knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

This is a workflow to create the "reproduceability" we learned in the Summer School "Reproducable Research in Landscape Archaeology" by Ben Marwick et al. 17th-21st July 2017.


Start Rstudio and start by creating your package:


This creates also the description, namespace and manuals-folder (man). Remember to edit the description. Especially the imports should be continously updated!

Levae the other two alone...


This puts the MIT licence in the DESCRIPTION and creates the license-document, which you need to edit to give your name. Think about your decision, do you want to use the MIT-license or another one?



This creates your local github repository for the package. Go online to to create your online repository with the same name. Commit and push your package.


With these you create the README.Rmd and the travis.yml.

The README.Rmd needs to be updated with your packagename in the "Travis-CI Build Status" (the url to your travis-website).

The travis.yml needs following changes:

Remeber to locally build your package if you have created your own functions.

Folder structure

Create your analysis-folder (if you use it) and create there your Markdown.Rmd. Name it whatever you said in the travis.yml .

Create the data-folder and whichever else you need.

Circleci and Travis

Copy and paste the circle.yml from a working package into your package folder and edit the variables in the circle yml, especially the packagename.

Go to your websites on and on to create the connections to the github package.

Paste in Dockerfile from a working package and edit ist. Things that need to change:

Run the system

Commit everything and push it to Github.

Wait for the error message from Travis.

Don't panic!

Look at the error message and try to find out, what the problem was. Good luck and when you succeed, don't forget to stick a yellow sticker to your laptop!

Useful shell commands

For checking, committing and pushing files via the shell, use:

$ git add filename.ext
$ git commit -m 'place comment here'
$ git push origin master

benmarwick/rrtools documentation built on June 7, 2024, 8:19 p.m.