knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


The dacomp package implements methods for detecting differentially abundant taxa in 16S microbiome data, across different phenotype levels^[@brill2019testing]. Microbiome 16S counts data has several unique characteristics, and requires specific methods for statistical inference. More specificly, a sample of 16S counts is a sparse, high dimensional, vector of counts. The sampled counts represent the relative frequencies of taxa in the sampled ecosystem. However, the total number of counts in a sample is not associated with the total abundance of taxa in the ecosystem. This effect is known as compositionality^[@gloor2017microbiome]. As a result of compositionality, a change in the absolute abundnace of several taxa in the measured ecosystem results in the change of all relative frequencies of taxa. Disregarding this effect when associating taxa to phenotype levels leads to an inflated rate of false positive discoveries^[@mandal2015analysis;@kumar2018analysis].

The DACOMP package is aimed at providing valid statistical inference while addressing the above challenges (sparsity, compositionality). The key idea is to first obtain a set of taxa which are non-differentially abundant. These taxa serve as a reference set for the null behaviour of taxa. In the second step, for each taxon tested for differential abundance, a fixed number of reads is selected from each sample from the reads available under the reference set of taxa and the tested taxon. The dacomp method tests for association between the number of subsampled reads that belong to the tested taxon and the measured phenotype. If the number of subsampled counts that belong to the tested taxon depends on the measured phenotype, the tested taxon alone is responsible for the association discovered (as all other taxa involved in the computation are non differentially abundant).

The structure of the vignette is as follows. In section 2 we breifly describe the DACOMP method and underlying assumptions. In section 3 we present the package workflow on data with two study groups. In Sections 4-6 we demonstrate how to detect differentially abundant taxa in studies with K study groups, paired study design and studies with continuous phenotypes. In section 7 we demonstrate how to utilize the dacomp workflow with other tests of association, supplied by the user. Our example will involve associating differentially abundant taxa with a pair of continuous phenotypes. The user supplied test will be the dcov.test test^[@szekely2007measuring] from R package ENERGY.

You can install the package using the devtools package:



Let $\vec{X}$ be a $m$-dimensional vector of counts obtained from a 16S sample. The dacomp generative model assumes $\vec{X}$ is realized from a multinomial distribution, whose probability vector $\vec{P}$ is a random vector on the unit simplex (an infinite mixture of multinomials):

$$ \vec{X} | \vec{P}, N \sim multinom\left( N , \vec{P} \right) ,\quad\quad \vec{P}\sim\mathcal{P}\quad ,0\leq P_{j}, \sum_{j=1}^{m}P_{j} = 1 , $$

where $N$ is the number of counts observed in the sample, $P_j$ is the $j$th entry of $\vec{P}$ and $\mathcal{P}$ is a distribution over the $m$-dimensional unit simplex.

Let $\vec{Y}$ represent the measured vector of phenotypes for a sample. We assume there exists a subset of the taxa, indexed by $\mathcal{B}\subset{1,2,...,m}$, that are non differentially abundant. The dacomp method assumes that ratios between non differentialy abundant taxa are independent of the measured phenotype. Specifically, for every subset ${v_1,v_2,...,v_s} \subset \mathcal{B}$, where $P\left(\sum_{k=1}^{s}P_{v_k} >0\right)=1$, we assume that:

$$\frac{\left(P_{v_1},P_{v_2},...,P_{v_{s}}\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^{s} P_{v_{k}}}\perp !!! \perp \vec{Y}.$$ Furthermore, we assume that $P\left(\sum_{k\in\mathcal{B}}P_{v_k} >0\right)=1$. Our task is to find all differentially abundant taxa, the complement of the set $\mathcal{B}$.

We show how the $j$th taxon can be tested for differential abundance given a set of reference taxa, $B = {b_1,b_2,...,b_r}\in\mathcal{B}$. The hypothesis of 'no differential abundance' is given by:

$$ H_0^{(j)}:\quad \frac{\left(P_j,P_{b_1},P_{b_2},...,P_{b_{r}}\right)}{P_j + \sum_{k=1}^{r} P_{b_k}}\perp !!! \perp \vec{Y}.$$ This hypothesis cannot be tested directly, since \vec{P} is not observed. Brill et al.(2019)^[@brill2019testing] discuss how this hypothesis can be tested using the observed counts.

Let $\lambda_j$ be the minimal number of reads available in the taxa indexed by ${j}\cup\mathcal{B}$ across the different samples. From each sample, select exactly $\lambda_j$ reads, from the reads available under indices ${j}\cup\mathcal{B}$. Let $\tilde{X}_j$ denote the number of reads selected from taxon $j$ by rarefaction. Taxon $j$ is tested for differential abundance by testing:

$$\tilde{H}0^{(j)}: \tilde{X}{j} \perp !!! \perp \vec{Y}.$$

As an output, the dacomp package provides $P$-values for hypothesis testing. $P$-values can be computed for several tests of association and equality of distributions. The package also makes use of the DS-FDR method for controlling the False Discvory Rate (FDR)^[@benjamini1995controlling]. The DS-FDR method^[@jiang2017discrete] is a multiple testing procedure aimed at providing FDR control when the null distribution of $P$-values is discrete, and thus stochastically greater then the uniform distribution. In this setting, the DS-FDR procedure is known to provide higher power compared to classical multiple hypothesis testing procedure.

Choosing reference taxa

In order to obtain a set of reference taxa, we compute the $S_j$ statistic for each taxon $j$. The $S_j$ statistic is used for classifying taxa as non differentially abundant. Let $X_{i,j}$ denote the number of counts obtained for taxon $j$ in the $i$th sample. We begin by computing $SD_{j,k}$, for every pair $\left(j,k\right) \in {1,2,...,m}\otimes{1,2,...,m}$:

$$ SD_{j,k} = \mathop{\large{\mathrm{sd}}}^{n}{i=1}\left(log{10}\left(\frac{X_{i,j}+1}{X_{i,k}+1}\right)\right),$$

where $n$ is the number of samples, and $sd$ is the sample standard deviation, taken over $n$ samples.

Next, we compute $S_j$ by taking the median over values of $SD_{j,k}$, for fixed $j$:

$$ S_j = \mathop{\large{\mathrm{median}}}^{m}{k=1, k\ne j}\left({SD}{j,k}\right).$$

The selected set of reference taxa, $B$, is the set of taxa with $S_j \le S_{crit}$ , with $S_{crit}$ being a predefined threshold:

$$ Select\, B: \quad B = {j|S_j \leq S_{crit}}.$$ The key assumption for reference selection, is that a relatively small fraction of all taxa are differentially abundant. Hence, a subset of taxa, containing no differentially abundant taxa, can be obtained by selecting a fixed value of $S_{crit}$ as a threshold.

The value of $S_{crit}$ is data specific. In this vignette, we use data from the colorectal cancer dataset^[@kostic2012genomic] available through the phyloseq^[@mcmurdie2013phyloseq] package. For this data, $S_{crit} = 0.6$ is selected. Other datasets may require different values for $S_{crit}$.


This section demonstrate the workflow for statistical analysis. We begin by generating a sample dataset. The dataset will consist of two study groups (labeled 0 and 1), 50 samples in each study groups. The data will contain 1384 OTUs with m1=100 OTUs selected (at random) as differentially abundant. The parameter signal_strength_as_change_in_microbial_load = 0.1 indicates OTUs associated with the phenotype cause a change of 10% in the microbial load, compared to study group 0. Note that this parameter effects the ratio between different columns in the data, but not the total number of counts in a row (sample): the total number of counts in a sample is not indicative of the microbial load.



data = dacomp.generate_example_dataset.two_sample(m1 = 100,
        n_X = 50,
        n_Y = 50,
        signal_strength_as_change_in_microbial_load = 0.1)

The object data consists of data$counts - a matrix with 100 rows and 1384 columns (per OTU), and data$group_labels - a vector of length 100 with values of 0's and 1's, denoting the group labeling of each observation.

Selecting reference taxa

We begin our analysis by selecting a set of reference taxa. This requires a threshold, $S_{crit}=0.6$ We also plot the histogram of $S_j$ scores, with vertical lines for the $0.5,0.7,$ and $0.9$ percentiles of $S_j$s. This allows us to assess how high is the selected $S_{crit}$ compared to the distribution of $S_j$ in our data.

#select references: (may take a minute)
result.selected.references = dacomp.select_references(
                      X = data$counts,
                      median_SD_threshold = 0.6, #APPLICATION SPECIFIC
                      verbose = F)

Output obtained from printing the reference selection results:


Plot the reference selection scores (can also be used to better set the median SD threshold)


Inference using the Wilcoxon rank sum test

We test taxa (not in the reference set) for differential abundance by using the function dacomp.test. We show two possible adjustments for multiplicity, the BH procedure (using p.adjust) and the DS-FDR procedure^[@jiang2017discrete]:

#multiplicity correction levels for the BH and DS-FDR methods
q_BH = q_DSFDR = 0.1

#Perform testing:
result.test = dacomp.test(X = data$counts, #counts data
                     y = data$group_labels, #phenotype in y argument
                     # obtained from dacomp.select_references(...):
                     ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references, 
                     test = DACOMP.TEST.NAME.WILCOXON, #constant, name of test
                     verbose = F,q = q_DSFDR) #multiplicity adjustment level

#These are the indices of taxa discoverted as differentially abundant:
# by applying a BH multiplicity adjustment on the P-values:
rejected_BH = which(p.adjust(result.test$p.values.test,method = 'BH')<=q_BH) 
#by applying a DS-FDR multiplicity adjustment on the P-values:
rejected_DSFDR = result.test$dsfdr_rejected 

Output from printing result.test:


Other reference selection methods

The argument ind_reference_taxa in the function dacomp.test(...) can receive one of two possible arguments: * An object obtained from dacomp.select_references(...). * A set of integers defining the indices of reference taxa, indices correspond to columns of the counts matrix.

You can use a general method for selecting a set of reference taxa, then supply the vector of taxa indices using the argument ind_reference_taxa. Note that you cannot use phenotypes data for reference selection, only for testing.

Inference using other tests

The function dacomp.test(...) supports several other tests for studies with two sample groups:

result.test = dacomp.test(X = data$counts,
                     y = data$group_labels,
                     ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references,
                     verbose = T,q = q_DSFDR)

result.test = dacomp.test(X = data$counts,
                     y = data$group_labels,
                     ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references,
                     test = DACOMP.TEST.NAME.DIFFERENCE_IN_MEANS,
                     verbose = T,q = q_DSFDR)

result.test = dacomp.test(X = data$counts,
                     y = data$group_labels,
                     ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references,
                     test = DACOMP.TEST.NAME.TWO_PART_WILCOXON,
                     verbose = T,q = q_DSFDR)

Inference with $K$ groups

The function dacomp.test supports the Kruskal Wallis test^[@kruskal1952use] test for equality of distributions between $K$ groups. To test for differential abundance with a categorical phenotype with $K$ levels, select test = DACOMP.TEST.NAME.KRUSKAL_WALLIS and input a vector with the group-labeling as a y argument,

Inference for a paired study design

To analyze results from a paired study design with $n$ different samples, each sampled twice, format the data as follows:

An example on how to analyze data from a paired study deisgn:

# Sample data:
# 30 is the number of samples, so we will have 60 rows.
# By default, 30 OTUs are differentially abundant
data = dacomp.generate_example_dataset_paired(30) 

# data$counts is matrix of counts:
# first 30 rows correspond to samples 1:30 under condition 1
# rows 31:60 correspond to samples 1:30 under condition 2

#select references:
result.selected.references = dacomp.select_references(
                                X = data$counts,
                                median_SD_threshold = 0.6, #APPLICATION SPECIFIC
                                verbose = T)


#plot the reference selection scores:
#(can also be used to better set the median SD threshold)

#multiplicity correction levels for the BH and DS-FDR methods
q_BH = q_DSFDR = 0.1

#Perform testing:
result.test = dacomp.test(
                    X = data$counts, #counts matrix formated as required
                    y = NULL, #supply a null phenotype
                    ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references,
                    verbose = T,q = q_DSFDR)

rejected_BH = which(p.adjust(result.test$p.values.test,method = 'BH')<=q_BH)
rejected_DSFDR = result.test$dsfdr_rejected

Inference with a continuous covariate

The function dacomp.test allows for testing with a continuous phenotype: The argument y is set to a vector of phenotype measurements by observation. The argument test is set to DACOMP.TEST.NAME.SPEARMAN, the test conducted is based on the Spearman correlation coefficient^[@Spearman] between $\tilde{X}_j$ and $Y$, $P$-values are computed by permutations.

See a detailed example below.

data = dacomp.generate_example_dataset_continuous(n = 100,m1 = 30,
signal_strength_as_change_in_microbial_load = 0.1)

#data$counts - matrix of counts
#data$covariate - a vector of 100 phenotype measurements,
#corresponding to the rows of X.

result.selected.references = dacomp.select_references(
                          X = data$counts,
                          median_SD_threshold = 0.6, #APPLICATION SPECIFIC
                          verbose = T)

#number of selected references

#plot the reference selection scores (can also be used to better set the median SD threshold)

#multiplicity correction levels for the BH and DS-FDR methods
q_BH = q_DSFDR = 0.1

#Perform testing:
result.test = dacomp.test(X = data$counts,
                      y = data$covariate,test = DACOMP.TEST.NAME.SPEARMAN,
                      ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references,
                      verbose = T,q = q_DSFDR)

rejected_BH = which(p.adjust(result.test$p.values.test,method = 'BH')<=q_BH)
rejected_DSFDR = result.test$dsfdr_rejected

Inference with used defined tests

You can use a general test, to test for association between the rarefied reads, $\tilde{X}_j$, and the phenotype vector $\vec{Y}$. To use a general test, supply the following arguments:

A detailed example is found below. The user defined test is the dcov test^[@szekely2007measuring] available as the function dcov.test from package ENERGY.

#generate data, with a multivariate phenotype:

data = dacomp.generate_example_dataset_multivariate_example(
  n = 100,
  m1 = 30,
  signal_strength_as_change_in_microbial_load = 0.1)

#phenotype of dimensionality two, for each subject
#            u1         u2
#[1,] 0.4820801 0.57487220
#[2,] 0.5995658 0.07706438
#[3,] 0.4935413 0.03554058
#[4,] 0.1862176 0.64279549
#[5,] 0.8273733 0.92861520
#[6,] 0.6684667 0.59809242

#select references:
result.selected.references = dacomp.select_references(
                              X = data$counts,
                              median_SD_threshold = 0.5,
                              verbose = T)

#multiplicity correction levels for the BH and DS-FDR methods
q_BH = q_DSFDR = 0.1

# The number of permutations performed for each test.
# Note that this number is passed as an argument to the function, 
# AND must be exactly the number of permutations performed
# and returned by the supplied test function
nr_perm_to_perform = 1000 

# We will use the dcov test from package energy to
# to test for differential abundance


#this is the custom test function supplied by the user
# Input: array of rarefied reads, of length n
# Output: Array of test statistics, with right tailed alternative
# of length nr.perm +1. The first entry is the test statistic for the original data.
custom_test_function = function(X){
  # compute test and permutations. Note that the phenotype
  # is available to the test function
  res = dcov.test(X, data$covariate, R=nr_perm_to_perform)
            # first entry is the test statistic to the data:
            res$statistic , 
            # a vector of length nr_perm_to_perform containing
            # test statistics computed for data with permuted
            # phenotypes

#Perform testing:
result.test = dacomp.test(X = data$counts,
                          #note that y is NULL, phenotype is available to the test function:
                          y = NULL, 

                          # set test to be user defined:
                          test = DACOMP.TEST.NAME.USER_DEFINED,
                          ind_reference_taxa = result.selected.references,
                          verbose = T,q = q_DSFDR,

                          #nr_perm must be identical to the number of
                          #permutation returned from test function:
                          nr_perm = nr_perm_to_perform, 

                          #pass as argument the user defined test function:
                          user_defined_test_function = custom_test_function)

rejected_BH = which(p.adjust(result.test$p.values.test,method = 'BH')<=q_BH)
rejected_DSFDR = result.test$dsfdr_rejected


barakbri/dacomp documentation built on June 17, 2021, 11:20 p.m.