoIBM.workLSSS2sgsc.event | Locates the path of an event specified by numeric or sting... |
ellipse | Returns a matrix of two columns representing x- and y-values... |
extractMutual | extractMutual |
ffmpeg | Run an ffmpeg command. |
finsDuplicatedWords | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
fitdBbs | Deduces a formula for the dBbs using Xsbr, and DISCARD PINGS... |
flatten.list | Flattens lists so that all R-objects to the desired depth in... |
fmod | Modify file name, adding text before file extension, changing... |
fs.test.exp | Tests for exponentiality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test... |
getallplayers | Returns a data frame of all players in the FantasyNBA. |
getEvents | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
get.filename | Extracts all but the file extensions from a vector of file... |
getLevel | Returns the level of tournaments. |
getpm | getpm |
getPoints | getPoints |
get.points_fantasyNBA | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
getprice_testseason | Returns the dataframe of prices for all gameweeks, using the... |
getpriceWR | Reads the data in copy-paste files from the world ranking in... |
get.ssil | Calculates the spherical surface integral of a beam pattern... |
getWR_2014 | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
HIB.MS70 | Processing and writing datasets by the HIB-algorithm. See... |
histexp | Plots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum... |
histgamma | Plots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum... |
histnorm | Plots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum... |
histpois | Plots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum... |
histrayl | Plots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum... |
histweibull | Plots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum... |
htm2html | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
html2mediawiki | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
html2mediawikiAll | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
html2mediawikiOne | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
htmlEnd | htmlEnd |
htmlHeader | htmlHeader |
imresize | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
inside.object2d | Returns a logical vector for whether the 2D positions given... |
int2str | Creates a vector of strings holding the integers given by... |
intrange | Pulls a range to the nearest grid point. |
intseq | Transforms a number to a vector of single intergers. Commas... |
is.flat | Checks for equality of all elements in an array given the... |
iTunes.random | Creates a new random playlist from the existing playlist... |
kernSmooth3dGaussMultipleNoNA.TSD | Applies a Gaussian 3-D kernel on MS70 sonar data given as a... |
kernSmooth3dGauss.TSD | Applies a Gaussian 3-D kernel on MS70 sonar data given as a... |
kernSmoothGauss | Applies a Gaussian 3-D kernel on MS70 sonar data given as the... |
local.max | Locates local maxima of a vector 'y' (given the vector 'x' of... |
local.min | Locates local minima of a vector 'y' (given the vector 'x' of... |
locate.calsphere.MS70 | Uses locate.calsphere.MS70.voxel() to locate the voxel... |
locate.calsphere.MS70.voxel | Locates the voxel containing the calibration sphere of... |
lremove | Removing elements equal to 'item' from a list. |
lwhich | Locating elements equal to 'item' in a list. |
manipulateBeams | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
mastermind | The classic Master Mind game. |
meanexp.conditional | Locating the parameter of an exponentially distributed 'X'... |
mlerayl | Maximum likelihood estimate of a Rayleigh distributed... |
nearly.duplicated | Determines which elements of an R object are nearly equal the... |
nearly.equal | Tests for near equality. To be used when == fails to equal... |
nearly.rle | Computes the lengths and values of runs of nearly equal... |
nearly.unique | Returns the unique values of the R object 'x', where nearly... |
num2abc | Transforms a numeric vector to a list of corresponding... |
pacfbyacf | PACF based on ACF. |
perreg | Periodic parametric regression on a periodic response... |
plotb | To aviod typing 'type="b"' all the time. |
plotc | To aviod typing 'type="c"' all the time. |
ploteigen | Plots eigenvectors of lengths given by 'eigenvalues' in 2D or... |
ploth | To aviod typing 'type="h"' all the time. |
plotl | To aviod typing 'type="l"' all the time. |
ploto | To aviod typing 'type="o"' all the time. |
plotone | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
plots | To aviod typing 'type="s"' all the time. |
plotSummarySeg | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
plotUnitVectors | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
points2lines3d | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
points2score | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
pp | Easing par(mfrow). |
prayl | Returns cummulative probability density values of the... |
printt | Prints the text of 'expr' prior to the printing of 'expr'. |
process_Bergensliga1 | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
process_Bergensligaen | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
qrayl | Returns quantile values of the Rayleigh distribution. |
rank2bonus | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
rank2bonus_old | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
rank2wrPoints | Calculates WR points based on best scores. |
rank2wrPoints_2014 | Calculates WR points based on best scores. |
Rbeta | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the beta... |
Rbinom | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rcauchy | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the Cauchy... |
Rchisq | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
readEKRaw_power2sigmabs | Converts power to backscattering cross section from data read... |
readEKRaw_power2sigmabs.TSD | Converts power to backscattering cross section from data in... |
readEKRaw_power2sv | Converts power to volume backscattering coefficient from data... |
readfromWR | Reads the data in copy-paste files from the world ranking in... |
readTeams | Reads all teams in the given directory using the quickly... |
regroup_school | Writes the function name, description and variables... |
Rexp | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rf | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the F... |
Rgamma | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the gamma... |
Rgeom | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rhyper | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rlnorm | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rlogis | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
rm.whsp | Extracts a subset of 3D data given by 'data', according to... |
Rnbinom | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rnorm | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rpois | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
rrayl | Draws from the Rayleigh distribution. |
Rt | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Runif | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rweibull | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
Rwilcox | Returns an array of randomly generated values from the... |
rzip | Zips the rows of matrices into each other so that for two... |
sortby | Orders the columns given of the matrix 'x' by the columns... |
spacepadfirst | spacepadfirst |
spacepadlast | spacepadlast |
sqcvar | Squared coefficient of variation. |
SX90.getSchools | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
timeclick | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
tournamentPoints | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
tournamentPoints_2014 | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
tournamentPointsBest | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
tournamentPointsWR | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
txt2html | txt2html |
undrop | Adds dimensions to the input element that has length > 1,... |
update.examples.header | Writes the function name, description and variables... |
var.condexp | Variance of an exponential distribution restricted by X<C or... |
vbsc2informationProfile | Extracts a subset of TSD data according to the array subset... |
WR2linesep | Read the tournaments as saved from copy paste from the WR,... |
writePointsRound | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
writeTournaments | Writes all tournaments in the interval 't' (given as a two... |
writeTournaments_new | Writes all tournaments in the interval 't' (given as a two... |
writeTtha | (Internal) Calculates and writes the total horizontal area to... |
writeWRfile | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
writeWRfile_2014 | ***DECRIPTION MISSING*** |
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