Man pages for bahlolab/varpr
Prioritises variants from the merged_collab file

are_exosplice_varsWhich variants are within exonic, splicing or exonic/splicing...
are_in_lrIs the specific variant/row located within the provided...
are_rare_varsWhich variants are rare in the genomic databases?
are_synsnv_varsWhich variants are synonymous SNVs?
clean_genesCleans a vector of genes
format_commaFormat numbers with commas for pretty printing
format_decFormat floating point numbers with two decimals for pretty...
gt_tab_per_famGenotype table per family.
gt_tab_per_sampleGenotype table per sample.
is_gt_colWhich columns are genotype columns?
is_gt_col_for_famWhich columns are genotype columns for the specified family?
is_rare_inCheck if this atomic vector is NA or less than a specified...
maf_tabReturns a summary of a MAF variable (i.e. 1KG or ESP6500)
read_var_fileRead in a variant file.
read_var_objRead in a variant file stored as an rds object.
shorten_changeShorten change column from variant file
shorten_pph2Shorten PPH2 column from variant file
shorten_refaltShorten REF/ALT column from variant file
shorten_regionShorten region column from variant file
shorten_siftShorten SIFT column from variant file
tidy_varsTidy up the vars data frame
var_all_okAre the variable classes and names for the vars as expected?
var_cl_main_okAre the main var columns of the expected class?
var_cl_sample_okAre the sample var columns of the expected class?
var_names_okAre the names of the main var columns as expected?
varprvarpr: A package for variant prioritisation.
vartype_countCounts the number of SNVs and INDELs.
vartype_count_per_chrCounts the number of SNVs and INDELs within each chromosome
bahlolab/varpr documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:26 p.m.