Man pages for belleau/methylInheritanceSim
Simulating Whole-Genome Inherited Bisulphite Sequencing Data

calculateNbDiffCaseCalculate the number of differentially methylated cases.
createSampleIDGenerate the samples ID for the simulated dataset.
dataSimExampleA 'list' containing methylation information used by some...
estBetaAlphaEstimate the alpha parameter of a Beta distribution
estBetaBetaEstimate the beta parameter of a beta distribution
fixSeedFix seed value.
getDiffCaseGet the C/T proportion at a selected site, differentially...
getDiffMethIdentify differentially methylated sites and among those, the...
getSimSimulate the proportion of C/T at each site of synthetic CHR...
getSyntheticChrCreate a synthetic chromosome with the CTRL genome
methInheritSim-packagemethInheritSim: Simulating Whole-Genome Inherited Bisulphite...
runOnEachSynCHRSimulate a multigeneration methylation experiment with...
runSimSimulate a multigeneration methylation experiment with...
samplesForChrSyntheticAll samples information, formated by 'methylKit', in a...
saveDataSave data created during the simulation
simEachGenerationSimulate a multigeneration methylation experiment with...
simInheritanceSimulate a multigenerational methylation experiment with...
testIfAlreadyDoneTest if a specific simulation has already be done.
validateRunSimDoubleParametersParameters validation for the 'runSim' function. Only double...
validateRunSimIntegerParametersParameters validation for the 'runSim' function. Only integer...
validateRunSimLogicalParametersParameters validation for the 'runSim' function. Only logical...
validateRunSimOtherParametersParameters validation for the 'runSim' function. Only...
validateRunSimParametersParameters validation for the 'runSim' function.
belleau/methylInheritanceSim documentation built on April 1, 2020, 2:43 p.m.