show.survey: Plotting mask and trap layout

View source: R/surveyplots.r

show.surveyR Documentation

Plotting mask and trap layout


Plots the mask points and trap locations used in a model fitted with the function fit.ascr.


show.survey(fit = NULL, traps = NULL, mask = NULL, session = 1, ...)



A fitted model from fit.ascr.


A matrix with two columns. Each row provides Cartesian coordinates for the location of a detector. Alternatively, this can be a list of such matrices if detections from multiple detector arrays (or ‘sessions’) are being used to fit a single model.


A matrix with two columns. Each row provides Cartesian coordinates for the location of a mask point. The function create.mask will return a suitable object. The mask used to fit the model fit will be used by default; this argument is usually used when estimated location contours need to be plotted to a higher resolution than this.


The session(s) for which the mask point and trap locations are to be plotted. Using "all" will plot all sessions.


Further arguments to be passed to plot.


If fit is provided, then traps and mask objects to be plotted are those used to fit the model. Alternatively, traps and mask can be provided without having fitted a model first.



b-steve/ascr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 2:38 p.m.