Man pages for benharden27/seaprocess
Onboard Processing of SEA Data Streams

average_elgAverage time series data
calc_echo_ampCalculate echo amplitude from backscatter in an adcp object
compile_bottleCreate bottle file sheet
create_datasheetCreate complete data sheet from xls input
create_gps_dttmCreate a GPS DateTime field
create_summaryCreate Station Summary Sheet
ctd_to_tibbleConvert a ctd profile from OCE class ctd to tibble
find_nearFind index of nearest value in vector
format_adcp_odvFormat ADCP Data for ODV inport
format_bottle_odvFormat bottle datasheet for ODV
format_csv_outputFormat for CSV output
format_ctd_odvFormat CTD Data for ODV inport
format_decimalFormat to number of decimal places
format_elg_odvFormat Hourly Data for ODV inport
format_neuston_odvFormat Neuston Data for ODV inport
format_odvWrapper function to format any odv file
get_elgGet elg data from file or folder
helloHello, World!
import_odvImport a txt file to ODV
interp_adcpInterpolate an adcp field to different depths
interpolate_depthInterpolate a ctd tibble on a regular pressure grid to a...
parse_fieldGeneric field parser - can be used for all elg and excel...
parse_latParse lat from elg file
parse_latlonParse lon and lat strings
parse_lonParse lon from elg file
process_adcpMaster processing function for ADCP data
process_ctdMaster processing function for ctd data
process_elgMaster processing function for event data
read_adcpRead RDI ADCP ensemble file
read_adcp_foldRead all ADCP Ensemble files in a folder and combine
read_calc_fold#Read a folder of calculation sheets, and append the data to...
read_calc_sheetAppend calculation sheet data to bottle summary
read_cnv_latlonRead lat and lon from CNV header
read_ctdRead and process CTD data
read_ctd_foldRead all CNV files in a folder
read_elgRead in SEA data from an ELG event file and return a well...
read_elg_foldRead multiple ELG files from a folder
read_rosRead and process data from a ROS seabird file
uv_to_wswdU and V to wind speed and wind direction
write_odvWrite formatted data to odv txt file
wswd_to_uvConvert wind speed and wind direction to u and v
zd_to_tzZone Description to Time Zone
benharden27/seaprocess documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:20 p.m.