Prompt detection and initiation of appropriate treatment for sedation-related complications is vital to ensure patient safety during nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA). People will exert maximal effort and persist despite failure if they believe they are capable in completing a given task. It is possible that nurses may not take necessary actions to manage sedation-related complications if they lack confidence in their abilities to complete the task. The aim of this study was to develop and validate the nursing confidence in managing sedation complications scale (NCMSCS).
A draft version of the NC-MSCS was developed from clinical practice guidelines. An expert panel of nurses and medical practitioners who have expertise in anaesthesia or PSA were asked to rate the relevance of each item. Items with a content validity index of less than 0.78 were revised and those with very low index values were deleted. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the revised scale, an online survey was distributed to nurses who were members of operating theatre, endoscopy, cardiac cath lab, radiology and critical care specialty nursing associations. Exploratory factor analysis was undertaken to provide evidence of the structural validity of the scale.
Load data
library(psych) data$GSES=rowMeans(data[,14:21], na.rm = TRUE) variables=c(7:9,22:23,58) kableExtra::kable(describe(data[,variables]), caption="Descriptive statistics") ##need to also add in factor variable descriptives.
The percent of missing data:
Impute with expectation maximisation
library(TestDataImputation) df1=EMimpute(df, Mvalue = "NA", max.score = 7)
Prepare dataframe for exploratory factor analysis Delete items: Sedation reversal – worded with more than one part in the question Laryngeal mask airway – not all trained for this AssessLevel Sedation - wording was too similar to identify over-sedation
df1$Medication=NULL df1$LMA=NULL df1$AssessLevelSedation=NULL
Box plots of item distributions from
library(tidyr) #create long dataframe dflong=gather(df1,key=Item, value=Confidence) #Change item names library(plyr) dflong$Item=mapvalues(dflong$Item, from = c("RiskHistory" , "RiskOSA" , "DifficultIntubate" , "DifficultBMV" ,"RiskASA" , "RiskBMI" , "RiskCardioresp", "IdentifyHypoventilation", "IdentifyRespRate" , "IdentifyAllergy" , "IdentifyBradycardia" , "IdentifyHypotension" , "RespondHypoventilation" , "RespondHypoxia" , "RespondBradycardia" , "RespondHypotension" , "NontechAssess" ,"NontechAccessAssist","NontechRespond", "OPA" , "NPA" , "JawSupport" , "ChinLift", "BMV", "IdentifyLaryngospasm", "IdentifyObstruction", "IdentifyOversedation", "NontechIdentifyAssist", "RespondObstruction", "RiskComorbid", "RiskFrailty"), to = c("Assess risk from anaesthetic history" , "Assess risk from sleep apnoea" , "Determine risk for difficult intubation" , "Determine risk for difficult bag mask ventilation" ,"Assess risk from ASA classification status" , "Assess risk from body mass index" , "Assess risk from cardiorespiratory reserve", "Identify hypoventilation", "Identify abnormal respiratory rate" , "Identify allergic reactions" , "Identify bradycardia" , "Identify hypotension" , "Respond to hypoventilation" , "Respond to hypoxia" , "Respond to bradycardia" , "Respond to hypotension" , "Cease procedure to assess patient" ,"Cease procedure to gain extra assistance","Cease procedure to treat complication", "Insert oropharyngeal airway" , "Insert nasopharyngeal airway" , "Apply jaw support" , "Apply chin lift", "Perform bag-mask ventilation", "Identify laryngospasm", "Identify airway obstruction", "Identify oversedation", "Identify when extra assistance required", "Respond to airway obstruction", "Assess risk from comorbidities", "Assess risk from frailty assessment")) library(ggplot2) ggplot(data = dflong, # add the data aes(x = Item, y = Confidence, # set x, y coordinates color = Item)) + # color by item geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank())
library(nFactors) polycor=polychoric(df1, smooth = FALSE) ev <- eigen(cor(polycor$rho)) ap <- parallel(subject=nrow(polycor$rho),var=ncol(polycor$rho), rep=100,cent=.05, model="factors") nS <- nScree(x=ev$values, aparallel=ap$eigen$qevpea) plotnScree(nS)
df3=df1 polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Conceptualise factor structure as: 1. a factor for assessing risk of and identification of airway complications 2. A factor for treating airway complications 3. Other complications
Remove RiskComorbidity because difference <0.15
df3$RiskComorbid=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove IdentifyHypoventilation becuase difference <0.15
df3$IdentifyHypoventilation=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove BMV as difference <0.15
df3$BMV=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RespondObstruction because difference <0.15
df3$RespondObstruction=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RiskFrailty because it loaded on the wrong factor
df3$RiskFrailty=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove NontechAccessAssist because of Heywood case
df3$NontechAccessAssist=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
This solution identified a factor structure consisting of: 1. Advanced airway assessment skills 2. Technical skills related to airway patency 3. General skills related to identifying and responding to sedation-related complications.
MSCS.keys.3=list(advanced=c("RiskHistory" , "RiskOSA" , "DifficultIntubate" , "DifficultBMV" ,"RiskASA" , "RiskBMI" , "RiskCardioresp", "IdentifyLaryngospasm", "IdentifyObstruction"), general=c("IdentifyRespRate" , "IdentifyAllergy" , "IdentifyOversedation", "IdentifyBradycardia" , "IdentifyHypotension" , "RespondHypoventilation" , "RespondHypoxia" , "RespondBradycardia" , "RespondHypotension" ,"NontechAssess" ,"NontechIdentifyAssist","NontechRespond" ), airway=c("OPA" , "NPA" , "JawSupport" , "ChinLift" ), total=c("RiskHistory" , "RiskOSA" , "DifficultIntubate" , "DifficultBMV" ,"RiskASA" , "RiskBMI" , "RiskCardioresp", "IdentifyLaryngospasm", "IdentifyObstruction", "IdentifyOversedation", "IdentifyRespRate" , "IdentifyAllergy" , "IdentifyBradycardia" , "IdentifyHypotension" , "RespondHypoventilation" , "RespondHypoxia" , "RespondBradycardia" , "RespondHypotension" , "NontechAssess" ,"NontechAccessAssist","NontechRespond", "OPA" , "NPA" , "JawSupport" , "ChinLift"))
my.scales.3=scoreItems(MSCS.keys.3, df1) my.scores.3=my.scales.3$scores
Add scale scores to data frame
data$advanced=my.scores.3[,1] data$general=my.scores.3[,2] data$airway=my.scores.3[,3] data$total.3=my.scores.3[,4]
Describe scale scores
plyr::count(data$advanced) plyr::count(data$airway) plyr::count(data$general) plyr::count(data$total.3)
Start of alternative 3 factor solution: Remove RiskFrailty because it loaded on the wrong factor
df3alt=df1 df3alt$RiskFrailty=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3alt, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RiskComorbid because difference <0.15
df3alt$RiskComorbid=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3alt, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove IdentifyLaryngospasm because it loaded on the wrong factor
df3alt$IdentifyLaryngospasm=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3alt, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove IdentifyObstruction because it loaded on the wrong factor
df3alt$IdentifyObstruction=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3alt, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove IdentifyHypoventilation because difference was <0.15
df3alt$IdentifyHypoventilation=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3alt, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RespondHypoventilation because difference was <0.15
df3alt$RespondHypoventilation=NULL polycor=polychoric(df3alt, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 3, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
df4=df1 polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove IdentifyLaryngospasm because it loaded highly on the wrong factor
df4$IdentifyLaryngospasm=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RiskFrailty because it loaded on wrong factor*
df4$RiskFrailty=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RespondObstruction – loaded on more than one factor with difference <0.15*
df4$RespondObstruction=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove RiskComorbidity because it loaded highly on two factors with difference <0.15 between factors*
df4$RiskComorbid=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove Identifyobstruction – loaded on wrong factor*
df4$IdentifyObstruction=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove NontechIdentifyAssist because loaded highly on two factors with <0.15 difference*
df4$NontechIdentifyAssist=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove BMV loaded less than 0.4 on all factors*
df4$BMV=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "Promax", fm="ols") factor
Remove IdentifyOversedation loaded less than 0.4 on all factors*
df4$IdentifyOversedation=NULL polycor=polychoric(df4, smooth = FALSE) factor=fa(polycor$rho, nfactors = 4, rotate = "promax", fm="ols")
MSCS.keys=list(risk=c("RiskHistory" , "RiskOSA" , "DifficultIntubate" , "DifficultBMV" ,"RiskASA" , "RiskBMI" , "RiskCardioresp"), identify=c("IdentifyHypoventilation", "IdentifyRespRate" , "IdentifyAllergy" , "IdentifyBradycardia" , "IdentifyHypotension" , "RespondHypoventilation" , "RespondHypoxia" , "RespondBradycardia" , "RespondHypotension" ), nontech=c("NontechAssess" ,"NontechAccessAssist","NontechRespond" ), tech=c("OPA" , "NPA" , "JawSupport" , "ChinLift" ), total=c("RiskHistory" , "RiskOSA" , "DifficultIntubate" , "DifficultBMV" ,"RiskASA" , "RiskBMI" , "RiskCardioresp", "IdentifyHypoventilation", "IdentifyRespRate" , "IdentifyAllergy" , "IdentifyBradycardia" , "IdentifyHypotension" , "RespondHypoventilation" , "RespondHypoxia" , "RespondBradycardia" , "RespondHypotension" , "NontechAssess" ,"NontechAccessAssist","NontechRespond", "OPA" , "NPA" , "JawSupport" , "ChinLift"))
my.scales=scoreItems(MSCS.keys, df1) my.scores=my.scales$scores
Add scale scores to data frame
data$risk=my.scores[,1] data$identify=my.scores[,2] data$nontech=my.scores[,3] data$tech=my.scores[,4] data$total=my.scores[,5]
plyr::count(data$tech) plyr::count(data$nontech) plyr::count(data$risk) plyr::count(data$identify) plyr::count(data$total) plyr::count(data$OverallConfidence) describe(data[,58:62])
Plot from:
t=as.table(print(factor$loadings)) library(plyr) t1$Var2=mapvalues(t1$Var2, from = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), to = c("Identify and respond", "Risk assessment", "Technical skills", "Non-technical skills")) t1$Var1=mapvalues(t1$Var1, from = c("RiskHistory" , "RiskOSA" , "DifficultIntubate" , "DifficultBMV" ,"RiskASA" , "RiskBMI" , "RiskCardioresp", "IdentifyHypoventilation", "IdentifyRespRate" , "IdentifyAllergy" , "IdentifyBradycardia" , "IdentifyHypotension" , "RespondHypoventilation" , "RespondHypoxia" , "RespondBradycardia" , "RespondHypotension" , "NontechAssess" ,"NontechAccessAssist","NontechRespond", "OPA" , "NPA" , "JawSupport" , "ChinLift"), to = c("Assess risk from anaesthetic history" , "Assess risk from sleep apnoea" , "Determine risk for difficult intubation" , "Determine risk for difficult bag mask ventilation" ,"Assess risk from ASA classification status" , "Assess risk from body mass index" , "Assess risk from cardiorespiratory reserve", "Identify hypoventilation", "Identify abnormal respiratory rate" , "Identify allergic reactions" , "Identify bradycardia" , "Identify hypotension" , "Respond to hypoventilation" , "Respond to hypoxia" , "Respond to bradycardia" , "Respond to hypotension" , "Cease procedure to assess patient" ,"Cease procedure to gain extra assistance","Cease procedure to treat complication", "Insert oropharyngeal airway" , "Insert nasopharyngeal airway" , "Apply jaw support" , "Apply chin lift")) names=c("Item", "Factor", "Loading") colnames(t1)=names library(ggplot2) #For each test, plot the loading as length and fill color of a bar # note that the length will be the absolute value of the loading but the # fill color will be the signed value, more on this below ggplot(t1, aes(Item, abs(Loading), fill=Loading)) + facet_wrap(~ Factor, nrow=1) + #place the factors in separate facets geom_bar(stat="identity") + #make the bars coord_flip() + #flip the axes so the test names can be horizontal #define the fill color gradient: blue=positive, red=negative scale_fill_gradient2(name = "Loading", high = "blue", mid = "white", low = "red", midpoint=0, guide=F) + ylab("Loading Strength") + #improve y-axis label theme_bw(base_size=10) #use a black and white theme with set font size
Create total general self efficacy scale score
data$GSE=rowSums(data[,14:21], na.rm = FALSE) head(data$GSE)
Create critical care dummy variable
Load the broom, dplyr and kableExtra packages
library(broom) library(kableExtra) library(dplyr)
Model for total score
model=lm(total~YearsNursing+ PSAFrequency+ YearsPSA+ ALS+ PSAEducation+ GSE+ critcare+ PSAPolicy+ Competency+ OverallKnowledge, data) kable(tidy(model,
ggplot(tidy(model,, aes(estimate, term, color = term)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high)) + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=0))+ scale_y_discrete(labels = c("(Intercept)", "ALS", "Unit has a PSA Competency", "Critical care", "General self-efficacy", "Sedation knowledge rating", "Education", "Frequency using PSA", "Unit has a PSA Policy", "Years Nursing", "Years administering sedation")) + theme(legend.position="none")+ labs(y = "Predictor", x="Estimate") + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"))+ theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank())
ggcoefstats plot
Model for risk assessment scale
model=lm(data$risk~data$YearsNursing+data$PSAFrequency+data$YearsPSA+data$ALS+data$PSAEducation+data$GSE+data$critcare+data$PSAPolicy+data$Competency + data$OverallKnowledge) summary(model)
Model for identifying and responding to complications scale
model=lm(data$identify~data$YearsNursing+data$PSAFrequency+data$YearsPSA+data$ALS+data$PSAEducation+data$GSE+data$critcare+data$PSAPolicy+data$Competency+ data$OverallKnowledge) summary(model)
Model for technical skills scale
model=lm(data$tech~data$YearsNursing+data$PSAFrequency+data$YearsPSA+data$ALS+data$PSAEducation+data$GSE+data$critcare+data$PSAPolicy+data$Competency+ data$OverallKnowledge) summary(model)
Model for non-technical skills scale
model=lm(data$nontech~data$YearsNursing+data$PSAFrequency+data$YearsPSA+data$ALS+data$PSAEducation+data$GSE+data$critcare+data$PSAPolicy+data$Competency+ data$OverallKnowledge) summary(model)
consider doing plots of multiple regressions using ggstatsplot:: ggcoefstats
plots for associations between total scores and explanatory variables
ggplotRegression <- function (fit) { library(ggplot2) ggplot(fit$model, aes_string(x = names(fit$model)[2], y = names(fit$model)[1])) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) + stat_smooth(method = "lm", col = "red") + labs(title = paste("Adj R squared = ",signif(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, 5), "Intercept =",signif(fit$coef[[1]],5 ), " Slope =",signif(fit$coef[[2]], 5), " P =",signif(summary(fit)$coef[2,4], 5))) } ggplotRegression(lm(total ~ OverallConfidence, data = data)) ggplotRegression(lm(total ~ OverallKnowledge, data = data)) ggplotRegression(lm(total ~ YearsPSA, data = data)) ggplotRegression(lm(total ~ YearsNursing, data = data)) ggplotRegression(lm(total ~ PSAFrequency, data = data)) ggplotRegression(lm(total ~ GSE, data = data))
Reliability analysis$total$std.alpha dfnontech=data.frame(data$NontechAccessAssist, data$NontechRespond, data$NontechAssess) reliability.nontech=psych::alpha(dfnontech)$total$std.alpha dftech=data.frame(data$ChinLift, data$JawSupport, data$NPA, data$OPA) reliabilitytech=psych::alpha(dftech)$total$std.alpha dfrisk=data.frame(df1[,1:7]) reliabilityrisk=psych::alpha(dfrisk)$total$std.alpha dfidentify=data.frame(df1[,c(8:12,14:17)]) reliability.identify=psych::alpha(dfidentify)$total$std.alpha data.frame(,reliability.identify,reliability.nontech, reliabilitytech, reliabilityrisk)
Load data
responsiveness <- readr::read_csv("data/responsiveness.csv")
Create pre NC-MSCS scores
Print variable pre-test variable names
Print variable pre-test variable names
variablenames.mscsPost=dput(grep(".post$", names(responsiveness), value=TRUE)) names.list[29:30]
pre.keys=list(risk=c("Risk_anaesthesia_pre", "Risk_OSA_pre" , "Risk_intubate_pre" , "Risk_BMV_pre" , "Risk_ASA_pre" , "Risk_BMI_pre" , "Risk_cardiorespiratory_pre"), identify=c("Identify_hypoventilation_pre", "Identify_resprate_pre" , "Identify_allergic_pre" , "Identify_sedationlevel_pre" ,"Respond_hypoventilation_pre", "Respond_hypoxia_pre","Respond_bradycardia_pre", "Respond_hypotension_pre" ), tech=c("Intervention_OPA_pre" , "Intervention_NPA_pre" , "Intervention_jawsupport_pre" , "Intervention_chinlift_pre" ), nontech=c("Nontech_access_assistance_pre", "Nontech_respond_pre", "Nontech_assessment_pre"), total=c("Risk_OSA_pre" , "Risk_intubate_pre" , "Risk_BMV_pre" , "Risk_ASA_pre" ,"Risk_comorbidities_pre" , "Risk_BMI_pre" , "Risk_cardiorespiratory_pre","Identify_hypoventilation_pre", "Identify_resprate_pre" , "Identify_allergic_pre" , "Identify_sedationlevel_pre" ,"Respond_hypoventilation_pre", "Respond_hypoxia_pre","Respond_bradycardia_pre", "Respond_hypotension_pre","Intervention_OPA_pre" , "Intervention_NPA_pre" , "Intervention_jawsupport_pre" , "Intervention_chinlift_pre" ,"Nontech_access_assistance_pre", "Nontech_respond_pre", "Nontech_assessment_pre")) post.keys=list(risk=c("Risk_anaesthesia_post","Risk_OSA_post" , "Risk_intubate_post" , "Risk_BMV_post" , "Risk_ASA_post" , "Risk_BMI_post" , "Risk_cardiorespiratory_post"), identify=c("Identify_hypoventilation_post", "Identify_resprate_post" , "Identify_allergic_post" , "Identify_sedationlevel_post" ,"Respond_hypoventilation_post", "Respond_hypoxia_post","Respond_bradycardia_post", "Respond_hypotension_post" ), tech=c("Intervention_OPA_post" , "Intervention_NPA_post" , "Intervention_jawsupport_post" , "Intervention_chinlift_post" ), nontech=c("Nontech_access_assistance_post", "Nontech_respond_post", "Nontech_assessment_post"), total=c("Risk_OSA_post" , "Risk_intubate_post" , "Risk_BMV_post" , "Risk_ASA_post" ,"Risk_comorbidities_post" , "Risk_BMI_post" , "Risk_cardiorespiratory_post","Identify_hypoventilation_post", "Identify_resprate_post" , "Identify_allergic_post" , "Identify_sedationlevel_post" ,"Respond_hypoventilation_post", "Respond_hypoxia_post","Respond_bradycardia_post", "Respond_hypotension_post","Intervention_OPA_post" , "Intervention_NPA_post" , "Intervention_jawsupport_post" , "Intervention_chinlift_post" ,"Nontech_access_assistance_post", "Nontech_respond_post", "Nontech_assessment_post"))
pre.scales=scoreItems(pre.keys, responsiveness) pre.scores=pre.scales$scores post.scales=scoreItems(post.keys, responsiveness) post.scores=post.scales$scores
Add scale scores to data frame
responsiveness$pre.risk=pre.scores[,1] responsiveness$pre.identify=pre.scores[,2] responsiveness$pre.nontech=pre.scores[,3] responsiveness$[,4] responsiveness$[,5] responsiveness$post.risk=post.scores[,1] responsiveness$post.identify=post.scores[,2] responsiveness$post.nontech=post.scores[,3] responsiveness$[,4] responsiveness$[,5]
plyr::count(responsiveness$ plyr::count(responsiveness$pre.nontech) plyr::count(responsiveness$pre.risk) plyr::count(responsiveness$pre.identify) plyr::count(responsiveness$ plyr::count(responsiveness$PSAconfidence_pre) plyr::count(responsiveness$ plyr::count(responsiveness$post.nontech) plyr::count(responsiveness$post.risk) plyr::count(responsiveness$post.identify) plyr::count(responsiveness$ plyr::count(responsiveness$PSAconfidence_post) responsiveness$totalchange=responsiveness$ responsiveness$ responsiveness$Confidence_change=responsiveness$PSAconfidence_post - responsiveness$PSAconfidence_pre describe(responsiveness[,73:83])
library(psychometric) sd=sd(responsiveness$totalchange, na.rm=TRUE) meanchange=mean(responsiveness$totalchange, na.rm=TRUE) SRM=meanchange/sd SRM GRI=meanchange/sd(responsiveness$, na.rm=TRUE) GRI
new=na.omit(data.frame(responsiveness$,responsiveness$ columns2=c("before", "after") colnames(new)=columns2 totalafter=new$after totalbefore=new$before risk=na.omit(data.frame(responsiveness$pre.risk,responsiveness$post.risk)) columns2=c("before", "after") colnames(risk)=columns2 riskafter=risk$after riskbefore=risk$before tech=na.omit(data.frame(responsiveness$,responsiveness$ columns2=c("before", "after") colnames(tech)=columns2 techafter=tech$after techbefore=tech$before library(PairedData) total <- paired(totalbefore, totalafter) plot(total, type = "profile") + theme_bw() +ggtitle("NC-MSCS scores before and after training in sedation") + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) risk <- paired(riskbefore, riskafter) plot(risk, type = "profile") + theme_bw() +ggtitle("Risk subscale scores before and after training in sedation") + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) tech <- paired(techbefore, techafter) plot(tech, type = "profile") + theme_bw() +ggtitle("Technical skills subscale scores before and after training in sedation") + theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))
Plot of correlations
ggplotRegression(lm(totalchange ~ Confidence_change, data = responsiveness))
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