
# Test for onesampsgn function Returns: An error message if any
# tests fail

# Declare test variables
x <- c(56, 70, 89, 94, 96, 101, 102, 102, 102, 105, 106, 108, 110, 
  113, 116)
oops_inf <- c(Inf, 1, 2)
oops_nan <- c(1, NaN, 3)
oops_notnumeric <- c(1, 2, "oops")

test_that("edge cases", {
  # Check for x
  expect_error(onesampsgn(Inf), "argument 1 must have length greater than 1")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(oops_inf), "argument 1 cannot include an Inf or -Inf")
  # Check for alt
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alt = Inf), "argument 3 cannot be infinite")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alt = -Inf), "argument 3 cannot be infinite")
  # Check for theta0
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, theta0 = Inf), "argument 4 cannot be infinite")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, theta0 = -Inf), "argument 4 cannot be infinite")
  # Check for alpha
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alpha = -1), "input argument 'alpha' must be between zero and one")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alpha = 1), "input argument 'alpha' must be between zero and one")

test_that("input", {
  # Check for x
  expect_error(onesampsgn(NA), "argument 1 must have length greater than 1")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(oops_notnumeric), "argument 1 must be a number")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(oops_notnumeric), "argument 1 must be a numeric vector")
  # Check for test
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, test = "oops"), "argument 2 must be logical")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, test = NaN), "argument 2 must be logical")
  # Check for alt
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alt = "oops"), "argument 3 must be a number")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alt = NA), "argument 3 must be a number")
  # Check for theta0
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, theta0 = "oops"), "argument 4 must be a number")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, theta0 = NA), "argument 4 must be a number")
  # Check for alpha
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alpha = "oops"), "argument 5 must be a number")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, alpha = NA), "argument 5 must be a number")
  # Check for maktable
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, maktable = "oops"), "argument 6 must be logical")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, maktable = NaN), "argument 6 must be logical")
  # Check for plotb
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, plotb = "oops"), "argument 7 must be logical")
  expect_error(onesampsgn(x, plotb = NaN), "argument 7 must be logical")

test_that("output", {
  expect_equal(length(names(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE))), 5)
  expect_equal(length(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$est), 1)
  expect_equal(length(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$est), 1)
  expect_equal(length(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$lci), 1)
  expect_equal(length(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$uci), 1)
  expect_equal(length(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$acconf), 1)
  expect_equal(length(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$tau), 1)
  expect_equal(is.numeric(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$est), 
  expect_equal(is.numeric(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$est), 
  expect_equal(is.numeric(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$lci), 
  expect_equal(is.numeric(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$uci), 
  expect_equal(is.numeric(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$acconf), 
  expect_equal(is.numeric(onesampsgn(x, maktable = FALSE)$tau), 
austinragotzy/mathstat documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:30 a.m.