
# Author: Babak Naimi, naimi.b@gmail.com
# Date :  July 2012
# Last Update: Feb. 2019
# Version 1.2
# Licence GPL v3
# cellFromXY <- function(object,xy) {
#   if ( missing(xy)) { stop('you must provide XY coordinates as a vector, matrix, or SpatialPoints') }
#   cellFromXY(object@raster,xy)
# }
# cellFromRowCol <- function(object,row, col) {
#   if ( missing(row) | missing(col)) { stop('you must provide row and col number(s)') }
#   as.vector(cellFromRowCol(object@raster,row=row,col=col))
# }

# if (!isGeneric("cellFromRowCol")) {
#   setGeneric("cellFromRowCol", function(object, row, col, ...)
#     standardGeneric("cellFromRowCol"))
# }

setMethod("cellFromRowCol", signature(object="RasterStackBrickTS", row="numeric",col="numeric"),
          function(object, row, col,...) {
            if ( missing(row) | missing(col)) { stop('you must provide row and col number(s)') }

setMethod("cellFromXY", "RasterStackBrickTS",
          function(object,xy) {
            if ( missing(xy)) { stop('you must provide XY coordinates as a vector, matrix, or SpatialPoints') }


setMethod("cellFromRowCol", signature(object="SpatRasterTS", row="numeric",col="numeric"),
          function(object, row, col,...) {
            if ( missing(row) | missing(col)) { stop('you must provide row and col number(s)') }

setMethod("cellFromXY", "SpatRasterTS",
          function(object,xy) {
            if ( missing(xy)) { stop('you must provide XY coordinates as a vector, matrix, or SpatialPoints') }
babaknaimi/rts documentation built on June 18, 2024, 11:31 p.m.