Run MCMC algorithm for fixed or sex-specific parameter open...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) Examples

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This function runs an MCMC algorithm for a sex-specific open population SCR model. The data list should have the following elements: 1. y, a n x maxJ x T capture history where maxJ is the maximum number of traps across primary periods, T is the number of primary periods, and n is the number of animals captured. If population was not observed in primary period l, enter all zeros 2. X, a list with elements that consists of J[l] x 2 matrices housing the X and Y trap locations for each primary period, l. If the traps do not vary across primary periods, just repeat the same traps in each list element. If population was not observed in primary period l, enter NA instead of a matrix 3. K, a vector of size T indicating how many capture occasions there were in each primary period. If population was not observed in primary period l, enter NA 4. J, a vector of size T indicating how many traps there were in each primary period. If population was not observed in primary period l, enter NA 5. either buff or vertices. buff is the fixed buffer for the traps to produce the state space. It is applied to the minimum and maximum X and Y trap locations across primary periods, producing a square or rectangular state space. vertices is a *list* of matrices with the X and Y coordinates of a polygonal state space with one polygon in each list element. If there is just one polygon, the list is of length 1. If there are many polygons separated by large distances, you should think about the implications of activity centers possibly being stuck inside the polygons and check the activity center posteriors to see if this is happening. 6. tf is an optional list of vectors of length T containing the trap operation information. Each vector has one element for each trap and indicates how many occasions each trap was operational in that primary period. 7. primary is an optional a vector of length T with entries 1 if the population is to be observed in primary period l and 0 otherwise. 8. sex, a vector with 1, 2, and NA indicating male, female, and missing sex, respectively

inits sets the initial values and determines if parameters are fixed or sex-specific. It must have elements "lam0" "sigma", "gamma", "phi", and "psi". If there is an element "sigma_t", the parameters of a "meta mu" or Markov mobile activity center model will be estimated. If length(lam0)=1, a single lam0 will be estimated while if length(lam0)=2, lam0 will be sex-specific. This goes for sigma, gamma, and phi as well.

proppars is a list containing the tuning parameters for the parameters that use a Metropolis-Hastings update. It must have elemnts "lam0", "sigma", "gamma", "s2x", "s2y", "propz" (if jointZ=FALSE), and "sex". If a parameter is sex-specific, it needs two proppars. propz is the number of data augmentation z's to update in primary periods 2,...,t, so it should be of length t-1. Increasing propz improves mixing (up to a point) but increases computation time. The sex element determines how many latent sexes are updated on each iteration. If you set an initial value for sigma_t, you need to provide proppars for "sigma_t". Finally, proppars$s1x and proppars$s1y tune fixed activity centers or the meta mus and proppars$s2x and proppars$s2y tune primary period activity centers.

A note on the z samplers. jointZ=TRUE will update all the z's for each individual at the same time while jointZ=FALSE will update them sequentially. For T=3-6ish, you get a greater effective sample size per unit time with the joint update than with the sequential update. The joint update always mixes better, but takes longer as T increases.

A note on Rcpp. I've seen speed gains of 3-7x so far using Rcpp, but this improvement appears to be much reduced when switching to discrete state spaces where R has a fast vectorized operation for the majority of the calculations used in this update.

A note on discrete state spaces. Currently, only contiguous discrete state spaces are supported, or state spaces with only small gaps between patches. If using a complicated discrete state space, the activity centers may get stuck in patches in which they were initilized. To see if the current algorithms work, you should run several chains starting at different values of sigma_t and see if they converge. A better algorithm is in the works.

A note on sex-specific gamma. This algorithm estimates the number of males recruited per N and the number of females recruited per N and both will be smaller than what is estimated by mcmc.OpenSCR(), the number of individuals recruited per N. An alternative model would be the number of each sex recruited per females in the population.

Finally, a note on the speed of this sampler. It is substantially slower than the year-specific sampler because of the sex update that (potentially) depends on sex-specific lam0, sigma, gamma, phi, and sigma_t. All of these parameters in combination with where and how many times an individual was captured inform their sex. The sex-specific per capita recruitment also adds some computational cost.


4, niter = 1000, nburn = 0, nthin = 1, M = NA,
  inits = NA, proppars = NA, jointZ = TRUE, storeLatent = TRUE,
  Rcpp = FALSE, ACtype = "fixed", obstype = "bernoulli", dSS = NA,
  dualACup = FALSE)



a list produced by simOpenSCR or in the same format. See description.


an integer indicating the number of MCMC iterations to run


an integer indicating the number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn in


an integer indicating the MCMC thinning parameter. Record output on every nthin iterations. nthin=1 corresponds to no thinning


an integer indicating the size of the augmented superpopulation. M should be much larger than then number of individuals alive across all primary periods.


a list of user-supplied starting values with elements for lam0, sigma, gamma, phi, psi, and sigma_t (if using a structure movement model).


a list of tuning parameters for the proposal distributions with elements for lam0, sigma, gamma, s1x, s2y (for fixed and metamu models), s2x, s2y (for independent, markov, and metamu models), sex, and sigma_t (if using a structured movement model).


a logical indicating whether you want to use the sequential or joint z update.


a logical indicating whether or not to store and return the posteriors for z, s1, and/or s2


a logical indicating whether or not to use Rcpp


a character string indicating the activity center model. ACtypes can be divided into two types, those that operate on both continuous and discrete state space models and those that operate only on discrete state spaces. First, those operating on both. 1. "fixed": activity centers do not move between primary periods. 2. "independent": activity centers for each individual are independent between primary periods (e.g. random population mixing). Second, continuous state space models: 3. "metamu": primary period activity centers follow a bivariate normal distribution around a meta activity center with sigma_t determining the spread of primary period activity centers around the meta activity center. Primary period activity centers are required to stay inside the state space 4. "metamu2": is the same as "metamu" except only the meta activity centers are required to stay inside the state space. The primary period ACs float around nearby the state space, linked to their meta activity center. 5. "markov": activity centers in primary period 1 are spatially uniform. Activity centers in primary period l+1 are a bivariate normal draw centered around the activity center in primary period l (but must stay within the state space).

The "metamu" and "markov" models are truncated on rectangular state spaces. This is required to estimate sigma_t and to a lesser degree, the Ns without bias. If using a polygon state space, the "metamu2" model will provide unbiased estimates. If using a non-rectangular state space with a Markov model, see the discrete state space model below.

ACtypes operating only on discrete state spaces are currently limited to "markov2": Activity centers in primary period 1 are spatially uniform. Activity centers in primary period l+1 follow an exponential dispersal kernel centered at the activity center in primary period l; however the availability of dispersal distances in the state space are factored into the dispersal decision. This will be formally described elsewhere, but uses use vs. availability ideas to correct for restricted availabilities of dispersal distances.


a character indicating the observation model "bernoulli" or "poisson"


an optional (N_SS x 2) matrix for a discrete state space locations that overrules the buff or vertices objects in "data". A matrix with columns for x and y locations


a logical to be used with discrete state spaces indicating whether a second, interpatch activity center proposal is used. Currently under development–probably should not use.


an optional vector of length t with entries 1 if data was recorded in that primary period and 0 if not. This allows population dynamics to occur at equal interval primary periods even if data was not recorded at each primary period. If not entered, the population is assumed to have been sampled in all primary periods.


a list with the posteriors for the open population SCR parameters (out), s (s1xout,s1yout,s2xout,s2yout with s1 being meta ACs and s2 being primary period ACs), and z. s1x and yout are of dimension niter x M and s2x and yout and z are of dimension niter x M x T. Posteriors for the sex of each individual could be returned–email me if you want this. The "psex" parameter in out is the realized sex ratio in primary period 1. You can compute realized and expected primary period sex ratios by postprocessing the output. Email me if you want to know more.


Ben Augustine


## Not run: 
#Here is an example with all sex-specific parameters. To fix a parameter, just use 1 init and proppar
N=c(30,30) #order is M,F
sigma_t=c(0.5) #single sigma_t
pIDsex=0.95 #probability you will ID a sex
s2x=0.5,s2y=0.5,sigma_t=c(0.04),sex=100),niter=niter,nburn=nburn, nthin=nthin, M =M, inits=inits,proppars=proppars,ACtype=ACtype,
#need to run longer for proper inference
see the help file of mcmc.OpenSCR for examples with other ACtypes and state space options that work the
same in this sampler and for some MCMC tips.

## End(Not run)

benaug/OpenPopSCR documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 10:04 a.m.