IUCNest: Convert Range Sizes to IUCN Assessment

View source: R/IUCNest.R

IUCNestR Documentation

Convert Range Sizes to IUCN Assessment


The function converts range sizes (Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence), as calculated by CalcRange to conservation assessments based on IUCN criterion B and extinction probabilities following Mooers et al. (2008).


IUCNest(x, value = "all",
        NT.thresh = c(30000, 3000), VU.thresh = c(20000, 2000), 
        EN.thresh = c(5000, 500), CR.thresh = c(100, 10))



an object of the class range.sizes, as produced by CalcRange.


a character string. Defining the output value, see details. One of "all", "AOO", "EOO", "IUCN50", "IUCN100", "IUCN500" Default = "all".


numeric. Thresholds for categorization to near threatened, in the form (EOO, AOO). Defaults from IUCN Standards and Petitions (Subcommittee 2014).


numeric. Thresholds for categorization to vulnerable, in the form (EOO, AOO). Defaults from IUCN Standards and Petitions (Subcommittee 2014).


numeric. Thresholds for categorization to endangered, in the form (EOO, AOO). Defaults from IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014).


numeric. Thresholds for categorization to critically endangered, in the form (EOO, AOO). Defaults from IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014).


The value argument defines the type of assessment in the output: “AOO” = assessment based on the AOO, “EOO” = assessment based on the EOO, “both” = assessment based on AOO and EOO, “IUCN50” = a extra column where the assessment is converted into a probability of extinction within the next 50 years, “IUCN100” = a extra column where the assessment is converted into a probability of extinction within the next 100 years, “IUCN500” = a extra column where the assessment is converted into a probability of extinction within the next 500 years. See Mooers et al. 2008 for reference on the conversion.


a data.frame, the number of columns depend on the value argument (see details).


See https://github.com/azizka/speciesgeocodeR/wiki for more details and tutorials.


IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014) Guidelines for using the IUCN Red List categories and criteria. Version 11. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Downloadable from: http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf.

Mooers, A.O., Faith D.P. & Maddison W. P. (2008) Converting Endangered Species Categories to Probabilities if Extinction for Phylogenetic Conservation Prioritization. PLOSone, 3(11)


occ.exmpl<- data.frame(species = sample(letters, size = 250, replace = TRUE),
                       decimallongitude = runif(n = 250, min = 42, max = 51),
                       decimallatitude = runif(n = 250, min = -26, max = -11))

rang <- CalcRange(occ.exmpl, method = 'pseudospherical', terrestrial = FALSE)

azizka/speciesgeocodeR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 3:45 a.m.