This tutorial is the first place to start venturing into yaps. In this, we will ensure everything is running as expected and introduce a general workflow and basic functionality of yaps. The tutorial was developed for the Ideas OTN workshop held in Halifax February 2020 and adapted slightly.


yaps relies heavily on TMB (Template Model Builder). If not already installed, please install TMB and devtools. Then make sure you have the latest version of yaps installed. These steps are only needed once.

install.packages("TMB", type = "source")
devtools::install_github('baktoft/yaps', ref='dev_ows')

Load libaries needed for this tutorial.


Load yaps and test that everything is working as expected. This should display a short simulated known track (in black) and the track estimated by yaps in red.


Getting started - the ssu1 example data set

This is a tiny data set collected as part of a feasibility study using YAPS on Vemco PPM style data to track fish in shallow parts of Florida Bay, USA. Data collected by J.S. Rehage, J.R. Rodemann, R.S. Corujo and N. Viadero. Included in yaps with permission from J.S. Rehage, FIU Florida International University.

Have a look at the data - details can be found in ?ssu1


Pretty self explanatory. Coordinates are in UTM - YAPS will (most probably) not work well with lat/lon data. Column sync_tag indicate serial number of special transmitters co-located with the hydrophones; data from these are used in the synchronization process. Column idx is an index running from 1:nrow(hydros).

plot(y~x, data = ssu1$hydros, asp=1)
points(y~x, data=ssu1$hydros[!], col="red", pch=20)

Almost self explanatory. Each row is a detection of a transmitter (tag) on a hydrophone identified by serial. Column ts is the (non-synced) timestamp of the detection in timezone UTC. Column epo is ts converted to UNIX epoch using as.numeric(ts) and frac is fractions of second for the detection, i.e. the complete time of detection is given by epofrac = epo + frac.


Quick map to see where we are in the world (check out leaflet - awesome for making quick slippy-maps)

hydros <- ssu1$hydros
coordinates(hydros) <- ~x+y
proj4string(hydros) <- CRS("+init=epsg:32617")
hydros_latlon <- spTransform(hydros, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
m <- leaflet(data=hydros_latlon, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 0, maxZoom = 18), width="100%", height=700)
m <- addTiles(m, group="OSM")
m <- addCircles(m, radius=5, label=as.character(hydros_latlon$idx), labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textOnly = TRUE))
m <- addMeasure(m, primaryLengthUnit="meters")
m <- addProviderTiles(m, providers$Esri.WorldImagery, group="Esri.WorldImagery")
m <- addLayersControl(m, baseGroups = c("OSM (default)", "Esri.WorldImagery"),    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)  )

Synchronizing the array

The code below is identical to that presented in our pre-print Opening the black box of high resolution fish tracking using yaps, which also include detailed description of the parameters in getInpSync().

First, set the parameters to be used in the sync model and get input data prepared for use with getSyncModel().

# set sync parameters 
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2

inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=0.25)

Then, obtain a synchronization model using getSyncModel()

sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE)

Use the diagnostic plots to ensure the obtained synchronization model is good. Basically, we want all number to be as close to zero as possible. Note, that a few outliers far away from zero is not serious, as the synchronization model follows a scaled t-distribution allowing long tails in the residuals.

plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by='overall')    
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by='quantiles')
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by='sync_tag')      
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by='hydro')         

Next we apply the obtained synchronization model to the tracking data using applySync()

detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

Running yaps to estimate the track

Now that we have the receivers synchronized, we can estimate the track using yaps. First, we need a data.table containing positions of the receivers in three dimension with colnum names 'hx', 'hy' and 'hz'.

hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')

We specify tag specific minimum and maximum burst intervals and extract the detetections pertaining to the focal tag from the synchronized data

focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40

synced_dat_ssu1 <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]

The main input data to yaps is a Time-of-Arrival matrix of the detections. This can be obtained using getToaYaps()

toa_ssu1 <- getToaYaps(synced_dat_ssu1, hydros_yaps, rbi_min, rbi_max)

Next, we use the function getInp() to compile input data for runYaps().

inp_ssu1 <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa_ssu1, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=2, pingType="rbi", 
    sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0)

Finally, we are ready to run yaps to obtain the track

yaps_out_ssu1 <- runYaps(inp_ssu1, silent=TRUE)

Basic plotting of estimated track

To do some very basic visualization of the obtained track, we can use plotYaps() as below.

plotYaps(inp=inp_ssu1, yaps_out=yaps_out_ssu1, type="map")
# Add gps track for direct comparison
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, lty=2)

plotYaps(inp=inp_ssu1, yaps_out=yaps_out_ssu1, type="coord_X")
lines(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, lty=2)
plotYaps(inp=inp_ssu1, yaps_out=yaps_out_ssu1, type="coord_Y")
lines(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, lty=2)

This concludes the first tutorial on using yaps.

baktoft/yaps documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 2:30 p.m.