hydraulicCutOff: The matric potential at the point of hydraulic cut-off...

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hydraulicCutOffR Documentation

The matric potential at the point of hydraulic cut-off obtained from DE (Dexter et al., 2008) and GG (Groenevelt & Grant, 2004) water retention curves.


The pore water suction at the point of hydraulic cut-off occurs at the point where the residual water content, obtained from Dexter et al. (2008), intercepts with the Groenevelt & Grant (2004) retention curve.


hydraulicCutOff(theta_R, k0, k1, n, x0 = 6.653)



a parameter that represents the residual water content at the the Dexter's (2008) Water Retention Model.


a parameter value, extracted from the water retention curve based on the Groenevelt & Grant (2004) formula.


a parameter value, extracted from the water retention curve based on the Groenevelt & Grant (2004) formula.


a parameter value, extracted from the water retention curve based on the Groenevelt & Grant (2004) formula.


the value of pF (pore water suction) at which the soil water content becomes zero. The default is 6.653.


The water suction at the point of hydraulic cut-off.


Anderson Rodrigo da Silva <anderson.agro@hotmail.com>


Dexter, A.R.; Czyz, E.A.; Richard, G.; Reszkowska, A. (2008). A user-friendly water retention function that takes account of the textural and structural pore spaces in soil. Geoderma, 143:243–253.

Groenevelt, P.H.; Grnat, C.D. (2004). A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. European Journal of Soil Science, 55:479–485.

See Also

fitsoilwater2, fitsoilwater3


# Dexter et al. (2012), Table 4A
hydraulicCutOff(0.1130, 6.877, 0.6508, 1.0453)
hydraulicCutOff(0.1122, 12.048, 0.4338, 2.0658)

# End (not run)

arsilva87/soilphysics documentation built on July 30, 2022, 8:46 p.m.