Man pages for benaug/OpenPopSCR
Open Population Spatial Capture-recapture MCMC algorithms

build.dataFormat "secr-like" data for use in mcmc.OpenSCR or...
DerivedValuesFunction to post-process MCMC results of the year-specific...
DerivedValuesSexFunction to post-process MCMC results for the sex-specific...
mcmc.OpenSCRRun MCMC algorithm for fixed parameter or primary...
mcmc.OpenSCR.sexRun MCMC algorithm for fixed or sex-specific parameter open...
simOpenSCRSimulate data from an open population SCR study with fixed or...
simOpenSCR.plotPlot the open population simulation. Will document later.
simOpenSCRsexSimulate data from a Open population SCR study with sex (or...
benaug/OpenPopSCR documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 10:04 a.m.