
# NOTE: this page has links to shape files for the different region types


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain/simplify shape files for the 8 Development regions
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

district <- ""
target <- file.path("data-raw",  basename(district))
if (!file.exists(target)) {
  curl_download(district, target)
unzip(target, exdir = "data-raw/tmp")
d <- st_read("data-raw/tmp/DR.shp", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
d2 <- st_simplify(d, dTolerance = 350)
geoDevelopments <- mutate(st_transform(d2, 4326), label = toupper(DR_NAME))

# Merge North Coast and Nechako for ptt data
bleh <- geoDevelopments %>% 
  filter(label %in% c("NORTH COAST", "NECHAKO")) %>% 
  st_combine() %>% 

blehdf <- st_sf(
  DR_NUM = NA, DR_NAME = NA, DR = NA, 
  label = "NECHAKO & NORTH COAST", geometry = st_geometry(bleh)

geoDevelopments <- rbind(geoDevelopments, blehdf)
devtools::use_data(geoDevelopments, overwrite = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain/simplify shape files for the 28 regional districts
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

district <- ""
target <- file.path("data-raw",  basename(district))
if (!file.exists(target)) {
  curl_download(district, target)
unzip(target, exdir = "data-raw/tmp")
# this shape file is super high resolution, simplify it!
d <- st_read("data-raw/tmp/CD_2011.shp")
# str(d$geometry[[2]])
#> List of 1
#> $ :List of 1
#> ..$ : num [1:4627, 1:2] 1392988 1393966 1394930 1395134 1395243 ...
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "XY" "MULTIPOLYGON" "sfg"
d2 <- st_simplify(d, dTolerance = 4000)
# str(d2$geometry[[2]])
#> List of 1
#> $ : num [1:73, 1:2] 1392988 1413363 1429810 1436930 1468324 ...
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "XY" "POLYGON" "sfg"

# Use 'label' as a "primary key" for display-info/linking
# also, leaflet currently requires this transform?
geoDistricts <- mutate(st_transform(d2, 4326), label = toupper(CDNAME))
devtools::use_data(geoDistricts, overwrite = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain/simplify shape files for municipals
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

municipal <- ""
target <- file.path("data-raw",  basename(municipal))
if (!file.exists(target)) {
  curl_download(district, target)
unzip(target, exdir = "data-raw/tmp")

# this shape file is super high resolution, simplify it!
d <- st_read("data-raw/tmp/CSD_2011.shp")
d2 <- st_simplify(d, dTolerance = 35)
geoMunicipals <- mutate(st_transform(d2, 4326), label = toupper(CSDNAME))
devtools::use_data(geoMunicipals, overwrite = TRUE)

# clean-up uncompressed files
unlink("data-raw/tmp", recursive = TRUE)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Census boundaries at different resolutions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

unzip("data-raw/", exdir = "data-raw/tmp")
d <- st_read("data-raw/tmp/lct_000a16a_e.shp", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dbc <- d[grepl("British Columbia", d$PRNAME, fixed = TRUE), ]
# only keep the important bits
geoCensusTracts <- dbc %>%
  mutate(label = CTUID, label = toupper(CTUID)) %>%
  select(label, geometry) %>%
devtools::use_data(geoCensusTracts, overwrite = TRUE)

# have a look at census locations
leaflet(geoCensusTracts) %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    weight = 1, 
    highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
      fillOpacity = 1,
      opacity = 1
bcgov/housing-data-challenge-plotly documentation built on Sept. 3, 2021, 7:07 p.m.