
Defines functions make_unique_ids compare_clusterings compare_clusterings_configs pdc_configs

Documented in compare_clusterings compare_clusterings_configs pdc_configs

#' Helper function for preprocessing/distance/centroid configurations
#' Create preprocessing, distance and centroid configurations for [compare_clusterings_configs()].
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @param type Which type of function is being targeted by this configuration.
#' @param ... Any number of named lists with functions and arguments that will be shared by all
#'   clusterings. See details.
#' @param partitional A named list of lists with functions and arguments for partitional
#'   clusterings.
#' @param hierarchical A named list of lists with functions and arguments for hierarchical
#'   clusterings.
#' @param fuzzy A named list of lists with functions and arguments for fuzzy clusterings.
#' @param tadpole A named list of lists with functions and arguments for TADPole clusterings.
#' @param share.config A character vector specifying which clusterings should include the shared
#'   lists (the ones specified in `...`). It must be any combination of (possibly abbreviated):
#'   partitional, hierarchical, fuzzy, tadpole.
#' @details
#' The named lists are interpreted in the following way: the name of the list will be considered to
#' be a function name, and the elements of the list will be the possible parameters for the
#' function. Each function must have at least an empty list. The parameters may be vectors that
#' specify different values to be tested.
#' For preprocessing, the special name `none` signifies no preprocessing.
#' For centroids, the special name `default` leaves the centroid unspecified.
#' Please see the examples in [compare_clusterings()] to see how this is used.
#' @return
#' A list for each clustering, each of which includes a data frame with the computed configurations.
pdc_configs <- function(type = c("preproc", "distance", "centroid"), ...,
                        partitional = NULL, hierarchical = NULL, fuzzy = NULL, tadpole = NULL,
                        share.config = c("p", "h", "f", "t"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    shared <- list(...)
    specific <- list(partitional = partitional,
                     hierarchical = hierarchical,
                     fuzzy = fuzzy,
                     tadpole = tadpole)
    specific <- specific[!sapply(specific, is.null)]
    share_missing <- missing(share.config)
    share.config <- match.arg(share.config, supported_clusterings, TRUE)
    if (type == "distance") {
        if (!is.null(specific$tadpole) || (!share_missing && "tadpole" %in% share.config))
            warning("TADPole ignores distance configurations.")
        specific$tadpole <- NULL
        share.config <- setdiff(share.config, "tadpole")

    # ==============================================================================================
    # Shared configs
    # ==============================================================================================

    if (length(shared) > 0L && length(share.config) > 0L) {
        # careful, singular and plural below
        shared_cfg <- Map(shared, names(shared), f = function(shared_args, fun) {
            cfg <- quoted_call(expand.grid, foo = fun, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, dots = shared_args)
            names(cfg)[1L] <- type
        shared_cfg <- dplyr::bind_rows(shared_cfg)
        shared_cfgs <- lapply(share.config, function(dummy) { shared_cfg })
        names(shared_cfgs) <- share.config
        shared_cfgs <- shared_cfgs[setdiff(share.config, names(specific))]
    else {
        shared_cfg <- NULL
        shared_cfgs <- list()

    # ==============================================================================================
    # Specific configs
    # ==============================================================================================

    if (length(specific) > 0L) {
        cfgs <- Map(specific, names(specific), f = function(config, clus_type) {
            config_names <- names(config)
            if (!is.list(config) || is.null(config_names))
                stop("All parameters must be named lists.") # nocov
            cfg <- Map(config, config_names, f = function(config_args, fun) {
                cfg <- quoted_call(expand.grid, foo = fun, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, dots = config_args)
                names(cfg)[1L] <- type
            cfg <- dplyr::bind_rows(cfg)
            if (clus_type %in% share.config)
                cfg <- dplyr::bind_rows(shared_cfg, cfg) # singular shared
        cfgs <- c(cfgs, shared_cfgs) # plural shared
    else {
        cfgs <- shared_cfgs
    # return

#' Create clustering configurations.
#' Create configurations for [compare_clusterings()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @param k A numeric vector with one or more elements specifying the number of clusters to test.
#' @param types Clustering types. It must be any combination of (possibly abbreviated): partitional,
#'   hierarchical, fuzzy, tadpole.
#' @param controls A named list of [tsclust-controls]. `NULL` means defaults. See details.
#' @param preprocs Preprocessing configurations. See details.
#' @param distances Distance configurations. See details.
#' @param centroids Centroid configurations. See details.
#' @param no.expand A character vector indicating parameters that should *not* be expanded between
#'   [pdc_configs()] configurations. See examples.
#' @details
#' Preprocessing, distance and centroid configurations are specified with the helper function
#' [pdc_configs()], refer to the examples in [compare_clusterings()] to see how this is used.
#' The controls list may be specified with the usual [tsclust-controls] functions. The names of the
#' list must correspond to "partitional", "hierarchical", "fuzzy" or "tadpole" clustering. Again,
#' please refer to the examples in [compare_clusterings()].
#' @return
#' A list for each clustering type, each of which includes a data frame with the computed and merged
#' configurations. Each data frame has an extra attribute `num.configs` specifying the number of
#' configurations.
#' @examples
#' # compare this with leaving no.expand empty
#' compare_clusterings_configs(
#'     distances = pdc_configs("d", dtw_basic = list(window.size = 1L:2L, norm = c("L1", "L2"))),
#'     centroids = pdc_configs("c", dba = list(window.size = 1L:2L, norm = c("L1", "L2"))),
#'     no.expand = c("window.size", "norm")
#' )
compare_clusterings_configs <- function(types = c("p", "h", "f"), k = 2L, controls = NULL,
                                        preprocs = pdc_configs("preproc", none = list()),
                                        distances = pdc_configs("distance", dtw_basic = list()),
                                        centroids = pdc_configs("centroid", default = list()),
                                        no.expand = character(0L))
    # ==============================================================================================
    # Start
    # ==============================================================================================

    types <- match.arg(types, supported_clusterings, TRUE)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check controls specification
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (is.null(controls)) {
        controls <- lapply(types, function(type) { do.call(paste0(type, "_control"), list()) })
        names(controls) <- types
    else if (!is.list(controls) || is.null(names(controls))) {
        stop("The 'controls' argument must be NULL or a named list")
    else if (!all(types %in% names(controls))) {
        stop("The names of the 'controls' argument do not correspond to the provided 'types'")
    else {
        controls <- controls[intersect(names(controls), types)]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check preprocessings specification
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (missing(preprocs))
    else if (!is.list(preprocs) || (length(preprocs) > 0L && is.null(names(preprocs))))
        stop("The 'preprocs' argument must be a list with named elements")
    else if (!all(types %in% names(preprocs)))
        stop("The names of the 'preprocs' argument do not correspond to the provided 'types'")

    preprocs <- preprocs[intersect(names(preprocs), types)]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check distance specification
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (missing(distances))
    else if (!is.list(distances) || (length(distances) > 0L && is.null(names(distances))))
        stop("The 'distances' argument must be a list with named elements")
    else if (!all(setdiff(types, "tadpole") %in% names(distances)))
        stop("The names of the 'distances' argument do not correspond to the provided 'types'")

    distances <- distances[intersect(names(distances), types)]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check centroids specification
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (missing(centroids))
    else if (!is.list(centroids) || (length(centroids) > 0L && is.null(names(centroids))))
        stop("The 'centroids' argument must be a list with named elements")
    else if (!all(types %in% names(centroids)))
        stop("The names of the 'centroids' argument do not correspond to the provided 'types'")

    centroids <- centroids[intersect(names(centroids), types)]

    # ==============================================================================================
    # Create configs
    # ==============================================================================================

    # return here
    Map(types, controls[types], preprocs[types], distances[types], centroids[types],
        f = function(type, control, preproc, distance, centroid) {
            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Control configs
            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (class(control) != control_classes[type]) stop("Invalid ", type, " control") # nocov

            # if it's within a list, it's to prevent expansion
            cfg <- switch(
                partitional = {
                        k = list(k),
                        pam.precompute = control$pam.precompute,
                        iter.max = control$iter.max,
                        nrep = control$nrep,
                        symmetric = control$symmetric,
                        version = control$version,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
                hierarchical = {
                        k = list(k),
                        method = list(control$method),
                        symmetric = control$symmetric,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
                fuzzy = {
                        k = list(k),
                        fuzziness = control$fuzziness,
                        iter.max = control$iter.max,
                        delta = control$delta,
                        symmetric = control$symmetric,
                        version = control$version,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
                tadpole = {
                        k = list(k),
                        dc = list(control$dc),
                        window.size = control$window.size,
                        lb = control$lb,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Merge configs
            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            need_adjustment <- character(0L)

            # preproc
            if (!is.null(preproc) && nrow(preproc)) {
                nms <- names(preproc)
                if (any(nms %in% no.expand)) need_adjustment <- c(need_adjustment, "preproc")
                nms_args <- nms != "preproc" & !(nms %in% no.expand)
                if (any(nms_args)) names(preproc)[nms_args] <- paste0(nms[nms_args], "_preproc")
                cfg <- base::merge(cfg, preproc, all = TRUE)
            # distance
            if (type != "tadpole" && !is.null(distance) && nrow(distance)) {
                nms <- names(distance)
                if (any(nms %in% no.expand)) need_adjustment <- c(need_adjustment, "distance")
                nms_args <- nms != "distance" & !(nms %in% no.expand)
                if (any(nms_args)) names(distance)[nms_args] <- paste0(nms[nms_args], "_distance")
                cfg <- base::merge(cfg, distance, all = TRUE)
            # centroid
            if (!is.null(centroid) && nrow(centroid)) {
                nms <- names(centroid)
                if (any(nms %in% no.expand)) need_adjustment <- c(need_adjustment, "centroid")
                nms_args <- nms != "centroid" & !(nms %in% no.expand)
                if (any(nms_args)) names(centroid)[nms_args] <- paste0(nms[nms_args], "_centroid")
                cfg <- base::merge(cfg, centroid, all = TRUE)
            # special case: tadpole
            tadpole_controls <- names(formals(tadpole_control))
            if (type == "tadpole" && any(no.expand %in% tadpole_controls)) {
                need_adjustment <- c(need_adjustment, "tadpole")
                tadpole <- cfg[, tadpole_controls, drop = FALSE]

            # adjust no.expand columns
            if (length(need_adjustment) > 0L) {
                adjust_cols <- cfg[, no.expand, drop = FALSE]
                cfg <- cfg[, -which(names(cfg) %in% no.expand), drop = FALSE]
                adjusted_cols <- lapply(need_adjustment, function(suffix) {
                    pdc_cfg <- get_from_callers(suffix, mode = "list")
                    cols <- intersect(names(pdc_cfg), no.expand)
                    adjusted_cols <- adjust_cols[, cols, drop = FALSE]
                    if (suffix != "tadpole")
                        names(adjusted_cols) <- paste0(names(adjusted_cols), "_", suffix)
                cfg <- dplyr::bind_cols(cfg, adjusted_cols)

            # for info
            attr(cfg, "num.configs") <- switch(
                partitional = length(k) * sum(cfg$nrep),
                hierarchical = length(k) * length(cfg$method[[1L]]) * nrow(cfg),
                fuzzy = length(k) * nrow(cfg),
                tadpole = length(k) * length(cfg$dc[[1L]]) * nrow(cfg)
            # return Map

#' Compare different clustering configurations
#' Compare many different clustering algorithms with support for parallelization.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join
#' @importFrom proxy pr_DB
#' @param series A list of series, a numeric matrix or a data frame. Matrices and data frames are
#'   coerced to a list row-wise (see [tslist()]).
#' @param types Clustering types. It must be any combination of (possibly abbreviated):
#'   "partitional", "hierarchical", "fuzzy", "tadpole."
#' @param configs The list of data frames with the desired configurations to run. See
#'   [pdc_configs()] and [compare_clusterings_configs()].
#' @param seed Seed for random reproducibility.
#' @param trace Logical indicating that more output should be printed to screen.
#' @param ... Further arguments for [tsclust()], `score.clus` or `pick.clus`.
#' @param score.clus A function that gets the list of results (and `...`) and scores each one. It
#'   may also be a named list of functions, one for each type of clustering. See Scoring section.
#' @param pick.clus A function to pick the best result. See Picking section.
#' @param shuffle.configs Randomly shuffle the order of configs, which can be useful to balance load
#'   when using parallel computation.
#' @param return.objects Logical indicating whether the objects returned by [tsclust()] should be
#'   given in the result.
#' @param packages A character vector with the names of any packages needed for any functions used
#'   (distance, centroid, preprocessing, etc.). The name "dtwclust" is added automatically. Relevant
#'   for parallel computation.
#' @param .errorhandling This will be passed to [foreach::foreach()]. See Parallel section below.
#' @details
#' This function calls [tsclust()] with different configurations and evaluates the results with the
#' provided functions. Parallel support is included. See the examples.
#' Parameters specified in `configs` whose values are `NA` will be ignored automatically.
#' The scoring and picking functions are for convenience, if they are not specified, the `scores`
#' and `pick` elements of the result will be `NULL`.
#' See [repeat_clustering()] for when `return.objects = FALSE`.
#' @return
#' A list with:
#' - `results`: A list of data frames with the flattened configs and the corresponding scores
#' returned by `score.clus`.
#' - `scores`: The scores given by `score.clus`.
#' - `pick`: The object returned by `pick.clus`.
#' - `proc_time`: The measured execution time, using [base::proc.time()].
#' - `seeds`: A list of lists with the random seeds computed for each configuration.
#' The cluster objects are also returned if `return.objects` `=` `TRUE`.
#' @section Parallel computation:
#'   The configurations for each clustering type can be evaluated in parallel (multi-processing)
#'   with the \pkg{foreach} package. A parallel backend can be registered, e.g., with
#'   \pkg{doParallel}.
#'   If the `.errorhandling` parameter is changed to "pass" and a custom `score.clus` function is
#'   used, said function should be able to deal with possible error objects.
#'   If it is changed to "remove", it might not be possible to attach the scores to the results data
#'   frame, or it may be inconsistent. Additionally, if `return.objects` is `TRUE`, the names given
#'   to the objects might also be inconsistent.
#'   Parallelization can incur a lot of deep copies of data when returning the cluster objects,
#'   since each one will contain a copy of `datalist`. If you want to avoid this, consider
#'   specifying `score.clus` and setting `return.objects` to `FALSE`, and then using
#'   [repeat_clustering()].
#' @section Scoring:
#'   The clustering results are organized in a *list of lists* in the following way (where only
#'   applicable `types` exist; first-level list names in bold):
#'   - **partitional** - list with
#'     + Clustering results from first partitional config
#'     + etc.
#'   - **hierarchical** - list with
#'     + Clustering results from first hierarchical config
#'     + etc.
#'   - **fuzzy** - list with
#'     + Clustering results from first fuzzy config
#'     + etc.
#'   - **tadpole** - list with
#'     + Clustering results from first tadpole config
#'     + etc.
#'   If `score.clus` is a function, it will be applied to the available partitional, hierarchical,
#'   fuzzy and/or tadpole results via:
#'   ```
#'   scores <- lapply(list_of_lists, score.clus, ...)
#'   ```
#'   Otherwise, `score.clus` should be a list of functions with the same names as the list above, so
#'   that `score.clus$partitional` is used to score `list_of_lists$partitional` and so on (via
#'   [base::Map()]).
#'   Therefore, the scores returned shall always be a list of lists with first-level names as above.
#' @section Picking:
#'   If `return.objects` is `TRUE`, the results' data frames and the list of [TSClusters-class]
#'   objects are given to `pick.clus` as first and second arguments respectively, followed by `...`.
#'   Otherwise, `pick.clus` will receive only the data frames and the contents of `...` (since the
#'   objects will not be returned by the preceding step).
#' @section Limitations:
#'   Note that the configurations returned by the helper functions assign special names to
#'   preprocessing/distance/centroid arguments, and these names are used internally to recognize
#'   them.
#'   If some of these arguments are more complex (e.g. matrices) and should *not* be expanded,
#'   consider passing them directly via the ellipsis (`...`) instead of using [pdc_configs()]. This
#'   assumes that said arguments can be passed to all functions without affecting their results.
#'   The distance matrices (if calculated) are not re-used across configurations. Given the way the
#'   configurations are created, this shouldn't matter, because clusterings with arguments that can
#'   use the same distance matrix are already grouped together by [compare_clusterings_configs()]
#'   and [pdc_configs()].
#' @author Alexis Sarda-Espinosa
#' @seealso
#' [compare_clusterings_configs()], [tsclust()]
#' @example man-examples/comparison-examples.R
compare_clusterings <- function(series = NULL, types = c("p", "h", "f", "t"),
                                configs = compare_clusterings_configs(types),
                                seed = NULL, trace = FALSE, ...,
                                score.clus = function(...) stop("No scoring"),
                                pick.clus = function(...) stop("No picking"),
                                shuffle.configs = FALSE, return.objects = FALSE,
                                packages = character(0L), .errorhandling = "stop")
    # ==============================================================================================
    # Start
    # ==============================================================================================

    tic <- proc.time()
    handle_rngkind() # UTILS-rng.R
    score_missing <- missing(score.clus)
    pick_missing <- missing(pick.clus)

    # nocov start
    if (is.null(series))
        stop("No series provided.")

    if (!return.objects && score_missing)
        stop("Returning no objects and specifying no scoring function would return no useful results.")

    types <- match.arg(types, supported_clusterings, TRUE)
    .errorhandling <- match.arg(.errorhandling, c("stop", "remove", "pass"))

    # coerce to list if necessary
    if (is.data.frame(series) || !is.list(series))
        series <- tslist(series, TRUE)
    check_consistency(series, "vltslist")

    if (!is.function(score.clus) && !(is.list(score.clus) && all(sapply(score.clus, is.function))))
        stop("Invalid evaluation function(s)")
    else if (is.list(score.clus)) {
        if (!all(types %in% names(score.clus)))
            stop("The names of the 'score.clus' argument do not correspond to the provided 'types'")

        score.clus <- score.clus[types]

    if (!is.function(pick.clus))
        stop("Invalid pick function") # nocov end

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Misc parameters
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    packages <- unique(c("dtwclust", packages))
    dots <- list(...)
    configs <- configs[types]
    if (any(sapply(configs, is.null)))
        stop("The configuration for one of the chosen clustering types is missing.") # nocov
    if (shuffle.configs) {
        configs <- lapply(configs, function(config) {
            config[sample(nrow(config)), , drop = FALSE]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Obtain random seeds
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    num_seeds <- cumsum(sapply(configs, nrow))
    seeds <- rng_seq(num_seeds[length(num_seeds)], seed = seed, simplify = FALSE) # UTILS-rng.R
    seeds <- Map(c(1L, num_seeds[-length(num_seeds)] + 1L), num_seeds,
                 f = function(first, last) { seeds[first:last] })
    setnames_inplace(seeds, names(configs)) # UTILS-utils.R

    # ==============================================================================================
    # Preprocessings
    # ==============================================================================================

    if (trace) message("=================================== Preprocessing ",
                       "series ===================================\n")

    processed_series <- Map(configs, types, f = function(config, type) {
        preproc_cols <- grepl("_?preproc$", names(config))
        preproc_df <- unique(config[, preproc_cols, drop = FALSE])
        preproc_args <- grepl("_preproc$", names(preproc_df))

        if (trace) {
            message("-------------- Applying ", type, " preprocessings: --------------")

        config$.preproc_id_ <- seq_len(nrow(config))
        lapply(seq_len(nrow(preproc_df)), function(i) {
            preproc_char <- preproc_df$preproc[i]
            if (preproc_char != "none") {
                # find all configs that have this preproc to assign them as attribute at the end
                df <- dplyr::inner_join(config,
                                        preproc_df[i, , drop = FALSE],
                                        by = names(config)[preproc_cols])

                preproc_fun <- get_from_callers(preproc_char, "function")

                if (any(preproc_args)) {
                    this_config <- preproc_df[i, preproc_args, drop = FALSE]
                    names(this_config) <- sub("_preproc$", "", names(this_config))
                    preproc_args <- as.list(this_config)
                    preproc_args <- preproc_args[!sapply(preproc_args, is.na)]
                    preproc_args <- list()

                ret <- quoted_call(preproc_fun, series, dots = preproc_args)
                attr(ret, "config_ids") <- df$.preproc_id_
            else {
                ret <- series

    # UTILS-utils.R
    setnames_inplace(processed_series, names(configs))

    # ==============================================================================================
    # Clusterings
    # ==============================================================================================

    if (trace) cat("\n")
    objs_by_type <- Map(configs, names(configs), seeds, f = function(config, type, seeds) {
        if (trace) message("=================================== Performing ",
                           " clusterings ===================================\n")
        series <- processed_series[[type]]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # distance entries to re-register in parallel workers
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (type != "tadpole") {
            dist_names <- unique(config$distance)
            dist_entries <- lapply(dist_names, function(dist) { proxy::pr_DB$get_entry(dist) })
            setnames_inplace(dist_entries, dist_names)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # export any necessary preprocessing and centroid functions
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        custom_preprocs <- setdiff(unique(config$preproc), "none")
        custom_centroids <- setdiff(unique(config$centroid), c("default", centroids_included))

        for (custom_preproc in custom_preprocs)
            assign(custom_preproc, get_from_callers(custom_preproc, "function"))

        for (custom_centroid in custom_centroids)
            assign(custom_centroid, get_from_callers(custom_centroid, "function"))

        export <- c("trace", "score.clus", "return.objects",
                    "check_consistency", "quoted_call", "enlist", "subset_dots", "get_from_callers",
                    custom_preprocs, custom_centroids)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # perform clusterings
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        i <- nrow(config)
        objs <- foreach::foreach(
            i = seq_len(i),
            .combine = c,
            .multicombine = TRUE,
            .packages = packages,
            .export = export,
            .errorhandling = .errorhandling
        ) %op% {
            cfg <- config[i, , drop = FALSE]
            seed <- seeds[[i]]
            if (trace) {
                message("-------------- Using configuration: --------------")

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # obtain args from configuration
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            args <- lapply(c("preproc", "distance", "centroid"), function(func) {
                col_ids <- grepl(paste0("_", func, "$"), names(cfg))
                if (cfg[[func]] != "none" && any(col_ids)) {
                    this_args <- as.list(cfg[, col_ids, drop = FALSE])
                    names(this_args) <- sub(paste0("_", func, "$"),

                    ans <- this_args[!sapply(this_args, is.na)]
                    if (any(sapply(ans, is.list))) {
                        unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE)
                    else {
                else {

            setnames_inplace(args, c("preproc", "dist", "cent"))
            args <- do.call(tsclust_args, args, TRUE)

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # controls for this configuration
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            control_fun <- match.fun(paste0(type, "_control"))
            control_args <- subset_dots(as.list(cfg), control_fun)
            control_args <- lapply(control_args, unlist, recursive = FALSE)
            control <- do.call(control_fun, control_args, TRUE)

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # get processed series
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            preproc_char <- cfg$preproc

            config_ids <- lapply(series, attr, which = "config_ids")
            if (preproc_char == "none")
                this_series <- which(sapply(config_ids, is.null))
                this_series <- which(sapply(config_ids, function(cfg_id) { i %in% cfg_id }))

            if (length(this_series) > 1L) # nocov start
                stop("Could not find unique processed series for ", type,
                     " clustering and config row=", i)
            else # nocov end
                this_series <- series[[this_series]]

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # distance entry to re-register in parallel worker
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (type != "tadpole") {
                distance <- cfg$distance
                dist_entry <- dist_entries[[distance]]
                if (!check_consistency(dist_entry$names[1L], "dist"))
                    do.call(proxy::pr_DB$set_entry, dist_entry, TRUE) # nocov
            else distance <- NULL # dummy

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # centroid for this configuration
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            centroid_char <- cfg$centroid

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # call tsclust
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            this_args <- enlist(series = this_series,
                                type = type,
                                k = unlist(cfg$k),
                                distance = distance,
                                seed = seed,
                                trace = trace,
                                args = args,
                                control = control,
                                error.check = FALSE,
                                dots = dots)

            if (type == "tadpole")
                this_args$distance <- NULL

            if (centroid_char == "default") {
                # do not specify centroid
                tsc <- do.call(tsclust, this_args, TRUE)
            else if (type %in% c("partitional", "fuzzy") && centroid_char %in% centroids_included) {
                # with included centroid
                tsc <- quoted_call(tsclust, centroid = centroid_char, dots = this_args)
            else {
                # with centroid function
                tsc <- quoted_call(tsclust,
                                   centroid = get_from_callers(centroid_char, "function"),
                                   dots = this_args)

            if (inherits(tsc, "TSClusters"))
                tsc <- list(tsc)

            ret <- lapply(tsc, function(tsc) {
                tsc@preproc <- preproc_char
                if (preproc_char != "none")
                    tsc@family@preproc <- get_from_callers(preproc_char, "function")
                if (centroid_char != "default")
                    tsc@centroid <- centroid_char

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # evaluate
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (!return.objects) {
                if (!is.function(score.clus)) score.clus <- score.clus[[type]]
                ret <- list(quoted_call(score.clus, ret, dots = dots))
            # return config result from foreach()

        class(objs) <- NULL
        if (.errorhandling == "pass") {
            failed_cfgs <- sapply(objs, function(obj) { !inherits(obj, "TSClusters") })
            if (any(failed_cfgs)) {
                warning("At least one of the ", type, " configurations resulted in an error.")

                # a simple error is a list with 2 elements: message and call, so I need to re-pack
                # each pair of elements in a single element of the objs list
                which_failed <- which(failed_cfgs)[seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = sum(failed_cfgs) / 2)]
                for (failed_cfg_id in which_failed) {
                    objs[[failed_cfg_id]] <- structure(objs[failed_cfg_id:(failed_cfg_id + 1L)],
                                                       class = c("simpleError", "error", "condition"))
                names(objs)[which_failed] <- paste0("failure_", seq_along(which_failed))
                objs[which_failed + 1L] <- NULL


    # ==============================================================================================
    # Evaluations
    # ==============================================================================================

    if (return.objects) {
        if (is.function(score.clus))
            scores <- try(lapply(objs_by_type, score.clus, ...), silent = TRUE)
            scores <- try(mapply(objs_by_type, score.clus[names(objs_by_type)],
                                 SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                 MoreArgs = dots,
                                 FUN = function(objs, score_fun, ...) { score_fun(objs, ...) }),
                          silent = TRUE)

        if (inherits(scores, "try-error")) {
            if (!score_missing) warning("The score.clus function(s) did not execute successfully:\n",
                                        attr(scores, "condition")$message)
            scores <- NULL
    else {
        scores <- lapply(objs_by_type, function(objs) {
            failed_cfgs <- sapply(objs, function(obj) { inherits(obj, "error") })

            if (any(failed_cfgs))
                passed_objs <- objs[!failed_cfgs]
                passed_objs <- objs

            if (length(passed_objs) == 0L) return(objs)

            if (any(sapply(passed_objs, function(score) { is.null(dim(score)) })))
                unlist(passed_objs, recursive = FALSE)
                dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(passed_objs, base::as.data.frame))

    # ==============================================================================================
    # Data frame with results
    # ==============================================================================================

    # create initial IDs
    i_cfg <- 1L
    config_ids <- lapply(sapply(configs, nrow), function(nr) {
        ids <- seq(from = i_cfg, by = 1L, length.out = nr)
        i_cfg <<- i_cfg + nr

    # change to config names and assign to seeds (before flattening)
    config_ids <- Map(config_ids, seeds, f = function(ids, seed) {
        nms <- paste0("config", ids)
        try(setnames_inplace(seed, nms), silent = TRUE)

    # flatten
    configs_out <- Map(configs, config_ids, types, f = function(config, ids, type) {
        config <- data.frame(config_id = ids, config, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        k <- unlist(config$k[1L])
        dfs <- switch(
            partitional = {
                lapply(seq_len(nrow(config)), function(i) {
                    this_config <- config[i, , drop = FALSE]
                    rep <- 1L:this_config$nrep
                    this_config <- this_config[setdiff(names(this_config), c("k", "nrep"))]
                    df <- expand.grid(rep = rep, k = k)
                    make_unique_ids(df, this_config) # see EOF
            hierarchical = {
                lapply(seq_len(nrow(config)), function(i) {
                    this_config <- config[i, , drop = FALSE]
                    method <- unlist(this_config$method)
                    this_config <- this_config[setdiff(names(this_config), c("k", "method"))]
                    df <- expand.grid(method = method, k = k, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[c("k", "method")]
                    make_unique_ids(df, this_config) # see EOF
            fuzzy = {
                lapply(seq_len(nrow(config)), function(i) {
                    this_config <- config[i, , drop = FALSE]
                    this_config <- this_config[setdiff(names(this_config), c("k"))]
                    df <- expand.grid(k = k)
                    make_unique_ids(df, this_config) # see EOF
            tadpole = {
                lapply(seq_len(nrow(config)), function(i) {
                    this_config <- config[i, , drop = FALSE]
                    dc <- unlist(this_config$dc)
                    this_config <- this_config[setdiff(names(this_config), c("k", "dc"))]
                    df <- expand.grid(k = k, dc = dc)
                    make_unique_ids(df, this_config) # see EOF
        # return Map

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Add scores and pick
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # in case ordering is required below
    if (shuffle.configs)
        configs_cols <- lapply(configs_out, function(config) {
            setdiff(colnames(config), c("config_id", "rep", "k", "method", "dc",  "window.size", "lb"))

    if (!is.null(scores)) {
        results <- try(Map(configs_out, scores,
                           f = function(config, score) {
                               cbind(config, base::as.data.frame(score))
                       silent = TRUE)

        if (inherits(results, "try-error")) {
            warning("The scores could not be appended to the results data frame:\n",
                    attr(results, "condition")$message)
            results <- configs_out
            pick <- NULL
        else {
            if (return.objects) {
                pick <- try(pick.clus(results, objs_by_type, ...), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(pick, "try-error")) {
                    if (!pick_missing) warning("The pick.clus function did not execute successfully:\n",
                                               attr(pick, "condition")$message)
                    pick <- NULL
            else {
                pick <- try(pick.clus(results, ...), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(pick, "try-error")) {
                    if (!pick_missing) warning("The pick.clus function did not execute successfully:\n",
                                               attr(pick, "condition")$message)
                    pick <- NULL
    else {
        results <- configs_out
        pick <- NULL

    # ==============================================================================================
    # List with all results
    # ==============================================================================================

    results <- list(results = results,
                    scores = scores,
                    pick = pick,
                    proc_time = proc.time() - tic,
                    seeds = seeds)

    if (return.objects) {
        setnames_res <- try(Map(objs_by_type, results$results,
                                f = function(objs, res) { setnames_inplace(objs, res$config_id) }),
                            silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(setnames_res, "try-error"))
            warning("Could not assign names to returned objects:\n",
                    attr(setnames_res, "condition")$message)
        results <- c(results, objects = objs_by_type)

    if (shuffle.configs)
        results$results <- Map(results$results, configs_cols[names(results$results)],
                               f = function(result, cols) {
                                   order_args <- as.list(result[cols])
                                   names(order_args) <- NULL
                                   result[do.call(base::order, order_args, TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
    # return results

# ==================================================================================================
# compare_clusterings helpers
# ==================================================================================================

make_unique_ids <- function(df, this_config) {
    rownames(this_config) <- NULL
    this_config <- cbind(this_config[, 1L, drop = FALSE], df, this_config[, -1L, drop = FALSE])
    nr <- nrow(this_config)
    if (nr > 1L) this_config$config_id <- paste0(this_config$config_id, "_", 1L:nr)
asardaes/dtwclust documentation built on March 3, 2023, 5:32 a.m.