
#' Update zsl Data
#' Update the bond discount rate data to MySQL database. The date of the lastest
#' records can be detected from the database, and search the new data from the
#' website, so the param \code{date} can be ignored.
#' If the param \code{date} is
#' given, that's meaning that this date's data would be updated even if it
#' exists on the database server. All the data of and later than the given date
#' will be deleted first, then new data is written.
#' @param ch the RODBC connection object
#' @param date the date of updating the zsl data
#' @param folder the folder where to put the xls files
#' @param delete.file logical, whether to delete the downloaded file
#' @return No return, only the database will be updated.
#' @export
zslUpdateDB <- function(date, ch, folder='', delete.file=TRUE) {
  # 本函数更新折算率数据,日期可以给定也可以自动从服务器端获取已有数据的最后日期

  # 从全局环境中获取“ch”数据库连接对象
  if (missing(ch)) {
    if (exists('ch', envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
      ch <- get('ch', envir=.GlobalEnv)
    } else {
      stop('The RODBC connection should be given, or named "ch" in global.')

  # 获取日期
  if (missing(date)) {
    qry <- 'SELECT MAX(annce) FROM zsl'
    date <- RODBC::sqlQuery(ch, qry, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[1,1] + 1
  } else {
    date <- as.Date(date)

  dl <- zslCombineList(date)
  if (nrow(dl) > 0) {
    dl <- zslDownFile(dl)
    date_list <- unique(dl$annce)
    date_list <- date_list[date_list <= date]
    if (length(date_list) > 0) {
      for (i in date_list) {
        i <- as.Date(i, origin='1970-01-01')
        qry <- paste('DELETE FROM zsl WHERE annce="', i, '"', sep='')
        RODBC::sqlQuery(ch, qry)
        cat('\nThe records of', format(i, format='%Y/%m/%d'),
            'has been deleted')
    for (i in dl$fn) {
      cat('\nWriting the file', i, '...')
      i %>%
        tidyData() %>%
        writeToDB(ch, 'zsl', quiet=FALSE)
      if (delete.file) suppressMessages(file.remove(i))
  } else {
    message('There is no file can be downloaded now!')
baixueyuan/zsl documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:27 p.m.