
# name          : underreporting_degree_distribution.R
# description   : Exploration of Tanzania Data using bilateral links only
# maintainer    : Arnob L. Alam <>
# updated       : 2016-08-02
# Exploration of the degree distribution of the underreporting model as well
# as theoretical fits to Kackson-Rogers and Erdos-Renyi models

# Source in the utility file

library(nlme)"Reading in data")
tanzania_data <- read.csv("data/tanzania_data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)"Converting to igraph structure")
# If either household says there is a link between them, we count it
links <- as.matrix(tanzania_data[tanzania_data$willingness_link1 == 1 |tanzania_data$willingness_link2 == 1, 1:2])
# class(links) <- "character"
# Create an igraph undirected graph from the links
tanzania_graph <- graph_from_edgelist(links, directed = FALSE)
# Remove multiple and loops
tanzania_graph <- simplify(tanzania_graph,
                           remove.multiple = TRUE,
                           remove.loops = TRUE)

d <- cumsum(degree.distribution(tanzania_graph))

freqs <- data.frame(degree = 0:(length(d) - 1),
                    freq = d,
                    log_comp_cum_freq = log(1 - d + 0.01))
x <- data.frame(vertex = 1:length(V(tanzania_graph)),
                degree = degree(tanzania_graph)) %>%
x$d0 <- 0
x$m <- mean(degree(tanzania_graph))

x <- x[!duplicated(x$degree),]

# my_model <- nls(freq ~ 1 - ((d0 + r*m)/(degree + r*m)) ^ (1 + r), data = x,
#                 start = list(r = 0.1))

r <- 1
for (i in 1:100) { #100 iterations
    right <- log(x$degree + r*x$m)
    model_1 <- gls(log_comp_cum_freq ~ right, data = x)
    r <- -coef(model_1)[[2]] - 1
    print(r, digits = 17)

# d0 <- 0
# m <- mean(degree(tanzania_graph))/2
# jackson_rogers <- 1 - ((d0 + r*m)/(0:max(degree(tanzania_graph)) + r*m)) ^ (1 + r)
# poisson_ <- ppois(0:max(degree(tanzania_graph)),
#                   lambda = mean(degree(tanzania_graph)))
# plot(freq ~ degree, data = x, log = "xy")
# lines(1 - jackson_rogers, col = "red")
# lines(1 - poisson_, col = "blue")
# legend("bottomleft", legend = c("actual", "Jackson-Rogers", "Poisson"),
#        lty = c(NA, 1, 1))
arnoblalam/risk_sharing documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:46 p.m.