

I've called the package 'tamp' but the directory is named matrixmodels

On Mac and Unix, can install package using devtools


For windows, can download a zip of the package using button above.

Development instructions

Edit and add new functions in the files in the R/ directory. For conceptually separable sets of functions, add a new file.

On Mac/Unix for best results use Hadley Wickham's devtools. Note you must also install roxygen2. For common tasks, etc, see the devtools github page As a quick start, modify away in the R/ directory and then run install('matrixmodels') or load_all('matrixmodels') again in R to have updates your interactive session.

On other platforms, develop and/or modify code and document using the ROxygen style. For ROxygen style, just follow what is currently in the R/*.R files.

Additional documentation

The x.iid functions are all designed to compute based on random identically distributed draws of complete matrices.

ashander/matrixmodels documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:40 a.m.