getSpatial: Generic function to derive BEC, TSA and FIZ for given...

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getSpatialR Documentation

Generic function to derive BEC, TSA and FIZ for given locations


This function is to derive BEC, TSA or FIZ based on an UTM location and BEC map.


getSpatial(pointID, zone, northing, easting, spatialMap, spatialAttribute)



character, Data point ID.


integer, UTM zone.


integer, UTM northing.


integer, UTM easting.


SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or sf, Spatial map. The spatial maps are from BC Data catalogue website. You can obtain these maps using bcdata package.


character, Specifies which spatial attribute to be obtained. Must be one of "BEC", "TSA", "FIZ", "TFL" and "OWNERSHIP", regardless of lower or upper cases. Must be consistent with spatialMap arguement.


Depends on what spatial attribute a function derives. For BEC, a table that contains:

  • bec_zone bec zone.

  • bec_sbz bec subzone.

  • bec_var bec variant

For TSA, a table that contains:

  • tsa tsa.

  • tsa_desc tsa descriptions.

For FIZ, a table that contains:

  • fiz fiz forest inventory zone.

For TFL, a table that contains:

  • tfl tfl timber farm licences.

  • tfl_licencee tfl timber farm licencee.

For OWNERSHIP, a table that contains:

  • owner owner of land.

  • schedule schedule.


Yong Luo


## Not run: 
 ## for Prince Rupert, Fort Nelson, Prince George, Victoria, Kelowna
 citylocs <- data.frame(point_ID = c("Prince Rupert", "Prince George", "Victoria", "Kelowna"),
                        zone = c(9, 10, 10, 11),
                        northing = c(6019079.41, 5974323.27, 5361626.96, 5528467),
                        easting = c(415075.83, 516441.65, 475594.70, 321996.76))
 tsamap <- bcmaps::tsa(class = "sp")
 city_tsa <- getSpatial(pointID = citylocs$point_ID,
                        zone = citylocs$zone,
                        northing = citylocs$northing,
                        easting = citylocs$easting,
                        spatialMap = tsamap,
                        spatialAttribute = "TSA")
 #         pointID tsa          tsa_desc
 #   Prince Rupert  46     GBR North TSA
 #   Prince George  24 Prince George TSA
 #        Victoria  38    Arrowsmith TSA
 #         Kelowna  22      Okanagan TSA

 becmap <- bcmaps::bec(class = "sp")
 city_bec <- getSpatial(pointID = citylocs$point_ID,
                        zone = citylocs$zone,
                        northing = citylocs$northing,
                        easting = citylocs$easting,
                        spatialMap = becmap,
                        spatialAttribute = "bec")
 #        pointID bec_zone bec_sbz bec_var
 #  Prince Rupert      CWH      vh       2
 #  Prince George      SBS      mh    <NA>
 #       Victoria      CDF      mm    <NA>
 #        Kelowna       PP      xh       1

## End(Not run)

bcgov/FAIBBase documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 7:28 p.m.