Man pages for beauchamplab/raveio
File-System Toolbox for RAVE Project

ants_coregRegister 'CT' or 'MR' images via "ANTs"
ants_preprocessingProcess 'T1' weighted 'MRI' using 'ANTs'
archive_subjectArchive and share a subject
as_rave_projectConvert character to 'RAVEProject' instance
as_rave_subjectGet 'RAVESubject' instance from character
as_rave_unitConvert numeric number into print-friendly format
as_yael_processCreate a 'YAEL' imaging processing instance
auto_process_blackrockMonitors 'BlackRock' output folder and automatically import...
backup_fileBack up and rename the file or directory
BlackrockFileClass definition to load data from 'BlackRock'...
cache_pathManipulate cached data on the file systems
cache_to_filearrayGenerate and automatically cache a file array
catglPrint colored messages
cmd-externalExternal shell commands for 'RAVE'
collapse2Collapse high-dimensional tensor array
collapse_powerCollapse power array with given analysis cubes
compose_channelCompose a "phantom" channel from existing electrodes
convert_blackrockConvert 'BlackRock' 'NEV/NSx' files
convert_electrode_table_to_bidsConvert electrode table
convert-fstConvert 'fst' files to other formats
dir_create2Force creating directory with checks
ECoGTensor'iEEG/ECoG' Tensor class inherit from 'Tensor'
export_tableExport data frame to different common formats
find_pathTry to find path along the root directory
generate_referenceGenerate common average reference signal for 'RAVE' subjects
get_projectsGet all possible projects in 'RAVE' directory
get_val2Get value or return default if invalid
global_preferencesGlobal preferences for pipelines and modules
h5_namesReturns all names contained in 'HDF5' file
h5_validCheck whether a 'HDF5' file can be opened for read/write
import_electrode_tableImport electrode table into subject meta folder
install_modulesInstall 'RAVE' modules
install_subjectInstall a subject from the internet, a zip file or a...
is.blankCheck If Input Has Blank String
is_on_cranCheck if current session is on 'CRAN'
is_valid_ishCheck if data is close to "valid"
is.zerolenthCheck If Input Has Zero Length
join_tensorsJoin Multiple Tensors into One Tensor
lapply_asyncRun 'lapply' in parallel
LazyFSTR6 Class to Load 'fst' Files
LazyH5Lazy 'HDF5' file loader
LFP_electrodeDefinitions of electrode with 'LFP' signal type
LFP_referenceDefinitions of reference with 'LFP' signal type
load_bids_ieeg_headerRead in description files from 'BIDS-iEEG' format
load_fst_or_h5Function try to load 'fst' arrays, if not found, read 'HDF5'...
load_h5Lazy Load 'HDF5' File via 'hdf5r-package'
load_meta2Load 'RAVE' subject meta data
load_yamlA port to 'read_yaml'
mgh_to_niiConvert 'FreeSurfer' "mgh" to 'Nifti'
module_addAdd new 'RAVE' (2.0) module to current project
module_registry'RAVE' module registry
new_electrodeCreate new electrode channel instance or a reference signal...
niftyreg_coregRegister 'CT' to 'MR' images via "NiftyReg"
pipelineCreates 'RAVE' pipeline instance
pipeline_collectionCombine and execute pipelines
PipelineCollectionsConnect and schedule pipelines
pipeline_installInstall 'RAVE' pipelines
pipeline-knitr-markdownConfigure "rmarkdown" files to build 'RAVE' pipelines
PipelineResultPipeline result object
pipeline_settings_get_setGet or change pipeline input parameter settings
PipelineToolsClass definition for pipeline tools
power_baselineCalculate power baseline
progress_with_loggerEnhanced progress with logger message
py_nipy_coregRegister 'CT' to 'MR' images via "nipy" script
RAVEAbstarctElectrodeAbstract definition of electrode class in RAVE
rave_brainLoad 'FreeSurfer' or 'AFNI/SUMA' brain from 'RAVE'
rave_command_line_pathFind and execute external command-line tools
rave_directoriesReturns a list of 'RAVE' directories
RAVEEpochDefinition for epoch class
rave_exportExport 'RAVE' data
rave_importImport data into 'rave' projects
raveio-constantsThe constant variables
raveio-optionSet/Get 'raveio' option
RAVEMetaSubjectDefines 'RAVE' subject class for meta analyses
rave-pipeline'RAVE' pipeline functions
rave-preparePrepare 'RAVE' single-subject data
RAVEPreprocessSettingsDefines preprocess configurations
RAVEProjectDefinition for 'RAVE' project class
rave-raw-validationValidate raw files in 'rave' directory
rave-serverInstall and configure 'RAVE' server as background service...
rave-snippet'RAVE' code snippets
RAVESubjectDefines 'RAVE' subject class
rave_subject_format_conversionCompatibility support for 'RAVE' 1.0 format
read-brainvision-eegLoad from 'BrainVision' file
read_csv_ieegRead comma separated value file and ignore headers
read_edf_headerRead 'EDF(+)' or 'BDF(+)' file headers
read_edf_signalRead 'EDF(+)' or 'BDF(+)' file signals
read_matRead 'Matlab' files
read_nsx_nevRead 'BlackRock' event and signal files
read-write-fstRead a 'fst' file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
safe_read_csvRead comma separated value files with given column classes
safe_write_csvSave data to comma separated value files with backups
save_h5Save objects to 'HDF5' file without trivial checks
save_jsonSave or load R object in 'JSON' format
save_meta2Function to save meta data to 'RAVE' subject
save_yamlWrite named list to file
TensorR6 Class for large Tensor (Array) in Hybrid Mode
test_hdspeedSimple hard disk speed test
time_diff2Calculate time difference in seconds
url_neurosynthGet 'Neurosynth' website address using 'MNI152' coordinates
validate_subjectValidate subject data integrity
validate_time_windowValidate time windows to be used
voltage_baselineCalculate voltage baseline
with_future_parallelEnable parallel computing provided by 'future' package within...
yael_preprocessProcess brain images for "YAEL"
YAELProcessClass definition of "YAEL" image pipeline
beauchamplab/raveio documentation built on April 24, 2024, 11:20 p.m.