Man pages for arsilva87/soilphysics
Soil Physical Analysis

aggreg.stabilitySoil Aggregate-Size Distribution
aggreg.stability_AppA shiny for Soil Aggregate-Size Distribution
bulkDensitySoil Bulk Density Data Set
compactionSoil Compaction Data Set
compressive_propertiesEstimation of compressive properties by Defossez et al....
compressive_properties2Estimation of compressive properties by Keller and Arvidsson...
compressive_properties3Estimation of compressive properties by de Lima et al. (2018)
compressive_properties4Estimation of compressive properties by de Lima et al. (2020)
compressive_properties5Estimation of compressive properties by O'Sullivan et al....
criticalmoistureCritical Moisture and Maximum Bulk Density
fitbusscherSelf-starting Nls Busscher's (1990) Model for Soil...
fitlbcParameter Estimation of the Load Bearing Capacity Model
fitsoilwaterInteractive Estimation of van Genuchten's (1980) Model...
fitsoilwater2Interactive Estimation of the Groenevelt and Grant (2004)...
fitsoilwater3Interactive Estimation of the Dexter's (2008) Model...
fitsoilwater4Self-starting Nls Power Models for Soil Water Retention
fitsoilwater5Interactive Estimation of the Modified van Genuchten's Model...
fitsoilwater_AppA shiny for fitting soil water retention curves
fun2formConverting Function to Formula
getInitiallbcGet Initial Parameter Estimates for the Load Bearing Capacity...
hemcHigh-Energy-Moisture-Characteristics Aggregate Stability
HEMC_AppHigh Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) curve for...
hydraulicCutOffThe matric potential at the point of hydraulic cut-off...
hydraulicCutOff2The matric potential at the point of hydraulic cut-off using...
iwcIntegral Water Capacity (IWC)
Kr_hUnsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity
Kr_thetaUnsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity as a function of water...
liquidlimitSoil Liquid Limit
llwrLeast Limiting Water Range (LLWR)
LLWR_AppA shiny for calculation of the usual least limiting water...
llwr_llmprLeast Limiting Water (LLWR) and Matric Potential Ranges...
LLWR_LLMPR_AppA shiny for calculation of least limiting water and matric...
llwrPTFLeast Limiting Water Range (LLWR) Using Pedo-Transfer...
maxcurvMaximum Curvature Point
particle.sedimentationSedimentation time of soil particles in aqueous media
particle.sedimentation_AppA shiny for time of particle sedimentation
plotCIsigmaPPercentile Confidence Intervals for Simulated...
PredCompA shiny for simulation of soil compaction
psdSoil Pore Size Distribution
rEquation of capillary
r_AppA shiny for equation of capillarity
RsqMultiple R-squared
sigmaPPreconsolidation Stress
simSigmaPSimulating Preconsolidation Stress
SindexThe S Index
skp1994LLWR Data Set
SoilAggregateSoil Aggregate Size Data Set
soilDeformationSoil deformation by O'Sullivan and Robertson (1996)
soilphysics-packageSoil Physical Analysis
soilStrengthEstimation of precompression stress by Severiano et al....
soilStrength2Estimation of precompression stress by Schjonning and Lamande...
soilStrength3Estimation of precompression stress by Saffih-Hdadi et al....
soilStrength4Estimation of precompression stress by Lebert and Horn (1991)
soilStrength5Estimation of precompression stress by Imhoff et al. (2004)
soilwaterSoil Water Retention, based on the van Genuchten's (1980)...
soilwater2Soil Water Retention, based on the Groenevelt & Grant (2004)...
soilwater3Soil Water Retention, based on the Dexter's (2008) formula
soilwater4Soil Water Retention, based on Power Models
soilwater5Soil Water Retention, based on the modified van Genuchten's...
SSlbcSelf-Starting Nls Load Bearing Capacity Model
stressTrafficPredicting Soil Stress Due to Agricultural Trafficability
voidratioVoid Ratio
WRC_AppA shiny to automatically fit the water retention curve
arsilva87/soilphysics documentation built on July 30, 2022, 8:46 p.m.