
# This file was generated by Rcpp::compileAttributes
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Read a given file in sparse (LIBSVM) format to dense R matrix and R vector.
#' @param 		filename		The filename of the data in sparse file format. The Tilde Character isn't supported for f filename!  
#' @param 		skipBytes		How many bytes of the head of the files should be skipped?
#' @param		verbose		Show verbose output?
#' @param		zeroBased			Do the indices in the file start with 0, e.g. -1 0:2 1:4 ...?
#' @keywords	IO 
#' @note		This routine is nearly a 1:1 adoptation from the LIBSVM original code.
#' @return		The data is read into an R matrix and an R vector, containing the data
#'					and the labels. note, that these are not in sparse format, but are dense.
#' @examples	
#' \dontrun{
#'		S = readSparseData("../../../SVMBridge/tests/data/australian.train")
#'		print (paste("Data has", nrow(S$X), "points."))
#'		print (paste("Labels are", unique(S$Y), "."))
#'	}
#' @export
readSparseData <- function(filename, skipBytes = 0L, verbose = FALSE, zeroBased = FALSE) {
    .Call('SVMBridge_readSparseData', PACKAGE = 'SVMBridge', filename, skipBytes, verbose, zeroBased)

#' Write given (dense) R matrix and R vector in sparse (LIBSVM) format to given file.
#' @param 	filename		the filename to write the given data to
#' @param	X		The data to write as a matrix
#' @param	Y		The labels for the data.
#' @param	append		Append to the file (or overwrite)?
#' @param 	skipBytes		How many bytes of the head of the files should be skipped?
#' @param	verbose			Be verbose?
#' @param	zeroBased			Do the indices in the file start with 0, e.g. -1 0:2 1:4 ...?
#' @note		Labels can any numeric, they are not converted in any way.
#' @keywords	IO 
#' @return		NULL.
#' @examples	
#'		X = as.matrix(iris[,1:4])
#'		Y = as.matrix(as.numeric(iris[,5]))
#'		writeSparseData ("./australian.data", X, Y)
#' @export
writeSparseData <- function(filename, X, Y, append = FALSE, skipBytes = 0L, verbose = FALSE, zeroBased = FALSE) {
    .Call('SVMBridge_writeSparseData', PACKAGE = 'SVMBridge', filename, X, Y, append, skipBytes, verbose, zeroBased)
aydindemircioglu/SVMBridge documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:13 p.m.