
# Test spike for bday Returns: An error message if an tests fail

test_that("edge cases", {
  expect_error(bday(366), "'n' cannot be larger than 365")
  expect_error(bday(-1), "argument 1 must be positive")
test_that("input", {
  expect_error(bday(), "argument 1 must be numeric and non-zero")
  expect_error(bday("f"), "argument 1 must be numeric and non-zero")

test_that("output", {
  expect_equal(bday(2), 0.002739726)
  expect_equal(is.numeric(bday(2)), TRUE)
  expect_equal(is.vector(bday(2)), TRUE)
austinragotzy/mathstat documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:30 a.m.