SIInBC: Derive site index for a given spatial coverage or a spatial...

View source: R/SIInBC.R

SIInBCR Documentation

Derive site index for a given spatial coverage or a spatial point


This function is to derive species' site index for a given spatial coverage or spatial points based on BC provincial species productivity maps.


SIInBC(SIMapPath, spatialCoverage, species = "all", returnClass = "table")



character, Specifies folder location of species index maps. Please request all the maps from author and save them into your target folder. The function only supports TIFF format. Currently those maps were converted from BC Data catalogue.


spatialPolygons or spatialPoints, Specifies spatial polygons or spatial points that need to intersect.


character, Must be one or some of 22 species.


character, Specifies the class you intended to return from either sp or table. If missing, table will be used.


the returned value depends on returnClass arguement and class of spatialCoverage arguement. If returnClass is set as table, a table will be returned. If returnClass is set as sp, a raster layer will be returned for SpatialPolygons* objects, while a SpatialPointDataframe will be returned for SpatialPoints* objects.


Yong Luo

bcgov/FAIBBase documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 7:28 p.m.