Man pages for benjamin-w-campbell/egoTERGM
Estimation of Ego-Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models via Expectation Maximization (EM)

ego_ergmEstimation of ego-Exponential Random Graph Model (ego-ERGM)...
ego_tergmEstimation of ego-Temporal Exponential Random Graph Model...
ego_tergm_fitExample Ego-TERGM Output
interpret_ego_tergmCustom interpret function for ego-TERGM.
plot_ego_tergmFunction to plot role assignments.
prepare_for_tergmPrepares ego-TERGM output for xergm's btergm function.
sim_egonetsSimulation of longitudinal ego-networks according to a...
stability_validationStability validation of ego-Temporal Exponential Random Graph...
benjamin-w-campbell/egoTERGM documentation built on June 3, 2019, 5:56 p.m.