# HydRoStat v1.0
# Copyright 2017 Irstea, IDDN.FR.001.460013.000.S.C.2017.000.20700
# Author: Benjamin Renard
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is provided within this
# distribution.
# See also <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#~* OBJET: Estimation Bayesienne
#~* PROGRAMMEUR: Benjamin Renard, Irstea Lyon
#~* CREE/MODIFIE: 09/07/2015
#~* 1. GetEstimate_BAY
#~* REF.: -
#~* A FAIRE: -
# Fonctions principales ----
#' Bayesian estimation of a distribution
#' Returns MCMC samples from the posterior distribution.
#' @param y numeric vector, data
#' @param dist character, distribution name
#' @param prior list of lists, prior distributions. For each parameter to be estimated, the prior
#' is a list of the form pr=list(dist=..., par=...). See example below.
#' @param par0 numeric vector, initial parameter guess. You may use GetEstimate_ROUGH().
#' @param mult numeric, initial jump standard deviations are set to mult * abs(par0)
#' @param eps numeric, where par0 is zero, initial jump standard deviations are set to eps (to avoid jumps of size zero)
#' @param batch.length integer, MCMC parameter: length of each non-adaptive batch
#' @param batch.n integer, MCMC parameter: number of batches (= adaptation period). Total number of simulations is nsim=batch.n*batch.length
#' @param moverate.min numeric in (0;1), MCMC parameter: lower bound for the desired move rate interval
#' @param moverate.max numeric in (0;1), MCMC parameter: upper bound for the desired move rate interval
#' @param mult.down numeric in (0;1), MCMC parameter: multiplication factor used to decrease jump size when move rate is too low.
#' @param mult.up numeric (>1, avoid 1/mult.down), MCMC parameter: multiplication factor used to increase jump size when move rate is too high.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \item{x}{numeric matrix nsim*length(par0), MCMC simulations}
#' \item{fx}{numeric vector, corresponding values f(x)}
#' @examples
#' y=c(9.2,9.5,11.4,9.5,9.4,9.6,10.5,11.1,10.5,10.4)
#' prior1=list(dist='FlatPrior',par=NULL)
#' prior2=list(dist='LogNormal',par=c(1,1))
#' prior3=list(dist='Normal',par=c(0,0.25))
#' prior=list(prior1,prior2,prior3)
#' par0=GetEstimate_ROUGH(y,'GEV')$par
#' mcmc=GetEstimate_BAY(y,'GEV',prior,par0,batch.length=50,batch.n=50)
#' graphicalpar=par(mfrow=c(2,3))
#' plot(mcmc$x[,1],type='l'); plot(mcmc$x[,2],type='l'); plot(mcmc$x[,3],type='l')
#' hist(mcmc$x[,1]); hist(mcmc$x[,2]); hist(mcmc$x[,3])
#' par(graphicalpar)
#' @export
mult.down=0.9, mult.up=1.1){
#^* OBJET: Retourne le resultat d'une estimation BAY+MCMC
#^* PROGRAMMEUR: Benjamin Renard, Irstea Lyon
#^* CREE/MODIFIE: 09/07/2015
#^* IN
#^* 1. [real] y, vecteur des données
#^* 2. [character] dist, nom de la distribution
#^* 3. [object] prior, liste des a prioris pour chaque paramètre
#^* 4. [real] par0, point de départ pour l'algo MCMC
#^* OUT
#^* 1. [list] Une liste comprenant:
#^* $x [real matrix]: simulations MCMC
#^* $fx [real vector]: valeur de f correspondant à chaque simu MCMC
#^* REF.:
#^* A FAIRE:
mult.down=mult.down, mult.up=mult.up)
# Fonctions privées ----
#^* OBJET: Retourne la densité a priori
#^* PROGRAMMEUR: Benjamin Renard, Irstea Lyon
#^* CREE/MODIFIE: 09/07/2015
#^* IN
#^* 1. [real] par, vecteur de paramètres
#^* 2. [object] prior, liste des a prioris pour chaque paramètre
#^* OUT
#^* 1. [real] la log-densité a priori
#^* REF.:
#^* A FAIRE:
#^* COMMENTAIRES: si les paramètres sont impossibles, retourne NA
#^* si l'a priori est nul, retourne -Inf
for(i in 1:n){
if(is.na(w)) return(NA)
if(w==-Inf) return(-Inf)
#^* OBJET: Retourne la distribution a posteriori pour la distribution 'dist' de
#^* paramètres 'par'
#^* PROGRAMMEUR: Benjamin Renard, Irstea Lyon
#^* CREE/MODIFIE: 09/07/2015
#^* IN
#^* 1. [real] par, vecteur de paramètres
#^* 2. [real] y, vecteur des données
#^* 3. [character] dist, nom de la distribution
#^* 4. [object] prior, liste des a prioris pour chaque paramètre
#^* OUT
#^* 1. [real] la log-densité a posteriori
#^* REF.:
#^* A FAIRE:
#^* COMMENTAIRES: si les paramètres sont impossibles, retourne NA
#^* si la vraisemblance ou l'a priori est nulle, retourne -Inf
if(is.na(LL)) {return(NA)}
if(LL==-Inf) {return(-Inf)}
if(is.na(LP)) {return(NA)}
if(LP==-Inf) {return(-Inf)}
for(i in 1:n){
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