getEIC-methods: Get extracted ion chromatograms for specified m/z ranges

Description Arguments Value Methods See Also


Generate multiple extracted ion chromatograms for m/z values of interest. For xcmsSet objects, reread original raw data and apply precomputed retention time correction, if applicable.



the xcmsRaw or xcmsSet object


either a two column matrix with minimum or maximum m/z or a matrix of any dimensions containing columns mzmin and mzmax

for xcmsSet objects, if left blank the group data will be used instead


a two column matrix the same size as mzrange with minimum and maximum retention times between which to return EIC data points

for xcmsSet objects, it may also be a single number specifying the time window around the peak to return EIC data points


step size to use for profile generation


either character vector with names or integer vector with indicies of peak groups for which to get EICs


either character vector with names or integer vector with indicies of samples for which to get EICs


"corrected" for using corrected retention times, or "raw" for using raw retention times


For xcmsRaw objects, if rtrange is NULL, an intensity matrix with a row for each mzmin, mzmax pair. Columns correspond to individual scans. If rtrange is not NULL, a list of two column (retention time/intensity) matricies, one for each mzmin, mzmax pair.

For xcmsSet objects, an xcmsEIC object.


object = "xcmsRaw"

getEIC(object, mzrange, rtrange = NULL, step = 0.1)

object = "xcmsSet"

getEIC(object, mzrange, rtrange = 200, groupidx, sampleidx = sampnames(object), rt = c("corrected", "raw"))

See Also

xcmsRaw-class, xcmsSet-class, xcmsEIC-class

benjiec/xcms documentation built on May 12, 2019, 11:57 a.m.