
CanVec 5M Hydro

The GeoGratis data in this folder is licensed under the (Open Government Licence - Canada) version 2.0. See LICENCE.OGL-CAN-2.0.

The file contains the base maps from the National Vector Catalogue Profile (NVCP) Earth Sciences Sector Integrated Model, EXPL, 5M, Hydro Features. The data is provided by Natural Resources Canada and was downloaded from on 2017-02-14.

From this collection of base maps, the 5M watercourses in British Columbia is extracted using the script data-raw/process_5M_watercourses.R, transformed to the BC Albers projection and added to the package in data/watercourses_5M.rda.

bcgov/bcmapsdata documentation built on May 4, 2021, 6:15 p.m.