
correlation_kendall <- function(x){
  #' Kendall Correlation Scoring Function
  #' This function computes the 1 - tau
  #' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: predCS and expCS.
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' score_kendall(x)

correlation_pearson <- function(x){
  #' Pearson Correlation Scoring Function
  #' This function computes the 1 - R
  #' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: predCS and expCS.
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' score_pearson(x)

correlation_spearman <- function(x){
  #' Spearman Correlation Scoring Function
  #' This function computes the 1 - rho
  #' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: predCS and expCS.
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' score_spearman(x)

geometric.mean <- function (x, na.rm = TRUE){
  #' Geometric Mean Function
  #' The geometric mean is the nth root of n products or e to the mean log of x. (Copied from the "psych".)
  #' @param x input dataframe.
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' geometric.mean(x)
  if (is.null(nrow(x))) {
    exp(mean(log(x), na.rm = TRUE))
  else {
    exp(apply(log(x), 2, mean, na.rm = na.rm))

score_kendall <- function(x){
	#' Kendall Correlation Scoring Function
	#' This function computes the 1 - tau
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_kendall(x)

score_pearson <- function(x){
	#' Pearson Correlation Scoring Function
	#' This function computes the 1 - R
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_pearson(x)

score_spearman <- function(x){
	#' Spearman Correlation Scoring Function
	#' This function computes the 1 - rho
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_spearman(x)

score_mae <- function(x){
	#' Weighted Mean Absolute Error Function
	#' This function computes the weighted (or reduced) mean-absolute-error (MAE)
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: weight, predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_mae(x)
	x$error <- x$expCS - x$predCS

score_rmse <- function(x){
	#' Weighted Root Mean Squared Error Function
	#' This function computes the weighted (or reduced) root-mean-squared-error (RMSE)
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: weight, predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_rmse(x)
  x$error <- x$expCS - x$predCS

score_geo_mae <- function(x){
  #' Weighted Mean Absolute Error Function
  #' This function computes the weighted (or reduced) mean-absolute-error (MAE)
  #' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: weight, predCS and expCS.
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' score_geo_mae(x)
  x$error <- x$expCS - x$predCS

score_huber <- function(x){
	#' Pseudo-Huber Error Function
	#' This function a weighted (or reduced) root-mean-squared-error (RMSE)
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: w, predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_rmse(x)
	delta <- 1/x$weight
	delta2 <- delta*delta
  a <- x$expCS - x$predCS

score_flat_chi2 <- function(x, chi2_c = 1){
	#' Weighted Flat Chi^2 Error Function
	#' This function computes  the (or reduced) flat Chi^2 error (return 1 - flat_chi2).
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: weight, predCS and expCS.
	#' @param chi2_c double. The scaling factor for the error in the exponent.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_flat_chi2(x)
	x$error <- x$expCS - x$predCS	

score_probability <- function(x){
	#' Probability Error Function (similar to the Quality Score)
	#' This function computes the joint probability of observing the exhibited errors between measured and predicted chemical shifts
	#' @param x input dataframe. Should contain field: weight, predCS and expCS.
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' score_flat_chi2(x)
	x$error <- x$expCS - x$predCS
	x$sigma <- 1/x$weight	
atfrank/nmR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:09 p.m.