Man pages for be-green/quantspace
Quantile Regression via Quantile Spacing

addMissingSpecColumnsAdd missing columns for specification
all_matchcheck if all values of two vectors match
avg_spacingComputes means for various slices of a regression_spec by...
bin_along_rangeBin a variable along a range
bootstrapRowsFunction that fully bootstraps rows
capture_outputCapture print output
check_algorithmCheck if algorithm exists
coef.qsMethod for getting coefficients from fitted qs model
collapse_correctlyhelper function, collapse using correct method
columns_match_vectorCheck which rows of a matrix match a whole vector
csrToDgcConvert SparseM row compressed matrix to Matrix dgC matrix
cub_rootFind cube root of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d=0
cub_root_derivDerivative of a cubic root
cub_root_selectFind cube root of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d=0
cub_root_select_rconicsCalculate cubic roots using the Rconics package
defcombinehelper function, borrowed from foreach
denseMatrixToSparseConvert matrix to a SparseM csr matrix
distributional_effectsCalculate distributional effects
do_matched_callrun function only with arguments that match the arguments for...
dot-onAttachSet bootstrap cores on load + welcome messages
ensureSpecFullRankEnsure that a regression specification is full rank
eval_CDFEvaluate CDF given quantiles and residuals
eval_density_RA function to evaluate the quantile or density of given data...
eval_PDFEvaluate PDF given quantiles and residuals
eval_QuantilesEvaluate CDF given quantiles and residuals
fit_approx_quantile_modelCompute quantile regression via accelerated gradient descent...
fit_lassoFit a quantile regression w/ a lasso penalty
fit_penalize_approx_quantile_modelCompute quantile regression via accelerated gradient descent...
fitQuantileRegressionEstimate a single quantile regression
getColNumsGet column numbers given starting values and regression...
getCoresGet user defined cores
get_interceptFinds which column of X has the intercept term
get_marginal_effectsCalculates the marginal effects of an N x p matrix...
getRankComputes the rank of a matrix. Outputs consistent results...
getRowsFunction which gets resampled rows
get_strataGet clusters for subsampling given a formula
get_underlyingGet the data inside the s4 slot of this sparse matrix class
getWeightsFunction that returns the correct weights for weighted...
glob_obs_matGlob observations w/ residuals above a certain magnitude
glob_obs_vecGlob observations w/ residuals above a certain magnitude
invInverse of a matrix, but catches the error
lasso_cv_searchSearch for optimal lambda via cross-validation
leaveRowsFunction that doesn't reorder rows (for weighted bootstrap)
makePlanMake a plan for the future parallel backend
make_se_matMake matrix into a "standard error" matrix
map_parallelMap a function along a list in parallel
map_rows_parallelMap a function along rows of a matrix or data.frame
marginal_effectsGet all marginal effects of variables in the fit
matrixTocscConvert Matrix Sparse Matrix to SparseM row compressed matrix
matrixTocsrConvert Matrix Sparse Matrix to SparseM row compressed matrix
meGet marginal effects at a set of levels for the covariates
mice-helpersImputation function to be used with the mice package
na_if_nullreturn NA if argument is null
pad_stringsPad vector of strings based on longest length
plot.distributional_effectsVisualize distributional effects
post_processed_grad_descentSmoothed Quantile Regression with Post-Processing
predict.qsPredict quantiles given fitted spacings model
print.qsPrint qs summary
print.qs_mePrint method for quantspace marginal effects
print.qs_summaryPrint qs summary
printWarningsGenerate warning messages for regression model
qr_drop_colinear_columnsDrop Colinear Columns from dense matrix
qsCompute quantile regressions via quantile spacings
qs_controlControl quantreg_spacing parameters
q_spline_RComputes the tail parameters and the second derivatives given...
quad_formQuadratic form of the cubic polynomial
quantreg_spacingLower level function which calculates the quantile spacing...
randomly_assignRandomly assign fold ids
regressResidualsRuns quantile regression on residuals of the model...
reorder_coefficientsReorder coefficients in case intercept wasn't the first term
repMatFor copying matrices as in Matlab (works for sparse matrices)
rescale_coefficientsRescale coefficients estimated on scaled data to match...
residuals.qsMethod for getting residuals from fitted qs model
rhoFunction for calculating Pseudo-R^2 values Evaluates the...
round_ifRound if x is numeric, otherwise don't Regression approximated w/ huber loss that complies with more general requirements Regression w/ Lasso Penalty Regression w/ Lasso Penalty that complies with more general requirements Regression Quantile Fitting with Weights regression approximated w/ huber loss followed by...
scale_for_lassoScale matrix for lasso regression
se_controlControl standard_errors parameters
seq_quantFor sequencing along probabilities
spacings_to_quantilesCompute quantiles given parameter coefficients and data
sparse_qr_drop_colinear_columnsDrop Colinear Columns from sparse matrix
spDiagCreate sparse diagonal matrix with vector x on diagonal
splint_RA function to conduct the interpolation given data and fitted...
spSumsReturn column sums of matrix
standard_errorsComputes standard errors for the quantile regression spacing...
subsampleRowsFunction that fully bootstraps rows
summary.qscreates a table of summary output for a qs object
be-green/quantspace documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m.