aggreg.stability | Soil Aggregate-Size Distribution |
aggreg.stability_App | A shiny for Soil Aggregate-Size Distribution |
bulkDensity | Soil Bulk Density Data Set |
compaction | Soil Compaction Data Set |
compressive_properties | Estimation of compressive properties by Defossez et al.... |
compressive_properties2 | Estimation of compressive properties by Keller and Arvidsson... |
compressive_properties3 | Estimation of compressive properties by de Lima et al. (2018) |
compressive_properties4 | Estimation of compressive properties by de Lima et al. (2020) |
compressive_properties5 | Estimation of compressive properties by O'Sullivan et al.... |
criticalmoisture | Critical Moisture and Maximum Bulk Density |
fitbusscher | Self-starting Nls Busscher's (1990) Model for Soil... |
fitlbc | Parameter Estimation of the Load Bearing Capacity Model |
fitsoilwater | Interactive Estimation of van Genuchten's (1980) Model... |
fitsoilwater2 | Interactive Estimation of the Groenevelt and Grant (2004)... |
fitsoilwater3 | Interactive Estimation of the Dexter's (2008) Model... |
fitsoilwater4 | Self-starting Nls Power Models for Soil Water Retention |
fitsoilwater5 | Interactive Estimation of the Modified van Genuchten's Model... |
fitsoilwater_App | A shiny for fitting soil water retention curves |
fun2form | Converting Function to Formula |
getInitiallbc | Get Initial Parameter Estimates for the Load Bearing Capacity... |
hemc | High-Energy-Moisture-Characteristics Aggregate Stability |
HEMC_App | High Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) curve for... |
hydraulicCutOff | The matric potential at the point of hydraulic cut-off... |
hydraulicCutOff2 | The matric potential at the point of hydraulic cut-off using... |
iwc | Integral Water Capacity (IWC) |
Kr_h | Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity |
Kr_theta | Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity as a function of water... |
liquidlimit | Soil Liquid Limit |
llwr | Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) |
LLWR_App | A shiny for calculation of the usual least limiting water... |
llwr_llmpr | Least Limiting Water (LLWR) and Matric Potential Ranges... |
LLWR_LLMPR_App | A shiny for calculation of least limiting water and matric... |
llwrPTF | Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) Using Pedo-Transfer... |
maxcurv | Maximum Curvature Point |
particle.sedimentation | Sedimentation time of soil particles in aqueous media |
particle.sedimentation_App | A shiny for time of particle sedimentation |
plotCIsigmaP | Percentile Confidence Intervals for Simulated... |
PredComp | A shiny for simulation of soil compaction |
psd | Soil Pore Size Distribution |
r | Equation of capillary |
r_App | A shiny for equation of capillarity |
Rsq | Multiple R-squared |
sigmaP | Preconsolidation Stress |
simSigmaP | Simulating Preconsolidation Stress |
Sindex | The S Index |
skp1994 | LLWR Data Set |
SoilAggregate | Soil Aggregate Size Data Set |
soilDeformation | Soil deformation by O'Sullivan and Robertson (1996) |
soilphysics-package | Soil Physical Analysis |
soilStrength | Estimation of precompression stress by Severiano et al.... |
soilStrength2 | Estimation of precompression stress by Schjonning and Lamande... |
soilStrength3 | Estimation of precompression stress by Saffih-Hdadi et al.... |
soilStrength4 | Estimation of precompression stress by Lebert and Horn (1991) |
soilStrength5 | Estimation of precompression stress by Imhoff et al. (2004) |
soilwater | Soil Water Retention, based on the van Genuchten's (1980)... |
soilwater2 | Soil Water Retention, based on the Groenevelt & Grant (2004)... |
soilwater3 | Soil Water Retention, based on the Dexter's (2008) formula |
soilwater4 | Soil Water Retention, based on Power Models |
soilwater5 | Soil Water Retention, based on the modified van Genuchten's... |
SSlbc | Self-Starting Nls Load Bearing Capacity Model |
stressTraffic | Predicting Soil Stress Due to Agricultural Trafficability |
voidratio | Void Ratio |
WRC_App | A shiny to automatically fit the water retention curve |
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