  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "fig/README-"
# library(rems)
# remove_data_cache("all")

rems r as.character(read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", "Version"))

Codecov test
coverage License CRAN
status R build
status img R-CMD-check


An R package to download, import, and filter data from B.C.'s Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) into R.

The package pulls data from the B.C. Data Catalogue EMS Results, which is licenced under the Open Government Licence - British Columbia.


The package is not available on CRAN, but can be installed using the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools") # if not already installed


If you are asked during installation "Would you like to install from source the packages which require compilation", choose "No".


NOTE: If you are using Windows, you must be running the 64-bit version of R, as the 32-bit version cannot handle the size of the EMS data. In RStudio, click on Tools -> Global Options and ensure the 64 bit version is chosen in the R version box.

You can use the get_ems_data() function to get last two years of data (you can also specify which = "4yr" to get the last four years of data):

two_year <- get_ems_data(which = "2yr", ask = FALSE)

By default, get_ems_data imports only a subset of columns that are useful for water quality analysis. This is controlled by the cols argument, which has a default value of "wq". This can be set to "all" to download all of the columns, or a character vector of column names (see ?get_ems_data for details).

You can filter the data to just get the records you want:

filtered_2yr <- filter_ems_data(two_year, emsid = c("0121580", "0126400"),
  parameter = c("Aluminum Total", "Cadmium Total",
    "Copper Total", " Zinc Total",
  from_date = "2011/02/06",
  to_date = "2015/12/31")

Historic data

You can also get the entire historic dataset, which has records back to 1964.

First download the dataset using download_historic_data, which downloads the data and stores it in a DuckDB database:

download_historic_data(ask = FALSE)

There are two ways to pull data from the historic dataset into R:

1. read_historic_data()

Read in the historic data, supplying constraints to only import the records you want:

filtered_historic <- read_historic_data(emsid = c("0121580", "0126400"),
  parameter = c("Aluminum Total", "Cadmium Total",
    "Copper Total", "Zinc Total",
  from_date = "2001/02/05",
  to_date = "2011/12/31",
  check_db = FALSE)

2. dplyr

You can also query the historic database using dplyr, which ultimately gives you more flexibility than using read_historic_data:

First, create a connection to the database using connect_historic_db(), then attach the historic database table to your R session using attach_historic_data(). This creates an object which behaves like a data frame, which you can query with dplyr. The advantage is that the computation is done in the database rather than importing all of the records into R (which would likely be impossible). This is illustrated below:

hist_db_con <- connect_historic_db()
hist_tbl <- attach_historic_data(hist_db_con)

You can then query this object with dplyr:

filtered_historic2 <- hist_tbl %>%
  filter(EMS_ID %in% c("0121580", "0126400"),
    PARAMETER %in% c("Aluminum Total", "Cadmium Total",
      "Copper Total", " Zinc Total",

Finally, to get the results into your R session as a regular data frame, you must collect() it. Note that date/times are returned to R in the Pacific Standard Time timezone (PST; UTC-8).

You can combine the previously imported historic and two_year data sets using bind_ems_data:

all_data <- bind_ems_data(filtered_2yr, filtered_historic)


There are many cases in EMS data where the unit of the RESULT (in the UNIT column) is different from that of METHOD_DETECTION_LIMIT (MDL_UNIT column). The standardize_mdl_units() function converts the METHOD_DETECTION_LIMIT values to the same unit as RESULT, and updates the MDL_UNIT column accordingly:

# look at data with mismatched units:
filter(all_data, UNIT != MDL_UNIT) %>% 

all_data <- standardize_mdl_units(all_data)

# Check again
filter(all_data, UNIT != MDL_UNIT) %>% 

Then you can plot your data with ggplot2:


ggplot(all_data, aes(x = COLLECTION_START, y = RESULT)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(PARAMETER ~ EMS_ID, scales = "free_y")

When you are finished querying the historic database, you should close the database connection using disconnect_historic_db():


When the data are downloaded from the B.C. Data Catalogue, they are cached so that you don't have to download it every time you want to use it. If there is newer data available in the Catalogue, you will be prompted the next time you use get_ems_data or download_historic_data.

If you want to remove the cached data, use the function remove_data_cache. You can remove all the data, or just the "historic", "2yr", or "4yr":


Long-term lake monitoring site search functions

There are two ways to select active sites in the long-term lake monitoring program. The lt_lake_sites function selects the EMS_ID of active sites. The lt_lake_req function selects the REQUISITION_ID of active sites. Using the lt_lake_sites will provide all data collected under the EMS_ID, whereas using lt_lake_req will filter data collected by the long-term lakes monitoring group. Both functions can be used with filter_ems_data to easily pull data from active long-term lake monitoring sites.


#use with filter_ems_data
filtered_2yr_lt_lakes_ems <- filter_ems_data(two_year, emsid = lt_lake_sites(),
  parameter = c("Aluminum Total", "Cadmium Total",
    "Copper Total", " Zinc Total",

filtered_2yr_lt_lakes_req <- filter_ems_data(two_year, req_id = lt_lake_req(),
  parameter = c("Aluminum Total", "Cadmium Total",
    "Copper Total", " Zinc Total",

Project Status

Under development, but stable. Unlikely to break or change substantially.

Getting Help or Reporting an Issue

To report bugs/issues/feature requests, please file an issue.

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute to the package, please see our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright 2016 Province of British Columbia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

This repository is maintained by Environmental Reporting BC. Click here for a complete list of our repositories on GitHub.

bcgov/rems documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 3:04 a.m.