API for asardaes/dtwclust
Time Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the Dynamic Time Warping Distance

Global functions
.onAttach Source code
.onLoad Source code
.onUnload Source code
.pam_cent Source code
CharTraj Man page
CharTrajLabels Man page
CharTrajMV Man page
DBA Man page Source code
Distmat Man page
Distmat-class Man page
Distmat-generics Man page
DistmatLowerTriangular Man page
DistmatLowerTriangular-class Man page
DistmatLowerTriangular-generics Man page
FuzzyTSClusters Man page
FuzzyTSClusters-class Man page
GAK Man page Source code
HierarchicalTSClusters Man page
HierarchicalTSClusters-class Man page
NCCc Man page Source code
PairTracker Man page
PairTracker-class Man page
PartitionalTSClusters Man page
PartitionalTSClusters-class Man page
SBD Man page Source code
SparseDistmat Man page
SparseDistmat-class Man page
SparseDistmat-generics Man page
TADPole Man page Source code
TSClusters Man page
TSClusters-class Man page
TSClusters-methods Man page
[,Distmat,ANY,ANY,ANY Man page
[,Distmat,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[,DistmatLowerTriangular,ANY,ANY,ANY Man page
[,DistmatLowerTriangular,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[,SparseDistmat,ANY,ANY,ANY Man page
[,SparseDistmat,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
`%op%` Source code
adjust_args Source code
all_cent2 Source code
allocate_distmat Source code
as.cl_membership.TSClusters Source code
as.data.frame.crossdist Source code
as.data.frame.pairdist Source code
as.matrix Man page
as.matrix.crossdist Source code
as.matrix.pairdist Source code
call_cbind Source code
call_dtwlb Source code
call_pairs Source code
call_rbind Source code
call_tadpole Source code
check_consistency Source code
cl_class_ids.TSClusters Source code
cl_membership.TSClusters Source code
colMedians Source code
compare_clusterings Man page Source code
compare_clusterings_configs Man page Source code
compute_clusinfo Source code
compute_envelope Man page Source code
cvi Man page
cvi,FuzzyTSClusters Man page
cvi,FuzzyTSClusters-method Man page
cvi,HierarchicalTSClusters Man page
cvi,HierarchicalTSClusters-method Man page
cvi,PartitionalTSClusters Man page
cvi,PartitionalTSClusters-method Man page
cvi,matrix-method Man page
cvi_TSClusters Source code
cvi_evaluators Man page Source code
dba Man page
dba_cent Source code
ddist2 Source code
different_lengths Source code
dim.Distmat Source code
dim.DistmatLowerTriangular Source code
dim.SparseDistmat Source code
do_call Source code
dtw2 Man page Source code
dtw2_proxy Source code
dtw_basic Man page Source code
dtw_basic_proxy Source code
dtw_lb Man page Source code
dtwclust Man page
dtwclust-package Man page
dtwclustTimings Man page
enlist Source code
estimate_sigma Source code
explore__plot Man page Source code
explore__tidy_series Man page Source code
f_cluster Source code
fcm_cent Source code
fcmdd_cent Source code
fuzzy_control Man page Source code
fuzzy_objective Source code
gak Man page
gak_proxy Source code
gak_simil Source code
get_dots Source code
get_from_callers Source code
get_nthreads Source code
handle_rngkind Source code
has_dots Source code
hierarchical_control Man page Source code
initialize,TSClusters Man page
initialize,TSClusters-method Man page
interactive_clustering Man page Source code
is.cl_dendrogram.TSClusters Source code
is.cl_hard_partition.TSClusters Source code
is.cl_hierarchy.TSClusters Source code
is.cl_partition.TSClusters Source code
is_multivariate Source code
l2norm Source code
lb_improved Man page Source code
lb_improved_proxy Source code
lb_keogh Man page Source code
lb_keogh_proxy Source code
lower_triangular_index Source code
lti Source code
make_unique_ids Source code
mean_cent Source code
median_cent Source code
n_of_classes.TSClusters Source code
n_of_objects.TSClusters Source code
pam_cent Man page Source code
pam_distmat Source code
parallel_symmetric Source code
parse_input Man page Source code
partitional_control Man page Source code
pdc_configs Man page Source code
plot,TSClusters,missing Man page
plot,TSClusters,missing-method Man page
plot.TSClusters Man page Source code
predict,TSClusters Man page
predict,TSClusters-method Man page
predict.TSClusters Man page Source code
proxy_prefun Source code
quoted_call Source code
reinit_clusters Source code
reinterpolate Man page Source code
release_questions Source code
repeat_clustering Man page Source code
reshape_multivariate Source code
rng_seq Source code
roxygen_error_check_param Source code
roxygen_proxy_section Source code
roxygen_proxy_symmetric Source code
roxygen_rcpp_parallel_section Source code
roxygen_window_details Source code
sbd Man page
sbd_proxy Source code
sdtw Man page Source code
sdtw_cent Man page Source code
sdtw_cent_cent Source code
sdtw_cent_nloptr Source code
sdtw_cent_stats Source code
sdtw_cent_stats_gr Source code
sdtw_proxy Source code
sdtw_wrapper Source code
setnames_inplace Source code
shape_cent Source code
shape_extraction Man page Source code
show,DistmatLowerTriangular Man page
show,DistmatLowerTriangular-method Man page
show,SparseDistmat Man page
show,SparseDistmat-method Man page
show,TSClusters Man page
show,TSClusters-method Man page
split_parallel Source code
split_parallel_symmetric Source code
ssdtwclust Man page Source code
subset_dots Source code
tadpole Man page
tadpole_control Man page Source code
tsclust Man page Source code
tsclust-controls Man page
tsclustFamily Man page
tsclustFamily-class Man page
tsclust_args Man page Source code
tsclusters-methods Man page
tslist Man page Source code
uciCT Man page
ucict Man page
update,TSClusters Man page
update,TSClusters-method Man page
update.TSClusters Man page Source code
use_distmat Source code
validate_pairwise Source code
zscore Man page Source code
asardaes/dtwclust documentation built on July 23, 2024, 6:43 p.m.