
#' Get one or more user timelines (tweets posted by target user(s)).
#' Returns up to 3,200 statuses posted to the timelines of each of one
#' or more specified Twitter users.
#' @param user Vector of user names, user IDs, or a mixture of both.
#' @param n Number of tweets to return per timeline. Defaults to 100.
#'   Must be of length 1 or equal to length of user.
#' @param max_id Character, status_id from which returned tweets
#'   should be older than.
#' @param home Logical, indicating whether to return a user-timeline
#'   or home-timeline. By default, home is set to FALSE, which means
#'   \code{get_timeline} returns tweets posted by the given user. To
#'   return a user's home timeline feed, that is, the tweets posted by
#'   accounts followed by a user, set the home to false.
#' @param parse Logical, indicating whether to return parsed
#'   (data.frames) or nested list object. By default, \code{parse =
#'   TRUE} saves users from the time [and frustrations] associated
#'   with disentangling the Twitter API return objects.
#' @param check Logical indicating whether to remove check available
#'   rate limit. Ensures the request does not exceed the maximum
#'   remaining number of calls.  Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param token OAuth token. By default \code{token = NULL} fetches a
#'   non-exhausted token from an environment variable. Find
#'   instructions on how to create tokens and setup an environment
#'   variable in the tokens vignette (in r, send \code{?tokens} to
#'   console).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on as parameters in API query.
#' @return A tbl data frame of tweets data with users data attribute.
#' @seealso
#'   \url{https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-statuses-user_timeline}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## get most recent 3200 tweets posted by Donald Trump's account
#' djt <- get_timeline("realDonaldTrump", n = 3200)
#' ## data frame where each observation (row) is a different tweet
#' djt
#' ## users data for realDonaldTrump is also retrieved
#' users_data(djt)
#' ## retrieve timelines of mulitple users
#' tmls <- get_timeline(c("KFC", "ConanOBrien", "NateSilver538"), n = 1000)
#' ## it's returned as one data frame
#' tmls
#' ## count observations for each timeline
#' table(tmls$screen_name)
#' }
#' @family tweets
#' @export
get_timeline <- function(user,
                         n = 100,
                         max_id = NULL,
                         home = FALSE,
                         parse = TRUE,
                         check = TRUE,
                         token = NULL,
                         ...) {
  args <- list(
    user = user,
    n = n,
    max_id = max_id,
    parse = parse,
    check = check,
    token = token
  do.call("get_timeline_", args)

#' @inheritParams get_timeline
#' @export
#' @rdname get_timeline
get_timelines <- function(user,
                          n = 100,
                          max_id = NULL,
                          home = FALSE,
                          parse = TRUE,
                          check = TRUE,
                          token = NULL,
                          ...) {
  get_timeline(user, n, max_id, home, parse, check, token, ...)

get_timeline_ <- function(user, n = 100, ...) {
  ## check inputs
  stopifnot(is.atomic(user), is.numeric(n))
  if (length(user) == 0L) {
    stop("No query found", call. = FALSE)
  ## search for each string in column of queries
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots) > 0L) {
    rt <- Map(get_timeline_call, user = user, n = n, MoreArgs = dots)
  } else {
    rt <- Map(get_timeline_call, user = user, n = n)
  ## merge users data into one data frame
  rt_users <- do.call("rbind", lapply(rt, users_data))
  ## merge tweets data into one data frame
  rt <- do.call("rbind", rt)
  ## set users attribute
  attr(rt, "users") <- rt_users
  ## return tibble (validate = FALSE makes it a bit faster)
  tibble::as_tibble(rt, validate = FALSE)

get_timeline_call <- function(user,
                              n = 200,
                              max_id = NULL,
                              home = FALSE,
                              parse = TRUE,
                              check = TRUE,
                              token = NULL,
                              ...) {
  if (home) {
    query <- "statuses/home_timeline"
  } else {
    query <- "statuses/user_timeline"
  if (length(user) > 1) {
    stop("can only return tweets for one user at a time.",
      call. = FALSE)
  token <- check_token(token, query)
  if (check) {
    rl <- rate_limit(token, query)
    n.times <- rl[["remaining"]]
  } else {
    rl <- NULL
    n.times <- ceiling(n / 200L)
  if (n.times == 0L) {
    if (!is.null(rl)) {
      reset <- round(as.numeric(rl[["reset"]], "mins"), 2)
    } else {
      reset <- "An unknown number of"
    warning("rate limit exceeded. ",
            round(reset, 2), " mins until rate limit resets.",
            call. = FALSE)
  if (n < 200) {
    count <- n
  } else {
    count <- 200
  params <- list(
    user_type = user,
    count = count,
    max_id = max_id,
    tweet_mode = "extended",
  names(params)[1] <- .id_type(user)
  url <- make_url(
    query = query,
    param = params)
  tm <- scroller(url, n, n.times, type = "timeline", token)
  if (parse) {
    tm <- tweets_with_users(tm)
    usr <- users_data(tm)
    if (nrow(usr) > 0L) {
      uq <- !duplicated(usr$user_id)
      attr(tm, "users") <- usr[uq, ]
ashoksiri/rtweet documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:55 p.m.