
#' Formats in APA format and writes correlation matrices to an excel sheet
#' Uses an output object from the Psych package and adds 1 or 2 askterisks (stars) to the 
#' correlation for APA table output. Returns object as dataframe. Writes correlational 
#' data for r, n, and pvalues to three consecutively named Excel sheets.
#' @param f.name is the file name to which to write the data. default = 'output.xlsx'
#' @param s.name is the name of the Excel sheet(s) to which to write the data
#' @param obj.corrs is the correlation object from the corr.test function in the Psych package
#' @param print.p requests printing of p values. default = TRUE
#' @param print.n requests printing of sample size (n). default = TRUE
#' @param ... parameters passed to the f.corstar function
#' @author Adam Meade \email{awmeade@@ncsu.edu}
#' @importFrom xlsx write.xlsx
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' corrs = corr.test(sat.act)
#' f.write.corrs(s.name='example',obj.corrs=corrs)
#' f.write.corrs(f.name='example.xlsx',s.name='example',obj.corrs=corrs,p.val.2=FALSE)
#' }

f.write.corrs <- local(function(f.name = 'output.xlsx', s.name, obj.corrs, 
                                print.p = TRUE, print.n = TRUE, ...){
  corr.sheet <- paste0(s.name,'.r')
  n.sheet <- paste0(s.name,'.n')
  p.sheet <- paste0(s.name,'.p')
  write.xlsx(f.corstar(obj.corrs,...), f.name, sheetName = corr.sheet, append=TRUE)
  if(print.n == TRUE){
    write.xlsx(obj.corrs$n,f.name, sheetName = n.sheet, append=TRUE)
  if(print.p == TRUE){
    write.xlsx(round(obj.corrs$p,2),f.name, sheetName = p.sheet, append=TRUE)
awmeade/psymetlab documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 11:39 p.m.