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Time Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) Distance

Time series clustering with a wide variety of strategies and a series of optimizations specific to the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance and its corresponding lower bounds (LBs). There are implementations of both traditional clustering algorithms, and more recent procedures such as k-Shape and TADPole clustering. Functionality can be easily extended with custom distance measures and centroid definitions.

Many of the algorithms implemented in this package are specifically tailored to DTW, hence its name. However, the main clustering function is flexible so that one can test many different clustering approaches, using either the time series directly, or by applying suitable transformations and then clustering in the resulting space. Other implementations included in the package provide some alternatives to DTW.

For more information:



The latest version from CRAN can be installed with install.packages("dtwclust").

If you want to test the latest version from github, first install the prerequisites for R package development (LaTeX is only necessary if you want to build the vignette) as well as the remotes package, and then type remotes::install_github("asardaes/dtwclust").

If you’re wondering about which version to install, take a look at the CHANGELOG file, I try to keep it updated. Check the continuous integration builds to make sure everything is working.


GNU General Public License v3.0. See license and copyrights.

This software package was developed independently of any organization or institution that is or has been associated with the author.


# Load series


pc <- tsclust(CharTraj, type = "partitional", k = 20L, 
              distance = "dtw_basic", centroid = "pam", 
              seed = 3247L, trace = TRUE,
              args = tsclust_args(dist = list(window.size = 20L)))
#>  Precomputing distance matrix...
#> Iteration 1: Changes / Distsum = 100 / 1361.256
#> Iteration 2: Changes / Distsum = 8 / 1101.633
#> Iteration 3: Changes / Distsum = 2 / 1036.096
#> Iteration 4: Changes / Distsum = 0 / 1031.353
#>  Elapsed time is 0.412 seconds.


hc <- tsclust(CharTraj, type = "hierarchical", k = 20L, 
              distance = "sbd", trace = TRUE,
              control = hierarchical_control(method = "average"))
#> Calculating distance matrix...
#> Performing hierarchical clustering...
#> Extracting centroids...
#>  Elapsed time is 0.147 seconds.


# Calculate autocorrelation up to 50th lag, considering a list of time series as input
acf_fun <- function(series, ...) {
    lapply(series, function(x) { as.numeric(acf(x, lag.max = 50L, plot = FALSE)$acf) })
# Autocorrelation-based fuzzy c-means
fc <- tsclust(CharTraj[1L:25L], type = "fuzzy", k = 5L,
              preproc = acf_fun, distance = "L2",
              seed = 123L)
#> fuzzy clustering with 5 clusters
#> Using l2 distance
#> Using fcm centroids
#> Using acf_fun preprocessing
#> Time required for analysis:
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    0.03    0.00    0.03 
#> Head of fuzzy memberships:
#>       cluster_1   cluster_2  cluster_3  cluster_4 cluster_5
#> A.V1 0.04550608 0.015278671 0.06017278 0.02854909 0.8504934
#> A.V2 0.02649930 0.007304681 0.03576385 0.01482575 0.9156064
#> A.V3 0.03891669 0.007107856 0.03584082 0.01348798 0.9046467
#> A.V4 0.09316283 0.194096301 0.10463724 0.20029868 0.4078050
#> A.V5 0.09423895 0.163296699 0.11727901 0.17605511 0.4491302
#> B.V1 0.39131228 0.034768969 0.35717141 0.07915848 0.1375889

Some multivariate support

# Multivariate series provided as a list of matrices, using GAK distance
mvc <- tsclust(CharTrajMV[1L:20L], k = 4L, distance = "gak", seed = 390L)
# Note how the variables of each series are appended one after the other in the plot
plot(mvc, labels = list(nudge_x = -10, nudge_y = 1))

asardaes/dtwclust documentation built on July 23, 2024, 6:43 p.m.