Man pages for arnejohannesholmin/AJ
Holmins functions, used also for loading all packages by library(AJ)

abc2numTransforms a vector of strings to a list of numeric vectors...
addScoreVideo_WCh15***DECRIPTION MISSING***
animate.event_3d-pos- is a string representing the name of a directory...
area_oblate_spheroid***DECRIPTION MISSING***
beamPatternReturns a function for the beam pattern of an acoustic...
beforeafter***DECRIPTION MISSING***
bingoDraws 'n' integers between 'a' and 'b'.
convertTeams2datReads all teams in the given directory and writes to a table...
cvarCoefficient of variation.
czipZips the columns of matrices into each other so that for two...
draylReturns probability density values of the Rayleigh...
echoIBM.loadbalance_compact_schoolReturns a vector of time steps that balance load on each core... an LSSS work file.
echoIBM_renameRenames all files in the directory 'case' which contain the...
echoIBM.workLSSS2sgsc.eventLocates the path of an event specified by numeric or sting...
ellipseReturns a matrix of two columns representing x- and y-values...
ffmpegRun an ffmpeg command.
finsDuplicatedWords***DECRIPTION MISSING***
fitdBbsDeduces a formula for the dBbs using Xsbr, and DISCARD PINGS...
flatten.listFlattens lists so that all R-objects to the desired depth in...
fmodModify file name, adding text before file extension, changing...
fs.test.expTests for exponentiality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test...
getallplayersReturns a data frame of all players in the FantasyNBA.
get.filenameExtracts all but the file extensions from a vector of file...
getLevelReturns the level of tournaments.
get.points_fantasyNBA***DECRIPTION MISSING***
getprice_testseasonReturns the dataframe of prices for all gameweeks, using the...
getpriceWRReads the data in copy-paste files from the world ranking in...
get.ssilCalculates the spherical surface integral of a beam pattern...
HIB.MS70Processing and writing datasets by the HIB-algorithm. See...
histexpPlots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum...
histgammaPlots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum...
histnormPlots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum...
histpoisPlots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum...
histraylPlots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum...
histweibullPlots a histogram of 'x' added a line of the maximum...
html2mediawiki***DECRIPTION MISSING***
html2mediawikiAll***DECRIPTION MISSING***
html2mediawikiOne***DECRIPTION MISSING***
inside.object2dReturns a logical vector for whether the 2D positions given...
int2strCreates a vector of strings holding the integers given by...
intrangePulls a range to the nearest grid point.
intseqTransforms a number to a vector of single intergers. Commas...
is.flatChecks for equality of all elements in an array given the...
iTunes.randomCreates a new random playlist from the existing playlist...
kernSmooth3dGaussMultipleNoNA.TSDApplies a Gaussian 3-D kernel on MS70 sonar data given as a...
kernSmooth3dGauss.TSDApplies a Gaussian 3-D kernel on MS70 sonar data given as a...
kernSmoothGaussApplies a Gaussian 3-D kernel on MS70 sonar data given as the...
local.maxLocates local maxima of a vector 'y' (given the vector 'x' of...
local.minLocates local minima of a vector 'y' (given the vector 'x' of...
locate.calsphere.MS70Uses locate.calsphere.MS70.voxel() to locate the voxel...
locate.calsphere.MS70.voxelLocates the voxel containing the calibration sphere of...
lremoveRemoving elements equal to 'item' from a list.
lwhichLocating elements equal to 'item' in a list.
manipulateBeams***DECRIPTION MISSING***
mastermindThe classic Master Mind game.
meanexp.conditionalLocating the parameter of an exponentially distributed 'X'...
mleraylMaximum likelihood estimate of a Rayleigh distributed...
nearly.duplicatedDetermines which elements of an R object are nearly equal the...
nearly.equalTests for near equality. To be used when == fails to equal...
nearly.rleComputes the lengths and values of runs of nearly equal...
nearly.uniqueReturns the unique values of the R object 'x', where nearly...
num2abcTransforms a numeric vector to a list of corresponding...
pacfbyacfPACF based on ACF.
perregPeriodic parametric regression on a periodic response...
plotbTo aviod typing 'type="b"' all the time.
plotcTo aviod typing 'type="c"' all the time.
ploteigenPlots eigenvectors of lengths given by 'eigenvalues' in 2D or...
plothTo aviod typing 'type="h"' all the time.
plotlTo aviod typing 'type="l"' all the time.
plotoTo aviod typing 'type="o"' all the time.
plotsTo aviod typing 'type="s"' all the time.
plotSummarySeg***DECRIPTION MISSING***
plotUnitVectors***DECRIPTION MISSING***
points2lines3d***DECRIPTION MISSING***
points2score***DECRIPTION MISSING***
ppEasing par(mfrow).
praylReturns cummulative probability density values of the...
printtPrints the text of 'expr' prior to the printing of 'expr'.
process_Bergensliga1***DECRIPTION MISSING***
process_Bergensligaen***DECRIPTION MISSING***
qraylReturns quantile values of the Rayleigh distribution.
rank2bonus***DECRIPTION MISSING***
rank2bonus_old***DECRIPTION MISSING***
rank2wrPointsCalculates WR points based on best scores.
rank2wrPoints_2014Calculates WR points based on best scores.
RbetaReturns an array of randomly generated values from the beta...
RbinomReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RcauchyReturns an array of randomly generated values from the Cauchy...
RchisqReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
readEKRaw_power2sigmabsConverts power to backscattering cross section from data read...
readEKRaw_power2sigmabs.TSDConverts power to backscattering cross section from data in...
readEKRaw_power2svConverts power to volume backscattering coefficient from data...
readfromWRReads the data in copy-paste files from the world ranking in...
readTeamsReads all teams in the given directory using the quickly...
regroup_schoolWrites the function name, description and variables...
RexpReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RfReturns an array of randomly generated values from the F...
RgammaReturns an array of randomly generated values from the gamma...
RgeomReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RhyperReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RlnormReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RlogisReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
rm.whspExtracts a subset of 3D data given by 'data', according to...
RnbinomReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RnormReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RpoisReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
rraylDraws from the Rayleigh distribution.
RtReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RunifReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RweibullReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
RwilcoxReturns an array of randomly generated values from the...
rzipZips the rows of matrices into each other so that for two...
sortbyOrders the columns given of the matrix 'x' by the columns...
sqcvarSquared coefficient of variation.
tournamentPoints***DECRIPTION MISSING***
tournamentPoints_2014***DECRIPTION MISSING***
tournamentPointsBest***DECRIPTION MISSING***
tournamentPointsWR***DECRIPTION MISSING***
undropAdds dimensions to the input element that has length > 1,...
update.examples.headerWrites the function name, description and variables...
var.condexpVariance of an exponential distribution restricted by X<C or...
vbsc2informationProfileExtracts a subset of TSD data according to the array subset...
WR2linesepRead the tournaments as saved from copy paste from the WR,...
writePointsRound***DECRIPTION MISSING***
writeTournamentsWrites all tournaments in the interval 't' (given as a two...
writeTournaments_newWrites all tournaments in the interval 't' (given as a two...
writeTtha(Internal) Calculates and writes the total horizontal area to...
writeWRfile_2014***DECRIPTION MISSING***
arnejohannesholmin/AJ documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:06 a.m.