Resubmission 2

Per CRAN review, I have added the rth role back into the DESCRIPTION file to cover a role for Diane Catellier.

I removed the \code{} elements from the DESCRIPTION file as requested by CRAN.

Presently, we do not have a reference for the method being used. We are working on the paper that will compare our method to MCMC methods and plan to add that paper to the package when published.

The Rd files that had '#None' were all helper files which when the package is installed are not directly accessible to the user. At some point in the future as the package matures, we may start exporting these functions. For now, I have removed these Rd files using the, #' @noRd, element in roxygen2.


Submission failed CRAN pretests because rth was used as a role in the DESCRIPTION file. I removed this role and the only note in the revised package is the new submission note. I also reduced the version number to 0.5.0 to reflect the early development state of this package.

Test environments

Packaged developed on Windows machine, built using devtools::build().

R CMD check results (when ran using devtools::check())

0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes

Results from running devtools::build_win()

Two notes: 1) One indicates this is a new submission 2) The second note is a blank note under, "checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ..." The cause of this note is my use of "rth" as a role for Diane Catellier who funded this package development and managed the project.

Downstream dependencies

BayesCTDesign is a new package.

Issues related to select Cran Policies

Email of maintainer:

I have installed the package locally and tested the package on Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu 16.04 linux machines.

begglest/BayesCTDesign documentation built on Nov. 29, 2021, 10:34 p.m.