annualGrowthRateCalculator | Calculate annual growth rate |
appendedCat | Prints first text file and appends into second file |
areaProportion | This function is to derive a correction index to account for... |
BEC2IC | Group BEC zones into interior and coastal region |
biomassCalculator | This function is to calculate aboveground biomass for boreal... |
checkLD_remeas | Check the live and dead status of a remeasured subject |
checkMissing_remeas | Check the missing measurements in repeatedly measured subject... |
checkSize_remeas | Check the size change of a remeasured subject |
convertSI2SI | Site index conversion from one species to another species |
DBHClassifier | Derive DBH class from DBH |
DIB_ICalculator | Calculate the inside-bark diameter at a given height |
getSpatial | Generic function to derive BEC, TSA and FIZ for given... |
HegyiCICalculator | the function to calculate intraspecific and interspecific... |
heightEstimateForBTOP_D | Estimate tree height for a broken top tree when DBH, inside... |
heightEstimateForBTOP_H | Estimate tree height for a broken top tree when projected... |
lm_group | Extended lm function by adding group functionality |
merge_dupUpdate | Merge table and update values for duplicate column |
PHFCalculator | Calculate tree per ha factor for both fix and variable area... |
randomStemMapping | The function is to generate stem mapping using random spatial... |
SIInBC | Derive site index for a given spatial coverage or a spatial... |
standardizeSpeciesName | Standardize species name from different forest inventory... |
stemMapping | Map stems in a plot. |
stemMappingExtension | Extend stem mapping to a target area and shape. |
stemMappingExtension_square | Extend stem mapping to a target area and shape. |
taperCoeffsGenerator | Generate the coefficients table of taper equations |
taperImplementor | Implement taper equation for a given tree |
treeProfile | Calculate volume for trees |
treeVolCalculator | Calculate volume for trees in the ISMCCompiler context |
treeVolume | Calculate volume for trees |
UTM_Convertor | Convert UTM to other coordinate reference system. |
walkThroughFlag_field | To determine a tree-level flag in a walk-through sample in... |
walkThroughFlag_office | To determine a tree-level flag in a walk-through sample in... |
walkThroughPins | To calculate 4 pins for a a walk-through sample |
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