
##' Ocean Health Index: Global Results
##' This data set contains the scores and model outputs from the Ocean Health
##' Index global study (Halpern et al. 2012).
##' @name ohi.nature2012
##' @docType data
##' @format A list containing:\enumerate{ \item \code{regions} is a data frame
##' with the id and label for each reporting region (country EEZs).  \item
##' \code{global} is a data frame with area-weighted and unweighted global OHI
##' scores, including per-goal scores.  \item \code{valueset} is a data frame
##' with the 5 value set (weighting combinations) scores per region.  \item
##' \code{goal} is an array of scores as \emph{goal ~ dimension ~ region}.
##' \item \code{labels} is a list to map codes into text labels.  \item
##' \code{layers} is a list of layers data from the file archive.  \item
##' \code{countries} is a list of country-level data to aggregate into regions.
##' }
##' @seealso \href{http://ohi.nceas.ucsb.edu/data}{File archive}
##' @references Halpern, BS, C Longo, D Hardy, KL McLeod, JF Samhouri, SK
##' Katona, K Kleisner, SE Lester, J O'Leary, M Ranelletti, AA Rosenberg, C
##' Scarborough, LR Selig, BD Best, DR Brumbaugh, FS Chapin III, LB Crowder, KL
##' Daly, SC Doney, C Elfes, MJ Fogarty, SD Gaines, K Jacobsen, LB Karrer, HM
##' Leslie, E Neeley, D Pauly, S Polasky, B Ris, K St. Martin, GS Stone, UR
##' Sumaila, and D Zeller. 2012. \emph{An index to assess the health and
##' benefits of the global ocean}. \bold{Nature} 488, 615--620 (30 August
##' 2012). http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature11397doi:10.1038/nature11397.
##' @keywords datasets
##' @examples
##' options(max.print=10)
##' options(digits=3)
##' data(ohi.nature2012, package='ohigui')
##' ## Find the Region ID number for the United States
##' region_id <- with(ohi.nature2012$regions, id[label == "United States"])
##' region_id
##' ## Show the Artisanal Fishing Opportunities goal score
##' with(ohi.nature2012, goal['AO', 'score', region_id])
##' ## Show the status and trend for the Food Provision: Fisheries (FIS) subgoal 
##' with(ohi.nature2012, goal['FIS', c('status','trend'), region_id])
##' ## Show all goals and dimensions
##' with(ohi.nature2012, goal[ , , region_id])
##' ## Show the unweighted OHI score for Region 116
##' subset(ohi.nature2012[['valueset']], id == region_id)[['unweighted']]
##' ## Show the attributes for Region 116
##' subset(ohi.nature2012[['regions']], id == region_id)
##' ## Show all countries part of Region 116
##' subset(ohi.nature2012[['countries']][['regions']], region_id == region_id)
##' ## Show data for CP Extent layer for Region 116
##' subset(ohi.nature2012[['layers']][['data']], 
##'        layer_id == 'i_cp_extent' & region_id == region_id)
bbest/ohigui documentation built on May 11, 2019, 9:25 p.m.