Man pages for ashander/matrixmodels
Tools for analysis of matrix population (models)

CISimple confidence interval
DomEigCompute dominant eigenvalue
ElasticityCompute a matrix of sensitivities
Exit.cdf.iidCompute empirical cdf for probability of extinction versus... confidence interval for probability of extinction...
ExitTimes.iidCompute distribution of times to quasi-extinction
FlipFlip a matrix so plotting with image makes visual sense
GenFGenerate a fecundity matrix
GenStochGenerate many matrices from a stochastic forcing
GenStochFGenerate many matrices from a stochastic forcing of vital...
GenTGenerate a transition matrix
Growth.iidCompute the stochastic growth rate in an iid stochastic...
Project.iidProject population growth of all age classes in a stochastic...
RepValCompute reproductive value vector
SensitivityCompute a matrix of sensitivities
StabAgeCompute stable age distribution
ashander/matrixmodels documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:40 a.m.