knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse=TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width=9, fig.height=6, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="hide")


dmprocr (differential methylation profiles clustering in R) is an open-access analysis software (R package). The purpose of this tutorial is to present a general method allowing to unbiasedly identify and characterize sets of genes that are epigenetically (de)regulated in cancer, using integrated bioinformatics and statistic studies of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic alterations.


The dataset used for this example correspond to transcriptome, cnv and methylome data from the International Cancer Genome Consortium (TCGA) (534 patients with lung adenocarcinoma, PMID:25079552).

For chromosome 19 of each 534 patients, we collected the expression (RNAseq, HTSeq-Counts), gene copy-number (WGS, copy number segment) and methylation data (Infinium 27K et 450K) from the Genomic Commons Data portal.

The dataset is available as an R package called dmprocrdata (

dmprocrdata contains the objects which are detailled below.

MR: Mettre les données dans le package dmrpocrdata.
FCh: done but no commit/push defore to be sure of the dataset.


data_trscr is a data matrix containing HTseq counts for each gene and each sample. Find more information on HTseq analysis pipeline on GDC website.

The rownames of the matrix define the gene_id (corresponding to the rownames of the gene_list BED file), the colnames define the sample ID (corresponding to the rownames of the exp_grp dataframe, i.e. dmprocr_ID)

data_trscr = dmprocrdata::data_trscr
tail(data_trscr[, 1:5])

FCh: Some columns (samples) have names starting with number. It will be a poroblem. MR: samples now all start with 'patient_' FCh: in dmprocrdata data_XXX must be a matrix MR: data_XXX are now converted into matrices


data_cnv is a data matrix containing Copy Number Segment values for each gene and each sample. Find more information on Copy Number Segment analysis pipeline on GDC website.

Please note that $$CopyNumberSegment = log2 (CNV/2) $$

The rownames of the matrix define the gene_id (corresponding to the rownames of the gene_list BED file), the colnames define the sample ID (corresponding to the rownames of the exp_grp dataframe, i.e. dmprocr_ID )

data_cnv = dmprocrdata::data_cnv

FCh: Some columns (samples) have names starting with number. It will be a poroblem.


data_meth is a data matrix containing methylation \beta values for each gene and each sample. Find more information on \beta values analysis pipeline on GDC website.

The rownames of the matrix define the probe_id (corresponding to the rownames of the pf_meth file), the colnames define the sample ID (corresponding to the rownames of the exp_grp dataframe, i.e. dmprocr_ID )

data_meth = dmprocrdata::data_meth

FCh: Some columns (samples) have names starting with number. It will be a poroblem. FCh: in dmprocrdata data_XXX must be a matrix


gene_list is a BED file containing gene information.

Please provide a file with the following informations (conserve columns 1 to 7 names and pf_meth).

In this dataset, we used the GDC reference genome 'gencode.v22.annotation.gtf.gz' used in RNA-Seq alignment and by HTSeq, corresponding to GRCh38 (hg38).

gene_list = dmprocrdata::gene_list
#gene_list = gene_list[gene_list$gene_type == "protein_coding",]
#gene_list[,5] = gene_list$gene_name
#gene_list = gene_list[,1:7]
#colnames(gene_list) = NULL
# rownames(gene_list) = gene_list[,4]
# gene_list = gene_list[1:10,]

FCh: gene_list - could be truncated to the 7 first columns ## MR -> done - with col5 = gene_symbol ## MR -> done but called 'gene_name', is it a problem? - limited to "protein_coding" ??? ## MR -> why? - names DO NOT HAVE TO BE conserved. ## MR -> I don't understand - col4 elements MUST be unique ## -> checked

WARNING: - concistency needs between gene_list[[1]] and pf_meth$Chromosome MR: I replaced '*' in pf_meth by 'chrM' => we need to check that this is OK

MR: pourquoi tu lances la commande rownames(gene_list) = gene_list[,4] , c'est déjà le cas non? ou bien il y a quelque chose qui m'échappe... MR: pourquoi tu enleves les noms de colonne?


pf_meth is a file containing methylation probes informations, generated by DNA methylation pipeline of the GDC, from Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 27 (HM27) and HumanMethylation450 (HM450) arrays.

The row names of the file correspond to probes ID.

pf_meth = dmprocrdata::pf_meth
#pf_meth = pf_meth[order(pf_meth$Chromosome, pf_meth$Start), ]
#meth_data = meth_data[rownames(pf_meth),]

MR: verifier quelles colonnes sont utilisées par Paul et les indiquer comme obligatoires dans cette section
FCh: "End" seems to be "Start" + 1 and "Gene_Symbol" embed many gs for a given probe. Id, Chromosome, Position, assembly should be enough. MR: I kept the 3 first columns and renamed them "probe_id", "seqnames", "position"


exp_grp is a dataframe containg patients information.

!/! Please provide a file with at least the following informations (conserve columns 1 to 6 names and order).

!/! Please make sure that you removed all sample replicates from your dataset

Rownames of the dataframe corresponds to dmprocr_ID.

exp_grp = dmprocrdata::exp_grp

MR: PB, exp_grp est une liste et je ne sais pas comment changer cela

Missing data summary

grid_arrange_shared_legend <- function(..., nrow = 1, ncol = length(list(...)), position = c("bottom", "right")) {

  plots <- list(...)
  position <- match.arg(position)
  g <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(plots[[1]] + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = position))$grobs
  legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
  lheight <- sum(legend$height)
  lwidth <- sum(legend$width)
  gl <- lapply(plots, function(x) x + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"))
  gl <- c(gl, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)

  combined <- switch(position,
                     "bottom" = gridExtra::arrangeGrob(, gl),
                                            ncol = 1,
                                            heights = grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight)),
                     "right" = gridExtra::arrangeGrob(, gl),
                                           ncol = 2,
                                           widths = grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "npc") - lwidth, lwidth)))

pt = ggplot2::ggplot(exp_grp, ggplot2::aes(sample, fill = as.factor(trscr))) + ggplot2::geom_bar() + ggplot2::ggtitle("trscr data") +
  ggplot2::labs(x = "sample type", y = "# patients", fill = "data") +
  ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(labels = c("missing", "existing"),  values = c("gray", "black"))
pc = ggplot2::ggplot(exp_grp, ggplot2::aes(sample, fill = as.factor(cnv))) + ggplot2::geom_bar() +  ggplot2::ggtitle("cnv data") +
  ggplot2::labs(x = "sample type", y = "# patients", fill = "data") +
  ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(labels = c("missing", "existing"),  values = c("gray", "black"))
pm = ggplot2::ggplot(exp_grp, ggplot2::aes(sample, fill = as.factor(meth))) + ggplot2::geom_bar() + ggplot2::ggtitle("meth data") +
  ggplot2::labs(x = "sample type", y = "# patients", fill = "data") +
  ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(labels = c("missing", "existing"),  values = c("gray", "black"))
grid_arrange_shared_legend(pt, pc, pm, ncol=3 )

## or an improved alternative:

layout(matrix(1:3,1), respect=TRUE)
barplot(table(exp_grp$trscr, exp_grp$sample)[2:1,], col=c("dimgrey", "grey"), main="transcriptomic data", ylab="#patients")
barplot(table(exp_grp$cnv, exp_grp$sample)[2:1,], col=c("dimgrey", "grey"), main="genomic data")
barplot(table(exp_grp$meth, exp_grp$sample)[2:1,], col=c("dimgrey", "grey"), main="methylome data")
legend("topright", c("existing", "missing"), col=c("dimgrey", "grey"), pch=15)

FCh: What does "11" and "01" means?


dmprocr performs a 4-steps analysis:

  1. Identification of differentially expressed region

  2. Differential methylation analysis

  3. Comparison and classification of differential methylation (DM) profiles

  4. Enrichment analysis

This is a tutorial describing how to use dmprocr package.

TO DO: Les noms des fonctions ne sont pas homogènes. Je ne sais pas s il faut corriger cela...

TO DO: Les examples des fonctions de Paul (étapes 2 et 3) sont réalisés à partir de la fonction dmRandomDataset. Il faudra tout mettre à jour avec la fonction generate_fakestudy qui crée une veritable étude simulée avec les critères que l on avait définis.


Identification of differentially expressed region

TO DO: Implementer 3.1 et 3.2 avec des données de puces (Flo?)

TO DO: Optimiser le calcul des étapes 3.1 et 3.2. DEseq est long, je sais pas si on peut faire autrement. Pour la regression linéaire, je pense qu il y a moyen de faire beaucoup plus vite par contre.

Normalisation of the expression data

Using DESeq2 method, we are normalizing expression data.

dir.create("tmp", showWarnings=FALSE)
if (!file.exists('tmp/dmprocrdata_norm_trscr.rds')){
norm_trscr = RNAseq_normalization(
  data_trscr = data_trscr         , 
  exp_grp = exp_grp               , 
  gene_list = gene_list           , 
  alpha = 0.05                    , 
  contrast = c("tissue_status","patho","normal")
saveRDS(norm_trscr, 'tmp/dmprocrdata_norm_trscr.rds')
norm_trscr = readRDS('tmp/dmprocrdata_norm_trscr.rds')

data_ntrscr = norm_trscr$data_ntrscr

TO DO: RNAseq_diffAnalysis could be fast - using paralle option of DESeq (to do) - using a other test that retuirn fc and pval. (to be discussed)

Global method

Using linear regression, we are selecting genes that display a significant variation of expression in tumour cells, without any change in DNA copy number. This step allows to select gene whose observed deregulation cannot be explained by structural variation and which are putative candidates for an epigenomic deregulation.

This method enables selection of candidate regions based on 3 criteria:

This criteria are present in the dmprocr$result_list

Linear regression counts ~ cnv

if (!file.exists("tmp/dmprocrdata_result_lin_reg.rds")){
  result_lin_reg = RNAseq_cnv_reg (
    data_ntrscr = data_ntrscr    ,
    data_cnv = data_cnv                      , 
    exp_grp = exp_grp                        , 
    apply_func = epimedtools::monitored_apply,
    gene_list = gene_list
  saveRDS(result_lin_reg, "tmp/dmprocrdata_result_lin_reg.rds")

result_lin_reg  = readRDS("tmp/dmprocrdata_result_lin_reg.rds")

#plot the result
# padj_thresh = 0.001
# size_vec = result_lin_reg$padj < padj_thresh
# size_vec= as.vector(as.factor(size_vec))
# size_vec[size_vec == FALSE] = "0.5"
# size_vec[size_vec == TRUE] = "1.5"
# size_vec[] = "0"
# z_score_thresh = 0.3
# col_vec = result_lin_reg$z_score > (-z_score_thresh) & result_lin_reg$z_score < z_score_thresh 
# ggplot2::ggplot(result_lin_reg, ggplot2::aes(y=-log10(padj), x=log2FoldChange , size = as.factor(size_vec), colour = col_vec )) + ggplot2::geom_point() + 
#  ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(labels = c("ns","0.3<zscore<0.001", "na"), values = c("grey","red", "lightgray")) +
#  ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(padj_thresh)) +
#   ggplot2::scale_size_manual(labels = c("ns", "NA","padj<0.001"), values = c(0,0, 2)) 

# anadiff_res = dmprocrdata$result_list
# col = rep(1, nrow(anadiff_res))
# names(col) = rownames(anadiff_res)
# idx = rownames(result_lin_reg)[abs(result_lin_reg$z_score) < z_score_thresh]
# col[idx] = 2
# layout(1, respect=TRUE)
# plot(density(result_lin_reg$z_score, na.rm=TRUE))
# plot(anadiff_res$log2FoldChange, -log10(anadiff_res$padj),
#   pch=16, col=adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=0.1),
#   xlab="l2fc", ylab="-log10(padj)", main=paste(nrow(anadiff_res), "genes")
# )
# points(anadiff_res[idx,]$log2FoldChange, -log10(anadiff_res[idx,]$padj), col=2)
# abline(h=-log10(padj_thresh), v=c(-log2(1.5), log2(1.5)), col=1, lty=2)
# legend("topright", pch=1, col=2, legend=paste0("abs(z_score)<", z_score_thresh, " (", length(idx), " genes)"))

DE analysis on no-cnv samples

if (!file.exists('tmp/dmprocrdata_result_lin_reg_no_cnv.rds')){
  result_lin_reg_no_cnv = noCNV_diffAnalysis (data_ntrscr = data_ntrscr,
                                       data_cnv = data_cnv, 
                                       exp_grp = exp_grp, 
                                       gene_list = result_lin_reg)
  saveRDS(result_lin_reg_no_cnv, 'tmp/dmprocrdata_result_lin_reg_no_cnv.rds')
result_lin_reg_no_cnv = readRDS('tmp/dmprocrdata_result_lin_reg_no_cnv.rds')


#plot the result
# padj_thresh = 0.001
# z_score_thresh = 0.3
# noCNVlog2FC_thres = 2
# size_vec = result_lin_reg_no_cnv$padj < padj_thresh
# col_vec = result_lin_reg_no_cnv$z_score > (-z_score_thresh) & result_lin_reg_no_cnv$z_score < z_score_thresh 
# shape_vec = (result_lin_reg_no_cnv$noCNVlog2FC > noCNVlog2FC_thres | result_lin_reg_no_cnv$noCNVlog2FC < (-noCNVlog2FC_thres) ) 
# size_vec= as.vector(as.factor(size_vec))
# size_vec[size_vec == FALSE] = "1"
# size_vec[size_vec == TRUE] = "2"
# size_vec[] = "0"
# ggplot2::ggplot(data=result_lin_reg_no_cnv, ggplot2::aes(y=-log10(padj), x=log2FoldChange, colour=col_vec, shape = shape_vec, size = as.factor(size_vec))) + ggplot2::geom_point() + 
#   ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(labels = c("ns","noCNVlog2FC<-2 & noCNVlog2FC>2", "NA"), values = c(3,18, 18)) + 
#   ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(labels = c("ns","0.3<zscore<0.001", "na"), values = c("grey","red", "lightgray")) +
#   ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(padj_thresh)) +
#   ggplot2::scale_size_manual(labels = c("ns", "NA","padj<0.001"), values = c(0,0, 2)) 
DE with DESeq of candidate genes

Select candidate to perfom a fast analysis

candidates = select_candidates(gene_list = result_lin_reg_no_cnv,
                               z_score_thresh = 0.3, 
                               noCNVlog2FC_thresh= 2)

We perform DESeq2 analysis only on a subset of candidate genes. To be more accurate in the normalization process, with use the size factors calculated on the complete dataset in part 2.3

norm_matrix = matrix(data = rep(norm_trscr$size_factor, dim(candidates)[1]), dim(candidates)[1], length(norm_trscr$size_factor),byrow = TRUE)

dir.create("tmp", showWarnings=FALSE)
if (!file.exists('tmp/dmprocrdata.rds')){
dmprocrdata = RNAseq_diffAnalysis(
  data_trscr = data_trscr         , 
  exp_grp = exp_grp               , 
  gene_list = candidates           , 
  alpha = 0.05                    , 
  contrast = c("tissue_status","patho","normal"),
  normalization_factor = norm_matrix
saveRDS(dmprocrdata, 'tmp/dmprocrdata.rds')
dmprocrdata = readRDS('tmp/dmprocrdata.rds')

#plot the result.
padj_thresh = 0.001
size_vec = dmprocrdata$result_list$padj < padj_thresh
size_vec= as.vector(as.factor(size_vec))
size_vec[size_vec == FALSE] = "0.5"
size_vec[size_vec == TRUE] = "1.5"
size_vec[] = "0"
ggplot2::ggplot(dmprocrdata$result_list, ggplot2::aes(y=-log10(padj), x=log2FoldChange , size = as.factor(size_vec) )) + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(padj_thresh)) +
ggplot2::scale_size_manual(labels = c("ns", "NA","padj<0.001"), values = c(0,0, 2)) 

# fad_dmprocrdata = fad_RNAseq_diffAnalysis(
#   data_trscr = data_trscr                                         ,
#   exp_grp = exp_grp                                               ,
#   gene_list = gene_list                                           ,
#   apply_func = epimedtools::monitored_apply                       ,
#   contrast = c("sample","01","11")
# )

# layout(matrix(1:3, 1), respect=TRUE)
# plot(fad_dmprocrdata$result_list$log2FoldChange, dmprocrdata$result_list$log2FoldChange)
# abline(h=c(-log2(1.5), log2(1.5)), v=c(-log2(1.5), log2(1.5)), col=2)
# plot(-log10(fad_dmprocrdata$result_list$padj), -log10(dmprocrdata$result_list$padj), pch=".")
# abline(h=-log10(0.05), v=-log10(0.05), col=2)
# abline(h=-log10(padj_thresh), v=-log10(padj_thresh), col=2)

anadiff_res = dmprocrdata$result_list
plot(anadiff_res$log2FoldChange, -log10(anadiff_res$padj),
  pch=16, col=adjustcolor(1, alpha.f=0.1),
  xlab="l2fc", ylab="-log10(padj)", main=paste(nrow(anadiff_res), "genes")
abline(h=-log10(padj_thresh), v=c(-log2(1.5), log2(1.5)), col=1, lty=2)

Generates a candidate table

candidates = select_candidates(gene_list = dmprocrdata$result_list,
                               padj_thresh = 0.001, 
                               z_score_thresh = 0.3, 
                               noCNVlog2FC_thres = 2)

TO DO: FCh: Plot a Venn diagram of each filter (padj_thresh, z_score_thresh, noCNVlog2FC_thres)

Personalized method

This method enables selection of candidate regions based on 2 criteria:

TO DO: developper la méthode. J aimerais génerer une table du type data_trscr avec 1 pour diffenretiellement exprimé et 0 pour les autres. L analyse est a effectuer sur les données normalisées par DEseq

Definition of DE samples

This method is based on penda R package.

Selection of DE samples with no CNVs

Differential methylation analysis

For each candidate gene, we establish a profile of differential methylation based on the interpolation of methylation values between all the probes in the neighborhood of the TSS of that gene (VanderKraats, PMID: 23748561).

First we define the list of candidates and the corresponding BED file.

#gene_list_candidates = candidates[1:100,]
#random_idx = round(runif(dim(candidates)[1], min=1, max =dim(gene_list)[1]))
#random_idx = round(runif(100, min=1, max =dim(gene_list)[1])) #take 100 genes randomly
idx_to_remove = rownames(gene_list) %in% rownames(candidates)
gene_list_no_candidates = gene_list[!idx_to_remove, ]
random_genes = sample(rownames(gene_list_no_candidates), 100)

test_names = c(rownames(candidates), random_genes)

#length(which(rownames(gene_list[random_idx,]) %in% rownames(gene_list[random_idx,])))
label_vec = c(rep("cand", dim(candidates)[1]), rep("rand", length(random_genes)))
gene_list_candidates = gene_list[test_names, ]
gene_list_candidates$label = label_vec

TO DO: Homogénéiser la typo du code (à partir d ici j ai repris le code de paul en changeant la typo mais ce n est pas suffisant)

Prepare a differential methylation table

First we define a list of control methylation samples ("11") and tumoral methylation samples ("01").

TO DO: on pourrait utiliser ici le meme concept que ce que j'ai fait dans les fonctions précédentes, c'est à dire spécifier un contrast=c("sample", "01", "11") au lieu de vecteur de reférence idx_meth_tumor et ControRef...)

#idx_meth_tumor = rownames(exp_grp)[exp_grp$meth == 1 & exp_grp$sample == "01"]
#idx_meth_ctrl = rownames(exp_grp)[exp_grp$meth == 1 & exp_grp$sample == "11"]

The we generate the differential methylation table.

TO DO: Il faut modifier la fonction pour pouvoir ne générer la table de methylation différentielle que pour les sondes correspondant aux gènes candidats. Ici la table est calculée pour toutes les sondes de la platform

diff_meth_data = compute_pop_dm_table( gene_list = gene_list,
                                       exp_grp = exp_grp,
                                       data_meth = data_meth,
                                       contrast = c("tissue_status","patho","normal") ,
                                       pf_meth = pf_meth,
                                       pf_pos_colname = "position",
                                       pf_chr_colname = "seqnames",
                                       updwn_str = 5000,         
                                       slide = 500, 
                                       apply_func = epimedtools::monitored_apply)


RQ: la fonction de Paul renvoie une liste contenant data, platform et exp_grp. Je ne pense pas que cela soit nécessaire. Il me semblerait pertinent de modifier le code pour ne renvoyer qu une table de methylation differentielle. Mais il faudra verifier que cela fonctionne dans le reste des fonctions

3.2.2 Generate the corresponding differential methylation profiles

Then we generate the differential methylatin profiles of interest, by specifying the minimum number of probes to consider a gene as informative (nbProbes), and the bining window(slide).

TO DO: Attention, la fonction getalldmProfile va chercher en dur la colonne geneSymbol du bedfile, alors que celle ci n existe pas. Il faudra modifier cela selon si on decide d en faire une variable dynamique dans tout le package, ou de l appeler gene_id (comme dans le fichier gene_list de dmprocrdata) et de l imposer dans le structure des données

#Identifies probes for each gene of interest
pf_pos_colname = "position"
pf_chr_colname = "seqnames"
updwn_str = 5000
slide = 500
filename = 'tmp/profiles.rds'
probe_idx = epimedtools::monitored_apply(gene_list_candidates, 1, get_probe_names, pf_meth = pf_meth, pf_chr_colname = pf_chr_colname, pf_pos_colname = pf_pos_colname, up_str=updwn_str+slide, dwn_str=updwn_str+slide)

#Filter genes with sufficient ammount of probes
nb_probes = 7
idx = sapply(probe_idx, length) > nb_probes

#Compute the profile on genes of interest
tmp_candidates = gene_list_candidates[idx, ] #bed_file of genes of interest
probe_idx = probe_idx[idx]
probe_idx = unique(unlist(probe_idx))
tmp_pf_meth = pf_meth[probe_idx,] #methylation platform corresponding to tmp_candidates bed file

#gene_list_candidates = gene_list_candidates[idx, ]
#probe_idx = probe_idx[idx]
#probe_idx = unique(unlist(probe_idx))
#names(probe_idx) = NULL

#meth_platform = pf_meth[probe_idx,]
#meth_platform = meth_platform[order(meth_platform[[pf_chr_colname]], meth_platform[[pf_pos_colname]]),]
#data_meth = data_meth[rownames(data_meth),]

pf_pos_colname = "position"
pf_chr_colname = "seqnames"
updwn_str = 5000           
wig_size = 20       
slide = 500          
mask_wide = 200  
filename = 'tmp/profiles.rds'

if (!file.exists(filename)){

  profiles = epimedtools::monitored_apply(mod=1,
    tmp_candidates, 1, compute_gene_meth_profile, 
    exp_grp = exp_grp,
    type_of_analysis = "pop", #comment in performing individual analysis
    #type_of_analysis = "indiv", #comment in performing population analysis
    contrast=c("sample","01","11"), #comment in performing individual analysis
    #indiv_filtering_matrix = DE_matrix, #comment in performing population analysis
    data_meth = diff_meth_data                          , 
    pf_meth = tmp_pf_meth                       , 
    pf_pos_colname=pf_pos_colname                     , 
    pf_chr_colname=pf_chr_colname                     , 
    mask_wide=mask_wide                               ,
  saveRDS(profiles, filename)
profiles = readRDS(filename)

Here is a differential methylation profile example:


Comparison and classification of differential methylation (DM) profiles

We then define a specific metric that quantifies the distance between each pair of genes. Based on this metric, we perform hierarchical clustering on the distance matrix. This step allows to define groups of genes with similar DM profiles.

Calculation of the distance between each profile

dist_mat_orig = dmDistance(profiles = profiles)
geneNames    <- getProfileListID(dmprofileList = profiles)
dist_mat = dist_mat_orig

dist_mat[] = mean(dist_mat, na.rm=TRUE)
fit = cmdscale(dist_mat, eig = TRUE, k = 2)

x = fit$points[, 1]
y = fit$points[, 2]

col_vec = as.factor(gene_list_candidates[names(geneNames), ]$label)

plot(x, y, col=col_vec, pch=18)
legend("topright", legend = c("candidates","ctrl"), text.col=c("black", "red"))
# list_dist_mat = dmDistance_translocate(dmprofileList = profiles, slide = 500)

Hierarchical clustering of the disctance matrix

TO DO: Il y a un probleme avec la fonction clustdmProfile, la selection manuelle des clusters ne fonctionne qu a partir de 20 genes. Il faut regler ce bug, et voir si la seletion manuelle des cluster est bien ce qu il y a de mieux adapté. Sinon ce serait bien que cette fonction renvoie la gene_list initiale aggrémentée d une colonne cluster avec le numero des clusters associés.

# geneNames    <- getProfileListID(dmprofileList = profiles)
#clust_result <- clustdmProfile(mat = dist_mat, geneLabels = geneNames)

3.4. Enrichment analysis

On each group of genes identified by the clustering having a significant demethylation, we perform standard enrichment analysis to estimate the functionality of each group. Then, we infer a typical epigenomic profile for each group in normal tissues to relate regional epigenome properties in normal tissue to the risk to be an epigenetically regulated domains in lung cancer.

bcm-uga/dmprocrdata documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:46 p.m.