bdsegal/gammaDist: Distribution functions and MLE for gamma random variables

This package implements gamma difference distributions under the null of equal distributions, including the cumulative distribution function (CDF) derived by Klar (2015), and saddlepoint approximations to the CDF and density. In particular, if \eqn{X_i \sim \text{Gamma}(\alpha, \lambda), i=1, \ldots, n_x} and \eqn{Y_j \sim \text{Gamma}(\alpha, \lambda), j=1, \ldots, n_y}, gammDist computes the CDF and density for the random variable \eqn{Z = (1/n_x) \sum_i X_i - (1/n_y) \sum_j Y_j}. gammaDist also includes a function for computing the maximum likelihood and method of moments estimates for iid gamma random variables.

Getting started

Package details

LicenseGPL (>= 3)
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
bdsegal/gammaDist documentation built on July 22, 2019, 1:26 p.m.