x.saithe: Saithe Assessment

x.saitheR Documentation

Saithe Assessment


Stock assessment data and model fit for saithe (Pollachius virens) in Icelandic waters, using an ADCAM-type (separable) catch-at-age model.

This is a single-sex model with 14 age classes, the catch data starting in 1980 and ending in 2014. The model was fitted to two data components: survey abundance index and commercial catch at age.




List of class scape containing:

N predicted numbers at age
B predicted biomass, recruitment, and observed landings (year things)
Sel predicted selectivity and observed maturity (age things)
Dev predicted recruitment deviates from the stock-recruitment curve
Survey survey abundance index and fit
CAc commercial C@A (catch at age) and fit
CAs survey C@A and fit


Bjornsson and Magnusson (2009) give a general description of the ADCAM modelling platform. The specific model used in this assessment is described in the ICES (2015) assessment report.

Fleet selectivity is modelled with three periods: 1980-1996, 1997-2003, and 2004 onwards.


The list was imported from results files in the directory ‘scape/example/saithe’ using importADCAM.

The functions ll (package gdata) and head are recommended for browsing nested objects, e.g. ll(x.saithe), ll(x.saithe$N), and head(x.saithe$N).


ICES (2015) Report of the North-Western Working Group (NWWG). ICES CM 2015/ACOM:07.


Bjornsson, H. and A. Magnusson. (2009) ADCAM user manual (draft version). ICES CM 2009/ACOM:56, Annex 6.

See Also

importADCAM was used to import the fitted model.

x.cod, x.ling, x.oreo, x.saithe, and x.sbw are fitted scape models to explore.

scape-package gives an overview of the package.


plotCA(x.saithe, "c")
plotCA(x.saithe, "s")
plotIndex(x.saithe, "s")

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