proc_freq: View and return the frequency distribution of a variable.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples


For continuous variables, the user can optionally specify to discretize the variable into a fixed number of equal width bins, or into custom bins of the user's choice. This is useful for larger datasets with many unique observed values


proc_freq(dat, var, bins = 0)



a tbl


character string giving the name of the desired variable, or a single number giving the position of the desired variable


if 0, no discretization is performed. If a positive integer then var is binned into bins equal width ranges, and the frequency distribution of those ranges is computed. If a length > 1 numeric vector, then var is binned into ranges with cutpoints defined by the unique entries of bins


R has many one-line solutions to getting the frequency distribution of a variable; this function provides a unified approach that makes use of the efficient data types and computation provided by the dplyr package, and as a bonus, makes it easy to explore the distribution of a continuous variable with many unique observations by automating discretization. The name is intended to make the function more portable for SAS users who are not comfortable outside their native habitat.


a tbl containing 3 columns: level gives the unique values or bins, count gives the count in each level of level and percent gives the percentage of total observations in each level. proc_freq also automatically sends the frequency distribution to the viewer, using utils::View

See Also

Other descriptive: get_top_corrs


proc_freq(faithful,"eruptions",bins = 4)
proc_freq(faithful,"eruptions",bins = c(1,2,3,4,5))

awstringer/modellingTools documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:11 p.m.