Man pages for bcgov/FAIBBase
Basic functions for forest mensuration and ecology

annualGrowthRateCalculatorCalculate annual growth rate
appendedCatPrints first text file and appends into second file
areaProportionThis function is to derive a correction index to account for...
BEC2ICGroup BEC zones into interior and coastal region
biomassCalculatorThis function is to calculate aboveground biomass for boreal...
checkLD_remeasCheck the live and dead status of a remeasured subject
checkMissing_remeasCheck the missing measurements in repeatedly measured subject...
checkSize_remeasCheck the size change of a remeasured subject
convertSI2SISite index conversion from one species to another species
DBHClassifierDerive DBH class from DBH
DIB_ICalculatorCalculate the inside-bark diameter at a given height
getSpatialGeneric function to derive BEC, TSA and FIZ for given...
HegyiCICalculatorthe function to calculate intraspecific and interspecific...
heightEstimateForBTOP_DEstimate tree height for a broken top tree when DBH, inside...
heightEstimateForBTOP_HEstimate tree height for a broken top tree when projected...
lm_groupExtended lm function by adding group functionality
merge_dupUpdateMerge table and update values for duplicate column
PHFCalculatorCalculate tree per ha factor for both fix and variable area...
randomStemMappingThe function is to generate stem mapping using random spatial...
SIInBCDerive site index for a given spatial coverage or a spatial...
standardizeSpeciesNameStandardize species name from different forest inventory...
stemMappingMap stems in a plot.
stemMappingExtensionExtend stem mapping to a target area and shape.
stemMappingExtension_squareExtend stem mapping to a target area and shape.
taperCoeffsGeneratorGenerate the coefficients table of taper equations
taperImplementorImplement taper equation for a given tree
treeProfileCalculate volume for trees
treeVolCalculatorCalculate volume for trees in the ISMCCompiler context
treeVolumeCalculate volume for trees
UTM_ConvertorConvert UTM to other coordinate reference system.
walkThroughFlag_fieldTo determine a tree-level flag in a walk-through sample in...
walkThroughFlag_officeTo determine a tree-level flag in a walk-through sample in...
walkThroughPinsTo calculate 4 pins for a a walk-through sample
bcgov/FAIBBase documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 7:28 p.m.